

Back in college, I believed that finding my purpose in life would bring me mental peace. After graduating as an IT engineer, I took some to figure out that my first love, writing, was my purpose. I thought that I had finally figured out my pathway to peace. Little did I know how wrong I was! Here's what I wish I knew about purpose and peace in my twenties.
I’ve decided that my mental health is more important to me than politics. Here’s why I feel I have to take this stance–and, for many this election year, mental health is more important than politics.
Panic attacks can be frightening to deal with when they are happening. As someone who has dealt with panic attacks for as long as I have been dealing with chronic anxiety, I have found that it is important for me to know how to cope when I experience a panic attack.
Pride Month is an exuberant, meaningful occasion for queer folks and their allies, but in order for all members of this global community to feel embraced as their full selves, we must prioritize body inclusion in Pride Month celebrations. Otherwise, we risk further disenfranchising those who could benefit from these safe and joyful spaces the most.
As someone who has struggled with mental health issues, I know how challenging it can be to maintain self-esteem. The summer solstice, the longest day of the year, provides a powerful metaphor for finding our inner light and strength. Just as the sun reaches its peak, illuminating our world, we too can harness this energy to bolster our self-esteem. 
Rejection Sensitivity in general is difficult, but Rejection Sensitivity at work is especially hard since a certain level of professionalism is expected. I consider myself highly sensitive, so managing the fear of conflict or being disliked causes me tremendous anxiety, and it wasn't until recently that I finally felt I had a sense of control over my emotions in the workplace.
My name is Elizabeth Naraine, and I am excited to join the HealthyPlace community as a new author for "Treating Anxiety." Anxiety has affected me in different ways throughout my life. Beginning in the early years of elementary school, I experienced racing thoughts and a pit in my stomach before the day started. Throughout my teen and adult years, it evolved to constant worrying about my future, career outlook, and relationships. My goal with this blog is to help you feel supported and understood through the challenges of living with anxiety and offer a glimmer of hope that there are effective ways to treat anxiety and overcome it.
I've found that depression and isolation go together. I was responding to a comment on Jennifer Tazzi's blog post "What to Do When Depression Feels Like a Glass Wall" from several years ago. Her post inspired me to write about isolation and derpession because I could relate.
Have you heard of a life script? Changing your life isn't easy, especially when you seek change that stands the test of time. I have been struggling to make some changes, and in a recent therapy session, I learned a technique that can help anyone steer their life in the direction they want. It's called rewriting your life script, and it can transform your life in ways you never thought possible. 
There are healthy alternatives to gambling, but building healthy habits as a recovering gambling addict is not easy. One day, you feel like it's all behind you, and the next, you are fighting the urge not to place that bet. This was me a couple of years back. Weeks and even months of abstinence would crumble at the allure of the casino until I realized that recovering from gambling addiction requires more than just abstaining from placing bets. Recovery also involves finding healthy alternatives to gambling, supporting your current lifestyle.

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Your mental health IS a far greater contributor to your well being and the well being of those around you than what is going on in the world of politics. Others might argue with that - you allude to the common sentiment that it is a luxury or privilege to not have to care about politics - but such people are too close to their own stories.

Happiness and freedom come from within.
Deborah Powell
Good evening my name is Debbie I'm 69 years of age and I have a little blood pressure issue but it's mainly due more to my poor eating habits anyway I've had this all my life I've always worked 3to4 jobs all my adult life now I can't and I've tried non stimulant meds all it does is cause nightmares and I had ekg done on my heart and it came up normal I've jumped threw hoop after hoop I'm sooooo stressed out about it I'm so hyper constantly I can't get anything done I continue to go from one thing to another my life is all over the place I've got 3 doctors and their making life even harder for me thanks for listening
Tod Zuckerman
I struggle with GAD.. GAD causes many of us to make stupid decisions, which makes things even worse. .This article helped.
Mine are on my upper/inner thighs, nobody knows or has seen except my boyfriend but I’m not sure how I can keep it hidden from my friends or family without having to try too hard
I'm 12 and I stole from my dad and i have done it since the start of september and still do and I also have ADHD but my dad does not under stand that my ADHD does this to me he thinks i do it fir my friend but i do it and I have overdosed before because I felt very depressed but I'm going to one of my aunts house for summer break and it will help I've just been very sad about it and depressed because I will be away from my cat and he is a stress relief for my ADHD and my dad wants to keep me there for one year but I don't want to miss my grade eight year with my besties because my school is not grade five to nine its five to eight and I don't want to be away because I'm going to FRC while one of my besties are going to PTC and I've stolen 3 thousand from him but my dad has a painting business word of mouth painting and bisuness is growing really fast even though he started two years ago is really good and im happy but I also feel guilty becuase i also stole that money because I don't want my mom to come to Canada because my mom has tried to kill my dad three time before and my dad moved to Canada to get away from her but then again he's trying to get a visitor visa for my mom,three older biological brothers but not my dads real sons but he treats them like his kids and that makes Him a great dad and ill miss him while I'm gone for two months but I have to stop my addiction to stealing cause its gotten me in to trouble in school because that how he found out but it's good he did because the vice princable searches through my bag every day and taking money I steal to give to mg dad I have the best people to support my and I support you because I under stand your problem.