Supportive Partners

Help and support for partners of sexual abuse survivors.

"Being a supportive partner of an abuse survivor takes a special person and a special attitude. It can be frustrating at times and very rewarding at others. One thing it is not is boring! I am a partner of an emotionally and sexually abused survivor and know first-hand how challenging it can be living with one. Whatever your situation, remember, you are not the only one..."Rob Marshall, Holli's Husband

This area is for partners of survivors. Partners need to support abuse survivors. We need support as well.

Share with others how you, as a partner, got through a particularly rough time. What kinds of feelings have you experienced? How are you coping?


next: A Flower Growing in the Desert -About Me-
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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, March 21). Supportive Partners, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 9 from

Last Updated: May 5, 2019

Why Do Battered Women Stay in Abusive Relationships?

There are many reasons why battered women stay in abusive relationships or leave and return to their abuser.

From a manual by The Greater Portland's Women's Resource Center Shelter

The Women's Resource Center believes that a more important question is: Why do batterers batter?

Unfortunately, our society focuses more on the actions of the victim than on the abuser. We provide explanations here for why abuse survivors stay to facilitate understanding toward the women that we serve.

  • What if you had no money?
  • What if the batterer said that he would kill you if you left?
  • What if the batterer said he would kill the kids if you left?
  • What if he threatened to fight you for custody of your children?
  • What if you believed that it was important to have two parents for your kids?
  • What if you had no job skills?
  • What if you had no friends or family to help you?
  • What if you had no faith in the justice system?
  • What if you had no place else to go?
  • What if you were more afraid of what might happen if you left?
  • What if you thought that things were going to get better?

Emotional Factors

  • What if you thought that you were causing the violence?
  • What if you were sure that you could change your behavior and stop the violence?
  • What if you felt too guilty to end your relationship?
  • What if you didn't want to leave your home and belongings?
  • What if the idea of leaving and being alone terrified you?
  • What if you loved the abuser?
  • What if your children loved the abuser?
  • What if your family told you to stay?

Personal Beliefs

  • What if you believed that marriages should last forever?
  • What if you thought that violence in relationships was normal and inevitable?
  • What if you believed that women had to comply with men?
  • What if your religion or culture forbade you to leave?


Remember that a woman leaves the batterer 3-7 times before she is able to leave him for good. Leaving is never easy.

We realize that and it is so hard to watch a woman staying in the shelter choosing to go back to the abuser. Remembering these factors will help us realize why she does go back.

At the shelter, we choose to believe that anytime a woman leaves that she means it and that she will succeed. If she goes back and then returns to us, we don't doubt her when she says that this time she will stay away.

Leaving an abusive relationship is probably the hardest thing she will ever do. She needs us to believe in her.

next: Family and Friends of Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse
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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, March 21). Why Do Battered Women Stay in Abusive Relationships?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 9 from

Last Updated: May 5, 2019

The History of the Mint Green Ribbon

Stop Abuse. Join My Mint Green Ribbon Campaign

The history of the Mint Green Ribbon is very simple.

I was abused, neglected, abandoned, etc... as a child. In January 1995, I established the Mint Green Ribbon for the Awareness of Abuse. I saw everyone walking around me with ribbons of a different color, most predominant the red ribbon for AIDS awareness. I thought, why is it that abuse survivors/victims don't have a showing of support like this??? So I had to choose a color.

After researching all the different colored ribbons out there, I chose mint green. Pink (often for baby girls) was associated with breast cancer and blue (boys) is associated with freedom of speech, school violence, etc. Since mint green wasn't taken, I thought it was perfect. It involves boys and girls, no sex in particular, representing us all as one.

This page is your one-stop resource for the materials needed to start spreading the Mint Green Ribbon for the Awareness of Abuse campaign in your area. I can send you a mint green ribbon or you can make your own to proudly display. Please urge others to wear a mint green ribbon to indicate they are a survivor of abuse or to show their support for abuse awareness.

Here's how you can start your own Mint Ribbon Campaign

How can I help bring about awareness and spread the word that abuse is wrong?

