The Impact of an Eating Disorder on the Family

Everyone with an eating disorder experiences a tremendous amount of suffering and pain, but they are not the only ones victims as families and friends are victims too.Everyone who suffers with an eating disorder experiences a tremendous amount of suffering and pain, but they are not the only ones who suffer. Families and friends of these victims also experience their own personal pain. It is very difficult to watch someone who love slowly destroy themselves and feel helpless in trying to save them. Even though this may be difficult to accept, you cannot save that person. You can encourage, support and provide them with your unconditional love, but they need to want to save themselves. In order for someone to recover from an eating disorder, they have to want to recover and be willing to accept the help that is available to them. You cannot force someone to want to get better nor can you force them to accept help. Upon discovering that a family member or friend has an eating disorder, you will probably experience many different feelings and emotions such as confusion, anger, guilt and fear.

You may feel confused about why it happened, what to do next, where to go for help and how to approach this person. The best way to deal with confusion is to educate yourself about eating disorders. Read books, talk to a professional who knows about eating disorders, talk with people who are in a good recovery or who have recovered from their eating disorder, and try to speak with other families who are experiencing what you are.

Some people find themselves feeling angry towards themselves or the person suffering. You may be angry with yourself for not knowing about the problem sooner, for not preventing it from developing, and for not being able to fix the problem immediately. You may also feel angry with the person for not being able to stop the eating disorder behaviors and for continuing to abuse themselves. You may feel angry with the person for causing you pain and you may believe the person is doing this to hurt you. It is important that you find a way to deal with that anger. Remind yourself that the person is not doing this to hurt you, they are doing this to themselves. Becoming angry with the person will not help matters. It will probably only cause the person to feel worse, which will only enforce their belief that they are horrible and deserve to be punished or die. Keeping your anger inside will also not help you so it would be important for you to be able to talk about it. A friend, therapist, clergyman, or a support group for families are good places to talk about and deal with the anger you may feel.

Many people find themselves feeling guilty, especially parents, because they some how feel responsible for their family member developing an eating disorder. No one person is responsible for someone developing one. Blaming yourself will not help the person and it will only make you feel worse. It is best to accept that there is a problem and start working towards helping the person and yourself during the recovery process.

One emotion that many people experience is fear. You may be scared the person will do great damage to themselves or even die. It is normal to have such fears because eating disorders can be very destructive. If the person's health is in immediate danger, hospitalization may be necessary. It is best to try and have the person admitted on a voluntary basis, but sometimes the person is in such denial that they will not agree to medical attention. If that is the case, you may need to speak with your doctor or a lawyer about a forced hospitalization. I would only recommend that as a last resort. Dealing with all the fears you may experience is very difficult and it would be important for you to seek out support for yourself.

When helping a family member, I feel it is important to be positive and supportive. People with eating disorder have very low self-esteems and believe they are worthless. They need to know that you love them and that they are very important to you. They need to be made to feel worthy and know that you are on their side. Try not to spend time focusing on their behaviors or talking about it. Instead, try talking to them about how they feel inside. Eating disorders are only symptoms of other problems. The person needs to deal with how they feel inside and they need to talk. Assure them that they can come and talk to you and that you will be there for them and you will listen. Let them know that you will not abandon them and that you will be there for them whenever they need you.

It is important to remember that no matter how much you love this person and want to help, there is only so much that you can do. Trying to help someone can be frustrating, scary and emotionally draining. That is why it is important that you do not lose yourself in their problem. You need to remember that you are only human and that you have needs of your own. The recovery process can be long and you also need to take care of yourself during this time. Each day you should try and take time out for you to do something that you enjoy and something that helps you to relax. You may want to go for a walk by yourself, call a friend, soak in a hot bath, read a book or go for a drive. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it is something for yourself. You may also wish to seek out the help from a therapist for yourself. Dealing with someone with an eating disorder is difficult and you may find it helpful to have a therapist who you can talk with about all the feelings that you are experiencing. If there is a support group in your town for families, you may want to join that. If there is not one, you might even want to think about starting one. It can be very helpful to speak with others who know and understand how you feel and what you are going through. If you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed, try getting away for a weekend. It really is important that you never forget you have needs of your own. If you are able to take time out for yourself and your needs, you will be better able to help the family member that is suffering.

Never forget that no one is hopeless and eating disorders can be overcome. During the recovery process the person will experience periods of relapses, but that is to be expected. No one can recover from this overnight. It may take time and hard work, but eating disorders can be beaten.

