Cyberwidows Help Center

Information and help for those who have lost a loved one as a result of internet addiction, cybersex, or a cyberaffair.

Internet affairs are no longer about two people simply chatting it up online.   Now there's easy access to online dating sites for married people, video sites for online sexual trysts or why not just hook up on Adult Friendfinder and find a real life sexual partner who doesn't care whether you're married (connected) or not. So if your partner is a cybersex addict, he or she has no problem filling that addictive need.

Unfortunately, that also means there are a lot of partners, women and men, who are left behind to deal with the emotional aftermath after discovering their partner had a cyberaffair or an affair which began by hooking up over the internet.

In the Cyberwidows Help Center, we have comprehensive information to help you understand cybersexual addiction and what's happened as well as access to help and support.


Caught in the Net - The is the first relationship book to help cyberwidows cope with cyberaffairs and online cheating. It provides communication techniques and ways to help rebuild your marriage.

Clinic - Our Virtual Clinic provides affordable, confidential, and high quality counseling to cope with cyber-related disorders for yourself or a loved one.

Infidelity On-Line Booklet - This exclusive informational step-by-step guide and interactive workbook is specially designed to help you and your partner rebuild your relationship after a cyberaffair.

Cyberwidows Test - A test to help cyberwidows' determine their loved one's addiction to the Internet.

next: Has Your Relationship Been Hurt By A Cyberaffair?
~ all center for online addiction articles
~ all articles on addictions

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, January 1). Cyberwidows Help Center, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from

Last Updated: June 24, 2016

How Your AD/HD Affects Your Business

Many AD/HD entrepreneurs have no idea how their ADHD is affecting their ability to do business and how much more successful they could be.

Many AD/HD entrepreneurs have no idea how their ADHD is affecting their ability to do business and how much more successful they could be.As I mentioned in the first article in this series, as an AD/HD Entrepreneur Coach, it seems to me that entrepreneurs are more likely than most people to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or AD/HD. Unfortunately, many of these AD/HD entrepreneurs have no idea how their AD/HD is affecting their ability to do business. At my seminars about entrepreneurship and AD/HD, I get questions like "I've been very successful. Why do I need to come to you?" "So what if I have AD/HD?" is another popular question.

It's not a question of how successful you have been. It's a question of how much more successful you could be if you could understand how your own brain works. Entrepreneurs are not like other people in business, and the AD/HD brain is not like other brains. Studies have shown that the AD/HD brain even looks different when you examine it with an MRI or other magnetic imaging equipment. In fact, the more we learn about the brain, the more we understand that the AD/HD brain isn't defective. It's simply different.

Understanding that your brain is different is the first step towards moving ahead not only in business but in other areas of your life as well. If you have AD/HD, then you know that it takes extra effort to focus on a specific task for very long. It may be that your AD/HD forces you to spend so much energy focusing on your work that you end up neglecting other important areas of your life. Studies have shown that the divorce rate among people with AD/HD is much higher than normal. People with AD/HD are also more likely to have problems with alcohol or substance abuse. They're even more likely to get speeding tickets!

Of course, those things are hard to notice if you've been living that way all your life. There is a certain form of relativity at work here, as if you had an especially mean older sister who strapped something around your ankles when you were just learning how to walk. If you've always walked around with weights on your ankles, then you probably don't notice the weights are even there. But imagine how much faster you could run if suddenly the weights were removed! That's how many adults who have been diagnosed with AD/HD describe their experience, as if the weights that were holding them back had been suddenly taken away.

Having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) is like having a high-powered sports car with an out of sync transmission. The motor - your mind - runs just fine. It's speeding along with all kinds of new ideas and revving up for more. Unfortunately, the car - your brain - doesn't always move like it should. Sometimes the gears slip and you lose ground despite the fact that your motor is running about as fast as it can. At other times, everything clicks and you can do amazing things. That's what happens when things get out of sync. This kind of inconsistent performance is one of the hallmarks of AD/HD.