  • Make and distribute Mint Green Ribbons!
  • Put a ribbon on your website (right click the ribbon image at the top of the page, select "save image as") and explain the meaning behind it.
  • Wear a Mint Green Ribbon to show your support for the children of this country and abroad!
  • Tie a ribbon to your antenna!
  • Tie a Mint Green Ribbon around your tree!
  • When people ask what the Mint Green Ribbon is for, explain to them that it stands for the Awareness of Abuse, to stop abuse!
  • Pass around this flyer explaining the campaign.
  • Direct people to the website
  • Start your own manual petition. The top should say, "Mint Green Ribbon Campaign for the Awareness of Abuse"!
  • Raise donations for children's homes c/o the Mint Green Ribbon!
  • Ask local businesses to put up flyers or hand out extra ribbons!
  • Write to your local, state, and federal officials!


A wareness

B ecause

U ntil that happens

S uffering shall not

E nd

Our children are our future, but their well-being in our society continues to decline. The health and safety of our children is everyone's responsibility. Please help to ensure healthy, safe children and families in our community by taking action as an individual, group, or business."

There is nothing I can do about my past childhood suffering, the only thing I can do is help those who are now in need of help. My past is not as important. It's what I do for the children of today that matters, so they can become better adults.

We all must work together to help each one in our community. Miracles happen when we work at it. It's not given away freely.

Holli Marshall


©Mint Green Ribbon for the Awareness of Abuse, Inc. and A.B.U.S.E. statement by Holli Marshall

next: Why Do Battered Women Stay in Abusive Relationships?
~ all Holli's Triumph Over Tragedy articles
~ all abuse library articles
~ all articles on abuse issues

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, March 20). The History of the Mint Green Ribbon, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 9 from

Last Updated: May 5, 2019

A Flower Growing in the Desert

I suffered child abuse, neglect, abandonment. My story of overcoming child abuse and becoming a survivor.

My Story of Abuse


Currently, I am in a very good spot in life. I have been able to continue to bridge my past with the present. My family and I are all able to communicate with each other. I am just looking ahead. Trying to enjoy every moment I have been given on this earth. I am currently disabled because of my abuse, neglect, and abandonment as a child. I am writing my story so we all gain more awareness of child abuse in this country. My husband told me once that he sees me as a "flower growing in the desert". I have grown and blossomed even though I have been in the harshest of environments. Nothing in life is easy or not even perfect by any means. I still have a lot of struggles, but I can honestly say I am a survivor, not a victim. I will continue to heal and gain the knowledge I need to understand the hurts, the anger, the love, everything that is me. I think it's important to understand that you can "Triumph Over Tragedy."

It wasn't always that way though:

Hello. My name is Holli, I am 28 years old. I think the best way to let you know a brief summary of my life would be to do just that...summarize. I believe strongly that we need understanding and knowledge if the abuse is to ever cease. It may not happen in our lifetimes, but it will never happen if we don't speak out against abuse.

Age 5, I was raped by an 18-year old male babysitter. Ages 8-14, incested by my brother four years older than myself, who is developmentally delayed. Age 10-14, I was raped and molested by at least six different neighborhood boys.


I was born with a cleft of the hard and soft palate (roof of my mouth) which was repaired at the age of 18 months. The surgeons had to keep postponing the surgery date because of pneumonia. Finally, they just did the surgery while I had pneumonia and I remained in an oxygen tent for about one month following the surgery. For the next six years, I needed speech therapy and had to endure school children teasing me unrelentingly.

I also have a genetic disorder known as Stickler syndrome. Along with that, I have very bad eye-sight, the possibilities are in favor of going blind, joint pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia (to the point where I use a walker and sometimes a wheelchair to assist me), migraines, insomnia, flashbacks, and night sweats. These all add up to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I am also anorexic.

A Little Family History

My mother has D.I.D. (dissociative identity disorder), formerly known as M.P.D. (multiple personality disorder), and was/is very abusive in every way, except sexually. She tried to commit suicide all throughout my life. I have seen her cut herself deeply, as well as an overdose on pills. Several times, I saw her flatline right in front of me.

I was always the one to call 911 and get the paramedics to her or I would take her directly to the emergency room when she was threatened with being committed for her numerous suicide attempts. I visited her in the hospital and she would verbally, emotionally, and mentally blame her problems on my birth. I would leave the hospital floor as she swore aloud the whole time, telling me over and over that I was the cause of her "mental death". She also would say how she never wanted me, that I was not a part of her.