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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 4). The Impact of an Eating Disorder on the Family, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 5 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

St. John's Wort and the Treatment of Depression

St. John's Wort is an alternative treatment for depression. Read all about St. John's Wort and the treatment of depression.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) has developed this fact sheet on the use of St. John's wort for depression. It is one of a series of fact sheets intended to help consumers make informed decisions about whether to use complementary and alternative medical (CAM) therapies for a disease or medical condition. NCCAM defines CAM practices as those health care and medical practices that are not currently part of conventional medicine. There are many CAM practices. A few examples include traditional Chinese medicine, meditation, chiropractic, therapeutic touch, and herbs.

Key Facts About St. John's Wort

St. John's wort is an herb that has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes, including to treat depression. The composition of St. John's wort and how it might work are not well understood. There is some scientific evidence that St. John's wort is useful for treating mild to moderate depression. However, recent studies suggest that St. John's wort is of no benefit in treating major depression of moderate severity. More research is required to help us know whether St. John's wort has value in treating other forms of depression. St. John's wort interacts with certain drugs, and these interactions can be dangerous. Herbal products vary greatly as to their chemical composition and quality.

For Your Safety

The information in this fact sheet is not a substitute for professional medical advice. It is important that you seek the advice of a health care practitioner about any medical condition or symptom you are having, or if you are considering taking any herbal preparation. St. John's wort can interact with prescribed drugs and affect how well they work.

Frequently Asked Questions About St. John's Wort

What is St. John's Wort?

St. John's Wort is an alternative therapy for depression. Read all about St. John's Wort and the treatment of depression. Depression CenterSt. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum in Latin) is a long-living plant with yellow flowers. It contains many chemical compounds. Some are believed to be the active ingredients that produce the herb's effects, including the compounds hypericin and hyperforin.

How these compounds actually work in the body is not yet known, but several theories have been suggested. Preliminary studies suggest that St. John's wort might work by preventing nerve cells in the brain from reabsorbing the chemical messenger serotonin, or by reducing levels of a protein involved in the body's immune system functioning.

For what medicinal purposes has St. John's wort been used?

St. John's wort has been used for centuries to treat mental disorders as well as nerve pain. In ancient times, doctors and herbalists (specialists in herbs) wrote about its use as a sedative and treatment for malaria as well as a balm for wounds, burns, and insect bites. Today, St. John's wort is used by some people to treat mild to moderate depression, anxiety, or sleep disorders.

What is depression?

Click here for comprehensive information on depression. Here is a brief overview.

Depression is a medical condition that affects nearly 19 million Americans each year. A person's mood, thoughts, physical health, and behavior all may be affected. Symptoms commonly include:

  • Ongoing sad mood
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities that the person once enjoyed
  • Significant change in appetite or weight
  • Oversleeping or difficulty sleeping
  • Agitation or unusual slowness
  • Loss of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Difficulty "thinking," such as concentrating or making decisions
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.

Depressive illness comes in different forms. The three major forms are described below. Each can vary from person to person in terms of symptoms experienced and the severity of depression.

  • In major depression, people experience a sad mood or loss of interest or pleasure in activities for at least 2 weeks. In addition, they have at least four other symptoms of depression. Major depression can be mild, moderate, or severe. If it is not treated, it can last for 6 months or more.

  • In dysthymia, a milder, but more chronic form of depression, people experience a depressed mood for at least 2 years (1 year for children) accompanied by at least two other symptoms of depression.

  • In bipolar disorder, also called manic depression, a person has periods of depressive symptoms that alternate with periods of mania. Symptoms of mania include an abnormally high level of excitement and energy, racing thoughts, and behavior that is impulsive and inappropriate.

Some people still hold outdated beliefs about depression--for example, that the emotional symptoms caused by depression are "not real." However, depression is a real medical condition. It can be treated effectively with conventional medicine, including by antidepressant drugs and certain types of psychotherapy (talk therapy).

Why is St. John's wort used as an alternative therapy for depression?

Some patients who take antidepressant drugs do not experience relief from their depression. Other patients have reported unpleasant side effects from their prescription medication, such as a dry mouth, nausea, headache, or effects on sexual function or sleep.

Sometimes people turn to herbal preparations like St. John's wort because they believe "natural" products are better for them than prescription medications, or that natural products are always safe. Neither of these statements is true (this is discussed further below).

Finally, cost can be a reason. St. John's wort costs less than many antidepressant medications, and it is sold without a prescription (over the counter).

How widely is St. John's wort used for treating depression?