AD/HD means that you're inconsistent. It does not mean you are stupid. Many, perhaps even most, people with AD/HD have IQ's that are well above average. Dr. Paul Elliot, a physician from Dallas, Texas who has worked with adults and children with the disorder for over twenty years believes there is a strong connection between AD/HD and intelligence. "At IQ's over 160" (which is well above the 140 required for the designation of "genius"), "virtually all people have AD/HD," says Elliott. One popular AD/HD writer and self-avowed computer geek describes it as having "the mind of a Pentium with the memory of a 286."

Having AD/HD means that there is a big gap between your ability and your actual performance, between what you could do and what you actually end up accomplishing. If you are going to reach your full potential, then you have to learn to close that gap.

David Giwerc MCC,(Master Certified Coach, ICF) is the Founder/President of the ADD Coach Academy (ADDCA),,/ a comprehensive training program designed to teach the essential skills necessary to powerfully coach individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. He has been featured in the New York Times, London Times,Fortune and other well-known publications. He has a busy coaching practice dedicated to ADHD entrepreneurs and the mentoring of ADD coaches. He helped develop ADDA's Guiding Principals For Coaching Individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. He has been a featured speaker at ADDA, CHADD, International Coach Federation and other conferences. David is the current President of ADDA.

next: Job Accommodations for Adults with ADHD
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~ all add/adhd articles

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, January 1). How Your AD/HD Affects Your Business, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from

Last Updated: February 14, 2016

Addicted to Online Gaming

Are you an obsessive online gamer or worried that your child is addicted to computer or internet games? Read this article, take a test, get insight and help.

Online gaming addiction is an addiction to online video games, role-playing games, or any interactive gaming environment available through the Internet. Online games such "EverQuest", the "World of Warcraft", the "Dark Age of Camelot", or "Diablo II" - dubbed "heroinware" by some players - can pose much more complex problems. Extensive chat features give such games a social aspect missing from offline activities, and the collaborative/competitive nature of working with or against other players can make it hard to take a break.

A New Parental Concern

Parents across the globe are increasingly concerned about their sons and daughters online gaming habits. They are sure that there is a problem but counselors unfamiliar with online gaming addiction don't understand how seductive they can be. One mother explained that she had talked to her son's guidance counselors, the school psychologist, and two local addiction rehabilitation centers. "No one had ever heard of someone getting addicted to X-Box Live," she said. "They all told me it was a phase and that I should try to limit my son's game playing. They didn't understand that I couldn't. He had lost touch with reality. My son lost interest in everything else. He didn't want to eat, sleep, or go to school, the game was the only thing that mattered to him."

Parents often feel alone and scared as their children become hooked to something that no one seems to understand. "My son's counselor told me to just turn off the computer," another mother explained. "That was like telling the parent of an alcoholic son to tell him to just stop drinking. It wasn't that simple. We felt like no one was taking us seriously that our son had a real problem."

Signs of Online or Computer Gaming Addiction

Gamers who become hooked show clear signs of addiction. Like a drug, gamers who play almost every day, play for extended periods of time (over 4 hours), get restless or irritable if they can't play, and sacrifice other social activities just to game are showing signs of addiction.

  • A preoccupation with gaming
  • Lying or hiding gaming use
  • Disobedience at time limits
  • Social withdrawal from family and friends

(Worried? Take our online gaming addiction test.)

Dr. Kimberly Young provides individual and family therapy for children and adults addicted to online gaming. She utilizes a holistic approach that involves understanding what makes the role-playing game so significant for the user and what type of emotional and psychological factors are sustaining the online gaming behavior. In many cases, gamers find acceptance, respect, and recognition through the game, and the online character replaces relationships that are missing in the gamer's life. She counsels parents dealing with an addicted child reluctant to enter treatment and for parent's unsure how to address their child's online gaming habit at home, Dr. Young has written, "When Gaming Becomes an Obsession: Help for Parents and their Children Addicted to Online Gaming" that provides specific tools to help you and your family on the path towards recovery from compulsive online gaming.

next: More on Kids, Their Computers and Their Dangerous Addiction to the Internet
~ all center for online addiction articles
~ all articles on addictions

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, January 1). Addicted to Online Gaming, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from

Last Updated: June 24, 2016

ADHD: Dealing with the Legal and Insurance System

For people with ADHD and their families, an overview of the legal system, insurance system and public benefits programs.