One time, in particular, she had a butcher knife in her hand and was cutting on her wrist. I was about 13 during this incident and struggled to get the knife out of her hands, not thinking that she could have turned the knife on me. I threw it and she grabbed a bottle of her pills and poured them all into her mouth. I reached around her in a chokehold fashion and scooped as many pills as I could out of her mouth and threw them down into the sink. She managed to swallow quite a few.

She stashed pills all the time (my father, brother, and I would look for stashes around the house whenever she was in the hospital so my father could show her psychiatrist). One time, she ran for a stash and locked herself in the bathroom. I called 911 frantically, they knew me by name, and that was just one of the times she flatlined on the floor. The paramedics put the shock paddles on her and she regained her pulse. I guess she lost it somewhere on the way to the hospital and in the hospital, but they managed to bring her back to life every time.

A Scary Life For a Little Child

I was left at home, no one to talk to, not knowing if my mother was alive or dead, alone. I would come home from school, not knowing if I was going to see my mother dead or alive in bed.
When I was an infant, she would put me in my crib, three floors up, and go downstairs to "escape" from the "pressure".


My sister reported that when she would get home from school, my diapers would be so badly soiled that I had horrible rashes all the time. She would change me and go downstairs to start dinner. My mother did not want to feed me. So I was fed when my father was home. Since he was working, and working hard to make ends meet with three children, eating was sporadic and varied.

I did not play and know the joys of childhood the way a normal child would. I wasn't loved and nurtured. I was told all of the time, how unlovable I was, and I was told to "shut up". Family matters were private. We wore masks of happiness to hide the pain.

I was severely neglected and abandoned and doctors said most babies would have died in my situation.

Abuse Takes Its Toll

My father was an alcoholic. He was controlling and emotionally, verbally, and mentally abusive. He's been sober for over 20 years now.

My parents are still married. Throughout the recent years, there have been times when I thought the healing process for us was going well. My parents and I have worked very hard on establishing some kind of acquaintance with one another.

When I originally wrote my story in 1997, I had no contact with my parents. I love them, even through all the pain. It hurts me deeply not to have a relationship that I so desperately desire. But sometimes in life, we must experience "Necessary Losses." Today we cope. We have found a way and I am ever grateful to have them share my life with me.

Sadly, there were times though when I decided to continue my distance from the family system. There is far too much manipulation and abuse that continues to remain. Sometimes, I felt I couldn't deal with it anymore and that my efforts to heal with them were in vain. I wish I could believe that things would change or turn around, but the simple truth is that I have done 110% and when nothing is changing, it just drains the energy I need to survive.

My older sister, who fell into drug abuse, moved to a different state to finish high school and married. She and her husband are alcoholics and have two beautiful daughters. Over the years, we have had an on-again, off again relationship. Life is tough for both of us. Today we talk all the time and are establishing a true loving bond. I am so happy to have her as a part of my life.

I think it's important to understand that you can "Triumph Over Tragedy."

next: The History of the Mint Green Ribbon
~ all Holli's Triumph Over Tragedy articles
~ all abuse library articles
~ all articles on abuse issues

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, March 20). A Flower Growing in the Desert, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 9 from

Last Updated: May 5, 2019

Holli's Triumph Over Tragedy Homepage

Here's my story as victim and survivor of child abuse. Holly Marshall

My Personal Mission Statement

Things I cannot control, I shall never understand.
Thoughts running through my mind of one thing only,
of you, the survivors and victims, so frightened, so lonely.

The Devil himself came forth that day,
to take your lives with his selfish play.
And now you sit next to God our Father,
watching down on all who gather.

Your smiles our light to live each day,
remembering the good before you were taken away.
So innocent, so sweet, victims of greed.
Your lives were lost or not long at all, so I'll live mine for you.
I'll be happy like you'd want me to be.
I'll watch over all that I love.
Knowing my Angels will be watching from above.

Many people's lives you've touched,
I now can only offer this hope my heart crushed.
I am sorry that you had to keep it hidden,
I bear in mind to keep in un-hidden!