In Europe, St. John's wort is widely prescribed for depression. In the United States, St. John's wort is not a prescription medication, but there is considerable public interest in it. St. John's wort remains among the top-selling herbal products in the United States.

How is St. John's wort sold?

St. John's wort products are sold in the following forms:

  • Capsules
  • Teas--the dried herb is added to boiling water and steeped for a period of time.
  • Extracts--specific types of chemicals are removed from the herb, leaving the desired chemicals in a concentrated form.

Does St. John's wort work as a treatment for depression?

There has been scientific research to try to answer this question.

In Europe, results from a number of scientific studies have supported the effectiveness of certain St. John's wort extracts for depression. An overview of 23 clinical studies, published in the British Medical Journal in 1996, found that the herb might be useful in cases of mild to moderate depression. The studies, which included 1,757 outpatients, reported that St. John's wort was more effective than a placebo (a "dummy" pill designed to have no effect) and appeared to produce fewer side effects than some standard antidepressants.

Other studies conducted recently have found no benefit from the use of St. John's wort for certain types of depression. For example, the results of a study funded by Pfizer Inc., a pharmaceutical company, found that St. John's wort, when compared with placebo, was not effective for treating major depression (Shelton, et al. JAMA, 2001).

In addition, several components of the National Institutes of Health--NCCAM, the Office of Dietary Supplements, and the National Institute of Mental Health--funded a large, carefully designed research study to find out whether St. John's wort extract benefits people with major depression of moderate severity. This trial found that St. John's wort was no more effective for treating major depression of moderate severity than placebo (Hypericum Depression Trial Study Group. JAMA, 2002; for further information, view the press release.

Are there any risks to taking St. John's wort for depression?

Yes, there are risks in taking St. John's wort for depression.

Many so-called "natural" substances can have harmful effects--especially if they are taken in too large a quantity or if they interact with something else the person is taking.

Research from the NIH has shown that St. John's wort interacts with some drugs--including certain drugs used to control HIV infection (such as indinavir). Other research shows that St. John's wort can interact with anticancer, or chemotherapeutic, drugs (such as irinotecan). The herb may also interact with drugs that help prevent the body from rejecting transplanted organs (such as cyclosporine). Using St. John's wort limits these drugs' effectiveness.

Also, St. John's wort is not a proven therapy for depression. If depression is not adequately treated, it can become severe and, in some cases, may be associated with suicide. Consult a health care practitioner if you or someone you care about may be experiencing depression.

People can experience side effects from taking St. John's wort. The most common side effects include dry mouth, dizziness, gastrointestinal symptoms, increased sensitivity to sunlight, and fatigue.

What are some other possible problems with using St. John's wort?

Herbal products such as St. John's wort are classified as dietary supplements by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a regulatory agency of the Federal Government. The FDA's requirements for testing and obtaining approval to sell dietary supplements are less strict than its requirements for drugs. Unlike drugs, herbal products can be sold without requiring studies on dosage, safety, or effectiveness.

The strength and quality of herbal products are often unpredictable. Products can differ in content not only from brand to brand, but from batch to batch. Information on labels may be misleading or inaccurate.

Source: The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health. Current as of August 2002.

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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 4). St. John's Wort and the Treatment of Depression, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 5 from

Last Updated: June 23, 2016

The Emotional Brain

Things you need to know about the emotional brain and how it's affected by emotions like fear.You are walking through the woods, and you see a coiled shape lying across your path. Instantly--before you even think "a snake!"--your brain begins to respond fearfully. Fear is an ancient emotion that is involved in a number of mental disorders, says neuroscientist Joseph LeDoux, Ph.D., of New York University. His research and that of other scientists, reported at the 24th Mathilde Solowey Lecture in the Neurosciences at the National Institutes of Health on May 8, 1997, has shown that the fear response has been tightly conserved in evolution, and probably follows much the same pattern in humans and other vertebrates.

According to LeDoux, he and others are making progress in tracing the brain circuitry underlying the fear response. Research attention is now focused on the amygdala, a small almond-shaped structure deep inside the brain. A portion of the amygdala known as the lateral nucleus appears to play a key role in fear conditioning--an experimental procedure in which an animal (rats were used in most of these experiments)--is taught to fear a harmless stimulus such as a sound tone. The conditioning is accomplished by pairing the tone with a mild electrical shock to the animal's foot. After a few times, the animal comes to exhibit defensive responses whenever it hears the tone. These responses include freezing (remaining motionless) and elevation of blood pressure.