Topics in this section:

For people with ADHD and their families, an overview of the legal system, insurance system, public benefits programs and educational system.Because AD/HD can pervade almost every aspect of an individual's life, many systems can come into play in the life of a person or family affected by the disorder.

This section covers the Legal System, which includes dealing with criminal and juvenile justice, the Insurance System, and the Public Benefits System.

This website also has an entire section devoted to the Educational System.

Other Web Sites:

next: Subtle Brain Circuit Abnormalities Confirmed in ADHD
~ adhd library articles
~ all add/adhd articles

APA Reference
Tracy, N. (2009, January 1). ADHD: Dealing with the Legal and Insurance System, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from

Last Updated: February 15, 2016

Communication Guidelines

Insights into the best way to communicate with someone who has bipolar disorder or another mental illness.

Supporting Someone with Bipolar - For Family and Friends

  1. bInsights into the best way to communicate with someone who has bipolar disorder or another mental illness.Use short, clear direct sentences. Long, involved explanations are difficult for people with mental illness to handle. They will tune you out.
  2. Keep the content of communications simple. Cover only one topic at a time; give only one direction at a time. Be as concrete as possible.
  3. Do what you can to keep the "stimulation level" as low as possible. A loud voice, an insistent manner, making accusations and criticisms are painfully defeating for anyone who has suffered a mental breakdown.
  4. If your relative appears withdrawn and uncommunicative, back off for a while. Your communication will have a better chance of getting the desired response when your relative is calmer and in better contact.
  5. Assume that a good deal of everything you say to your ill relative will "fall through the cracks." You will often have to repeat instructions and directions. Be patient; you will be rewarded in heaven.
  6. Be pleasant and firm. If you do not "waffle" or undermine what you are expressing, your relative will not as readily misinterpret it. Communications are our "boundaries" in dealing with others. Make sure your boundaries are sturdy and clear.

next: Coping Tips for Siblings and Adult Children of Persons with Mental Illness
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~ all bipolar disorder articles

APA Reference
Tracy, N. (2008, December 31). Communication Guidelines, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from

Last Updated: April 7, 2017

What Parents Can Do To Promote Self-Esteem in Girls

What Parents Can Do at Home

  • Your words are powerful and can influence attitudes and performance in school and at home.
  • Suggest activities and experiences for girls that may be traditionally reserved for boys. Girls may not ask for the chance to fix a leaky pipe, build a fence or explore the cause of an electrical short, but are enthusiastic participants when given the opportunity. Encourage girls to explore non-traditional areas of interest. Praise demonstrations of daring, curiosity.
  • Stereotypes are powerful. Encourage girls, as well as boys, to question them.
  • Praise your daughter for her skills and ideas rather than for her appearance and neatness.
  • Resist rescuing girls or providing ready answers. Research shows that this kind of "help" undermines girls' confidence in their abilities.
  • Encourage new, non-traditional thinking and methods of problem solving. Help foster an environment where girls know it's acceptable to get sweaty and dirty in pursuit of a goal.
  • Become a media critic and encourage that approach in your daughter. Discuss with her the portrayals of girls and women on television, in movies, in magazines and in popular music. Does the media offer positive or negative role models for girls? Explore the messages and assumptions that the media is sending. These discussions provide ideal opportunities to explore the roles of girls and women in society.