It is my mission that God gave to me.
So think, those beautiful smiles and dancing eyes
will remain with all forever.

-Holli Marshall

(My dedication to those who have come before me, after me, and the ones that perished along the way: I intend to not stop short of ending the cycle of child abuse! Please join my "Mint Green Ribbon Campaign to Heighten Awareness of Abuse Issues.".)


Holli's Triumph Over Tragedy

next: The History of the Mint Green Ribbon
~ all abuse library articles
~ all articles on abuse

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, March 20). Holli's Triumph Over Tragedy Homepage, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 9 from

Last Updated: May 5, 2019


today is just like most of my down days, I either burry my head in the covers and cease to function, or I lash out at the world because I can't feel.  Oh how I need to feel anything , a prick on the arm , a pinch on the face , a slap any thing pain heck wake me up,I feel so dead inside like no one exist, so I do it , I cut to prove I am alive.   I would much rather be manic and running all over the place doing everthing staying busy than this slow death. being depressed. I just so want to be with my husband Richard who past away in 2003 or my friend John who died in 2006 than live this hell of depression I am going though right now. It feels like my lifefource is slowly being drained from me and it hurts.

Please don't give my that line this will all pass soon, I have been listening to that for 12 years , then my head shrinker  killed himelf. poeteic justic I guess, the man that was supose to be helping me, offed himelf , just think he couldn't even  help himself.  Left me to deal with my problem once again on my own, just like everyone else in my life.  I feel so betrayed and its not really their fault just crappy timing in my life.

this right now is just getting my thoughts out of my head, I don't really have a safe place to do that anymore.  just guide me through this journey.


love to all 


APA Reference
(2009, March 20). confusion---------, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 9 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

i want to murder someone

with a smile on my face

i will use the cleaver 

and you will use your mace

 struggle like a rabbit

captured by a dog

because that is how I like it



AAAANYway I should probably take a nap and lay off the coffee

APA Reference
(2009, March 20). i want to murder someone, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 9 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

2 matresses increaces the number of sides a bed has....

thereby increasing your chances of waking up on a "right" side. Or maybe it was the fact that right before I woke up I had my thumbs in someone's eyesockets seriously thinking about ending him. That always cheers me up.


The nerve of some people. I've been in SERIOUS pain all week and my husband had the nerve to start complaining that he was being "distracted" at work... meaning "you're not doing your duty as a wife and it's all your fault that I'm looking at other girls because I absolutely refuse to masturbate" I love him to death but I almost wonder why I saved his butt in my dream last night. 


My burn isn't healing but apparently it's okay, infection is going away. I've just never had a  3rd degree burn and freaked out when it started lookin bad :p


Uhm.... yeah, I can't wait till I'm in the hospital and people are kicking themselves for throwing God at me instead of getting me the care I probably need.

APA Reference
(2009, March 20). 2 matresses increaces the number of sides a bed has...., HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 9 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

My first entry


 Write here your Blog entry.

APA Reference
(2009, March 18). My first entry, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 9 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Healing river.....

This one needs to be short because I have an appt. in an hour. I'm going to meet with Paula to start sessions regarding my past sexual abuse. I anticipate this being very rough! I've tried to write in journals and talk to a few people in the past and have gotten to the point of near mental disability. I was forced to, again, repress the information and abort the mission to resolve. I'm confident that I'll be OK this time. Paula will be there and I have 24 hour access to help and support through the family center. I was refered to Paula through the director. She is very good, so I'm told.

Ted and I aren't speaking. I just want to stay here in my apt. away from him right now. I think I'll mention that to Paula. I know it's not the best thing but it is the easiest right now; for both of us!!

I spent a few hours on the river yesterday and it felt good. I used to go there when I was a kid to get away from my Dad and the confinements of depression. The sound of the water rushing by and the roar of the water spilling over the dam is comforting. It drowns out the world. There were people all around me but I couldn't hear them for the water. The moisture in the air makes me feel cleansed, inside and out. The movement of the water and the wind lends a sense of healing. It is truly nature's therapy!! You oughta try it.




APA Reference
(2009, March 18). Healing river....., HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 9 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014