Use of cell-staining procedures to trace the connections between the neurons of the amygdala and other brain structures shows that frightening stimuli trigger neuronal responses along a dual pathway. One path, dubbed the "high road", carries nerve impulses from the ear to the thalamus (a brain structure near the amygdala that serves as a way station for incoming sensory signals). From the thalamus, the nerve impulses are sent to the auditory portion of the sensory cortex, a region of the brain that conducts sophisticated analysis of inputs and sends appropriate signals to the amygdala. Alternatively, nerve impulses may be sent much faster from the thalamus directly to the amygdala. This "low road" signal system does not convey detailed information about the stimulus, but it has the advantage of speed. And speed is of great importance to an organism facing a threat to its survival.

When the amygdala receives nerve signals indicating a threat, it sends out signals that trigger defensive behavior, autonomic arousal (usually including rapid heartbeat and raised blood presure), hypoalgesia (a diminished capacity to feel pain), somatic reflex potentiation (such as an exaggerated startle reflex), and pituitary-adrenal axis stimulation (production of stress hormones). In animals that have consciousness, these physical changes are accompanied by the emotion of fear.

LeDoux pointed out that having a very rapid, if imprecise, method of detecting danger is of high survival value. "You're better off mistaking a stick for a snake than a snake for a stick," he said.

Cell-tracing and physiological studies show that the lateral nucleus of the amygdala has all the ingredients necessary for fear conditioning to take place: a rich supply of nerve cell extensions connecting it to the thalamus, other portions of the amygdala, and various parts of the cortex; rapid response to stimuli; high threshold for stimulation (so that unimportant stimuli are filtered out); and high frequency preference (which corresponds to the pitch of rat distress calls).

Another part of the amygdala, the central nucleus, is the portion responsible for sending out the signals to trigger the "fight or flight" response.

The various portions of the amygdala communicate with each other by way of internal nerve cell connections. Once fear conditioning has taken place, these interior circuits tend to perpetuate the response to the frightening stimulus. So a person with a phobia, such as a morbid fear of snakes or heights, may undergo behavioral treatment and seem to be cured, only to have the phobia return during an episode of high stress. What happened, LeDoux suggests, is that the signal pathways from the thalamus to the amygdala and sensory cortex have been normalized, but the internal circuits in the amygdala have not.

There are far more cell circuits leading from the amygdala to the prefrontal cortex (the area of the brain most responsible for planning and reasoning) than there are going the other direction. This may be one reason why it is so difficult to exert conscious control over fear, LeDoux said.

These findings have important implications for treating people who suffer from anxiety disorders, according to LeDoux. Recent functional magnetic resonance imaging scans of brains in living human subjects are beginning to show that the amygdala is the central site of fear conditioning, just as in rats. And fear conditioning is believed to play a role in such anxiety disorders as phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, and panic disorder. If, as research suggests, the memories stored in the amygdala are relatively indelible, the aim of therapy for anxiety disorders must be to increase cortical control over the amygdala and its outputs, LeDoux said.

LeDoux sees the need for more behavioral and neuroscientific research to increase understanding of how multiple memory systems work together in fear conditioning and other emotional responses. The brain is closer to yielding secrets of emotion now than ever before, he said, because more scientists are focusing on emotion. Soon we will have a very clear picture of fear and other ancient aids to survival that are products of the emotional brain.

LeDoux reported on his research at the 24th Mathilde Solowey Lecture in The Neurosciences at the National Institutes of Health in May, 1997.

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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 4). The Emotional Brain, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 5 from

Last Updated: July 4, 2016

Atomoxetine and Stimulants in Combination for Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Four Case Reports

This study has been printed here with the very kind permission of Thomas E. Brown, Ph.D.


Atomoxetine and stimulants have both been demonstrated effective as single agents for treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, adolescents, and adults. However, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in some patients do not respond adequately to single-agent treatment with these medications, each of which is presumed to impact dopaininergic and noradrenergic networks by alternative mechanisms in different ratios. Four cases are presented to illustrate how atomoxetine and stimulants can be utilized effectively in combination to extend duration of symptom relief without intolerable side effects or to alleviate a wider range of impairing symptoms than either agent alone. This combined pharmacotherapy appears effective for some patients who do not respond adequately to monotherapy, but because there is virtually no research to establish safety and effectiveness of such strategies, careful monitoring is needed.


Atomoxetine (ATX), a specific noradrenergic reuptake inhibitor approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in November 2002, is the first new medication approved for treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in many years. In clinical trials including 3,264 children and 471 adults (D. Michelson, personal communication, September 15, 2003). ATX has been demonstrated to be safe and effective as a monotherapy for treatment of ADHD.