  • A new study confirmed that education plays a key role in improving women's lives. Among women who were college graduates, 95 percent said that things were going at least fairly well, compared with only 3 percent of the women who had not completed high school.
  • Women who take more than two college-level math courses often achieve pay equity with men, and in many cases, receive higher average pay than men.
  • Build your daughter's technological mastery and competence by finding a way for her to use a computer regularly; and by sending her to computer camp in the summer, especially after fourth grade.
  • If she shows an interest in technical things, buy her a subscription to Popular Mechanics or a computer magazine.
  • Don't assume that she is not interested in technical things.
  • Encourage your daughter to take advantage of volunteer opportunities, internships, and work-study programs, especially in her areas of interest.
  • Extracurricular activities add dimension. Support your daughter's interests and participation in extracurricular activities. Sports, clubs, field trips, etc. allow students to find new interests, take on new responsibilities, learn leadership, be part of a team effort, and build a resume.

Checklist for Parents

Encourage girls to:

  • Ask questions and not always accept the answers that are given.
  • Take risks, seek challenges.
  • Speak up and speak out - make sure their voices are heard.
  • Try and try again. It's okay to make mistakes.
  • Take on leadership positions in student government, sports or extracurricular activities.
  • Stick with math and science classes even if they are not their strong suit.
  • Play organized sports.
  • Participate in physical activities.

next: What Parents Need to Know About Eating Disorders
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~ all articles on eating disorders

APA Reference
Gluck, S. (2008, December 31). What Parents Can Do To Promote Self-Esteem in Girls, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Why Aren't You On Bill Moyers' 5-Part Series On Alcoholism/Addiction On PBS?

Dear Stanton:

I hope that someone contacted you about the Bill Moyers upcoming 5-part series to be aired nationwide on PBS in March. There needs to be a balance in this presentation.

Bill MoyersThanks for asking. I was actually invited, along with five other professionals, to a background meeting with Moyers' producers. Although several producers excitedly asked me to send them materials, I was not asked to participate in the program itself.

Before describing that, let me mention that, ironically, Moyers' daughter lived across the street from me in Morristown and I was friendly with her and rode my bike with her then-husband, who worked with Bill. Years ago, I gave his son-in-law several of my books to show Moyers.

Back to the meeting: the five people I joined in front of Moyers' group of producers were Ernie Drucker (former director of a methadone program and now of the Lindesmith Center), Jon Morgenstern (formerly a researcher at the Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies), Anne Geller (medical director of the Roosevelt Hospital alcoholism program in New York), Herb Kleber (former assistant to Drug Czar Bill Bennett and current assistant to Joseph Califano at CASA), and the director of an inner city treatment program.

I emphasized the futility of a national recovery policy based on 12-step groups, the prevalence and value of natural recovery, the relativity of the addiction concept, and so on. I may have been too far out. When we were asked to end with one main point, I emphasized that this should not be another paean to 12-step recovery, which helps such a small minority of people with substance abuse problems. (I was thinking of one program Moyers had done on a group of recovered African American men in San Francisco.)

But I think the program will at least mention alternatives. It is disappointing in this case and others (such as the cover story on controlled drinking in the September 8, 1997 U.S. News and World Report) that I, who has been punished as the main spokesperson for alternative treatments for alcohol problems in the U.S., am not included. But, I'll continue to be the main spokesperson in presenting an alternative view of addiction and recovery—as in the case of Project MATCH. I was sandbagged.

Best wishes,

P.S. I have since discovered that Bill's son is in recovery and is public policy director for Hazelden.

next: Why Can't People Just Stop Using Drugs, and Should Addicts Be Maintained on Drugs?
~ all Stanton Peele articles
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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 31). Why Aren't You On Bill Moyers' 5-Part Series On Alcoholism/Addiction On PBS?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from

Last Updated: June 28, 2016

How Do I Begin Recovering From My Eating Disorder?

The most professional and accurate answer to "How do I begin?" in my opinion is, "It depends."

A strong commitment and focus on the recovery of an eating disoder is necessary to begin recovery from anorexia, bulimia, or other types of eating disorders.It depends on what form the eating disorder takes, how entrenched it is, what kind of social supports are available, how accessible the person is to deep psychological learning, how much commitment there is, how willing and genuinely informed the person's intimates are, the quality of eating disorder therapy available, the quality of programs available and what touches an individual's heart.

The main theme, the guiding principle is, "Get well no matter what." That's the kind of commitment and focus it takes to really recover from an eating disorder. Usually a lot of exploring occurs in the process of finding the methods and people who are best for you (not based on control issues but on healing issues).

Sometimes you luck out and find a psychotherapist who can go the distance with you. Such a person has knowledge of eating disorders and unconscious processes. He or she is more than willing for the patient to participate in various ethical, responsible and respectable groups where the patient explores body, mind, spiritual and creative issues and opportunities while maintaining ongoing psychotherapy. Sometimes such a person is just not available, and a program can offer these things better than anyone else in your healing environment. Sometimes a combination of program first and then one on one is best. Sometimes it's one on one, then a program and then back to one on one.

If the patient is really lucky, her family goes into therapy and works out many of their troublesome individual and group boundary issues as well. Eating disorder residential or out patient programs often offer family sessions. Sometimes these are conducted with the eating disorder person present. Sometimes not. Sometimes they are conducted with other eating disorder families. Sometimes not. Or a combination of all is offered in a structured setting.

The challenge is to find what is best for you. In Buddhism they say there are 84,000 doors to enlightenment.

I like this philosophy. There are many and varied ways of achieving recovery. Even the search for your best way is part of the healing process as long as you are not playing tricks with your mind and are sincerely open to healing.

The best way for you may not be the most comfortable way. Healing from an eating disorder is not comfortable. It's eye opening, mind opening, soul opening and body healing with joyous times, but it's definitely not comfortable. In healing you begin where you are. You check out the reputation and credentials of people you associate with because people with eating disorders have difficulties with trust. They can trust too quickly when it's not a good idea, and they can withhold their trust when it is a good place and in so doing lose a potentially helpful relationship. So credentials and recommendations are important as you explore what is available for you.

How to Begin - Contact:

  • A strong commitment and focus on the recovery of an eating disoder is necessary to begin recovery from anorexia, bulimia, or other types of eating disorders.eating disorder specialists

  • hospitals

  • school counseling programs

  • 12 step organizations

  • residential eating disorder treatment centers

  • churches, temples and synagogues

  • eating disorder web sites

Ask for people you can talk with who have experience in either treating eating disorders, achieving eating disorders recovery or have received good feedback from referring people to helpful situations. Learn about the different ways people have found real help and choose what seems like a tolerable beginning place for you.

Guides come in all kinds of forms. You might discover a simple, direct path when someone or several people highly recommend a particular psychotherapist. But information might take a different shape entirely. Someone might recommend a creative writing group that has a lot of people in recovery as participants. By visiting or joining that group you might get a creative boost in your life plus meet people who can give you solid recommendations for treatment.

Local hospitals may have programs (residential or out-patient) or know where programs exist. School counselors, priests, pastors, rabbis and monks may know what local resources have helped students and parishioners (and which have not). Twelve step programs are always a grab bag of unpredictable surprises, but they are also consistent in that people who actively participate in their personal recovery show up and tell "how it was and how it is." Hearing these stories and meeting the people can be enormously helpful, even if it's just one meeting and just one story that opens your mind to a path for you.

Residential eating disorders treatment centers often have a list of recommended psychotherapists in the local area. Such centers may offer you visits to their site and/or may invite you to talks, seminars, meetings with their staff and perhaps people who have "graduated" from their programs.

Eating disorder web sites often have a list of people you can contact for information. Many eating disorder psychotherapists, dieticians and medical doctors are part of a world-wide information-sharing network. It may be possible for this network to find you referrals to resources in your area that are worth exploring.

There are 84,000 ways to begin. I have learned that if you trust and commit to your own desire to get well, you will recognize the door that is right for you.

hp-joanna_front.jpgJoanna Poppink, M.F.C.C., licensed by the State of California in 1980, is a Marriage, Family, Child Counselor (License #15563). She has a private practice in Los Angeles where she works with adult individuals and couples. She specializes in working with people with eating disorders and with people who are trying to understand and help a loved on who has an eating disorder.

next: Eating Disorders: A Guide for Parents and Loved Ones
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~ all articles on eating disorders

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 31). How Do I Begin Recovering From My Eating Disorder?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

The Five Greatest Motivators For Preschool Children to Eat Healthy Foods

Let's get practical. The five greatest motivators for preschool children to eat healthy foods are:

1) Imitation. If the foods in the house are healthy, kids will pick their favorites from among healthy choices.

2) Tasty choices. Often kids' fruit alternatives are restricted to apples and bananas, and maybe grapes or oranges. Many kids love peaches, tangerines, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, plums, pears, watermelon, and pineapple. Try Spoon-Sized Shredded Wheat, corn bran, or oatmeal with fresh berries. Try bran crispbread as a snack instead of crackers or toast made from white flour. Whole-grain pancakes can be a hit. The younger you start, the quicker they will develop their tastes in these directions. During the preschool years, make butter a treat for vegetables. Butter on green beans makes them a lot tastier. Because of the "crunch," many kids like raw carrot sticks all by themselves.

3) Fun presentation. When feeding your kids, you are competing against multimillion-dollar advertising campaigns. Children's TV has many commercials for sweetened breakfast cereals ("part of this nutritious breakfast"--which would be far more nutritious without the sweetened breakfast cereal!). Where are the commercials for fresh veggies? They'll have to come from us. Preschool children often love food that is shaped like something interesting--a face, a clown, a dinosaur, a favorite hero, etc. Processed macaroni is manufactured this way because it sells. In this environment we need to make healthy food as appealing as the empty or harmful alternatives. Try a whole-grain pancake with a strawberry for a nose, kiwi slices for eyes, and banana for the mouth. Brush its teeth with the fork before eating (since after eating it won't have any teeth left!). Try corn on the cob served standing up (it's a rocket ship), or lying down with a toothpick stuck in the side (it's a submarine--the toothpick is the periscope).

4) When all else fails, sneak it in. Make zucchini bread, carrot muffins. Add shaved vegetables or pieces of fruit to virtually any baked good. Dried cranberries can be a hit (while dried fruit is high in sugar, it is also high in fiber). A great way to hide fruit and vegetables is in whole-food smoothies and juices. High-speed blenders, such as the models manufactured by Vita-Mix (not juice extractors that take the pulp and fiber--and many nutrients--out) can turn fresh oranges, carrots, and yogurt into a delicious treat.

5) Give a daily multivitamin as a safety net in this processed-food world. Vitamins are, by definition, compounds necessary in trace amounts for the normal functioning of the human body.

We need vitamins in order to see the world around us, to grow, to make bones and connective tissue, to fight infections and cancer, to heal wounds, to stop from bleeding to death, and to keep our teeth from falling out.

Tips for parents: what to do and how to present the food to your preschool child to teach them to eat healthy.We are not self-sufficient. We depend on a steady supply from outside sources for these vital compounds. Vitamins cannot be manufactured in sufficient amounts by the body and must be taken in from the environment. They occur naturally in many foods (vitamin D is manufactured by the body in response to sunlight exposure--15 minutes a week is all that is needed). Vitamins are also available as commercial nutritional supplements.

While I have great respect for the results of modern nutritional analysis, I have greater respect for the longstanding relationship between humans and their natural foods. By eating whole foods (fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, whole grains, etc.), your child can get the necessary vitamins in the healthiest way. Vitamins occur in foods in forms that are the easiest for the body to use and are accompanied by important related compounds.

Toddlers and preschoolers are often picky eaters. As children grow, their tastes change, and over time they should begin to eat a more well-rounded diet. A vitamin "safety net" takes the pressure off feeding issues during the early years. Without pressure or worry, you can be free to be creative about increasing whole foods in your child's diet, knowing that vitamins are present to help your child grow strong and healthy.

This isn't to suggest that the battle is an easy one. Recently on Dateline NBC (an American television show), host Jane Pauley casually mentioned not liking vegetables as a child. While this phenomenon is as current as today's news, it is also as perennial as our oldest nutritional records. I've heard it said that the ancient Greeks defined children as short humans who don't like vegetables. :^) Now that we have mass advertising, children's fun meals, and peer pressure, the battle is all the harder. But the battle is worthwhile, and it can certainly be fun. The battle should never be with your kids. Never push. Entice them, persuade them, teach them. Battle bad nutrition.

next: Tips for Kids on Eating Well and Feeling Good about Yourself
~ eating disorders library
~ all articles on eating disorders

APA Reference
Tracy, N. (2008, December 31). The Five Greatest Motivators For Preschool Children to Eat Healthy Foods, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Be All You Can Be

Chapter 36 of the book Self-Help Stuff That Works

by Adam Khan:

YOU USE ONLY 10 PERCENT of your brain. Have you ever heard that? It's nonsense. You and I use our whole brains. Ask any neurologist. There are no idle parts of the brain, no brain cells sitting around unused. For example, there are neurons in your brain stem whose job is to immobilize your body while you're dreaming so you don't physically act out your dreams and get up and run into a wall. Every part has its function.

Idiot-savants can be a genius at one thing, like mathematical calculations or music, but they pay for it with a corresponding deficit in other useful attributes, like getting along with others. What happens is that one function, like mathematical ability, takes over a larger percentage of brain tissue commandeers it, so to speak, usually as a result of a brain injury at birth but whatever other ability that part of the brain is normally used for goes wanting. What you often get are geniuses that can't have a decent relationship or tie their shoes or control their emotions.

All those abilities require brain space, and there's just barely enough with none to spare. Nature did not equip us with a bunch of extra brain cells. As it is, the brain is as big as it can get and still (barely) make it through the birth canal. If it were any bigger, normal births would be impossible.

You could learn more, do more, be more, for sure. But there is always a trade-off. You could use every spare moment, for example, listening to language tapes, and thereby learn ten more languages in your lifetime. But it would have consequences. You'd have less time to socialize, for one. And that would have other, possibly negative, consequences.

You could work all the time, always improving yourself at every moment of the day, but no play makes Johnny a dull boy. It's a trade-off. Balance is the key.

So don't feel bad that you're not "maximizing your full potential. Devote some time to your betterment, but also relax and enjoy the ride. You're alive on the planet, breathing air and capable of communicating with other fellow travelers. Enjoy it.

Improve yourself, but also relax and enjoy the ride.

This is a simple technique for reducing a little of the stress you feel day to day. Its biggest advantage is you can use it while you work.
Rx to Relax


Why are some people interested in life and others bored?
Find out here.
Interest is Life

Self-esteem should be intimately tied to integrity.
If it isn't, the self-esteem is a farce.
How to Like Yourself More

Why do people in general (and you in particular) not feel happier than our grandparents felt when they had farfewer possessions and conveniences than we now have?
We've Been Duped

What is the most powerful self-help technique on the planet?
What single thing can you do that will improve your attitude, improve the way you deal with others, and also improve
your health? Find out here.
Where to Tap

Would you like to be emotionally strong? Would you like to have that special pride in yourself because you didn't whimper or whine or collapse when things got rough? There is a way, and it's not as difficult as you'd think.
Think Strong

In some cases, a feeling of certainty can help. But there are many more circumstances where it is better to feel uncertain. Strange but true.
Blind Spots

next: Riches

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 31). Be All You Can Be, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 7 from

Last Updated: March 31, 2016