This new compound is quite different from stimulants, the long-established mainstay for treatment of ADHD. It has shown minimal risk of abuse and is not a schedule II agent; therefore, it can be prescribed with refills and distributed by physicians in samples. Unlike the stimulants that act primarily on the brain's dopamine (DA) system, ATX exerts its action primarily through the noradrenergic system of the brain.

Evidence suggests that there is an important role for both norepinephrine (NE) and DA systems in the pathophysiology of ADHD (Pliszka 2001). It appears that cognitive management systems of the brain can become dysregulated by either insufficiency of DA and/or NE in synapses or by excessive synaptic release of DA and/or NE (Arnsten 2001). There Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut. is some consensus that DA and NE are centrally important in ADHD (Biederman and Spencer 1999), but relative importance of these two catecholamines in particular ADHD subtypes or in particular cases with or without specific comorbidities has not been established.

Although the stimulants methylphenidate (MPH) and amphetamine block reuptake of both NE and DA at their respective transporters, the primary mechanism of action of these stimulant medications widely used for ADHD is via the dopaminergic system of the brain (Grace 2001; Pliszka 2001; Solanto et al. 2001). Until ATX the primary noradrenergic medications for treatment of ADHD were the tricyclic antidepressants. These agents have been shown effective for treatment of ADHD, but risks of adverse cardiovascular effects have caused many clinicians to avoid theft use. Analysis of tricyclic antidepressant response profiles suggests that these agents more consistently improve behavioural symptoms of ADHD) than cognitive function as measured in neuropsychological testing (Biederman and Spencer 1999). In contrast, ATX has not shown elevated cardiovascular risks and has been shown effective for both inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms of ADHD (Michelson et al 2001. 2002, 2003), although relative efficacy of ATX and stimulants on the two symptom sets has not yet been established.

The mechanism of action for ATX is more specific than that of the tricyclic antidepressants. It inhibits reuptake by the presynaptic NE transporter with minimal affinity for other noradrenergic transporters or receptors (Gehlert et al. 1993; Wong et al. 1982). This pattern of affinity might suggest that its therapeutic benefits derive exclusively from action on noradrenergic circuits, but the process may not be that simple. Preclinical work by Bymaster et al. (2002) and Lanau et al. (1997) suggests that noradrenergic agents such as ATX may act indirectly but potently on the DA system in addition to their recognized impact on noradrenergic receptors. It may be that both stimulants and ATX impact both dopaminergic and noradrenergic circuits in the brain, albeit in different ratios or sequences.

Given the complexity of ADHD and of the mechanisms of action in agents used to treat the disorder, it is likely that ADHD symptoms of some patients with respond to one ratio of noradrenergic versus dopaminergic intervention better than to another. For many patients, ATX or stimulants are quite effective as single agents for alleviating ADHD symptoms, yet some who suffer from ADHD impairments continue to experience significant problematic symptoms when treated with either a stimulant or ATX alone.

In cases where response obtained from a single agent is insufficient, the possibility of utilizing ATX and stimulants in combination may be considered. This combined treatment strategy is similar to the combination of MPH with fluoxetine reported by Gammon and Brown (1993), although that study focused exclusively on ADHD with comorbid symptoms. This report is concerned with treatment of core symptoms of ADHD alone as well as with the more commonly found cases of ADHD complicated by various comorbid symptoms (Brown 2000).

The following case reports describe patients carefully diagnosed with ADHD who did not respond adequately to treatment with a stimulant or ATX as a single agent. In some cases, ATX was added to an existing regimen of a stimulant; in others, a stimulant was added to a regimen of ATX. Each brief vignette describes the problematic symptoms, the regimen tried, and the patient's response. Possible indications for such combined treatment are described, and risks and benefits to such treatment strategies are discussed.


Some patients with ADHD obtain a robust response from stimulants for most of their ADHD symptoms or for most of the day, but not for the full range of impairing symptoms or the full span of time needed.

Case I

Jimmy, an 8-year-old boy in second grade, had been diagnosed with ADHD-combined type while in kindergarten. He was doing well throughout the school day on OROS® MPH 27 mg q 7 a.m., but this dose wore off by 4p.m., leaving the boy restless, irritable, and severely oppositional for the ensuing 5 hours until his bedtime. During this time Jimmy was unable to focus on homework and often engaged in hostile interactions with playmates and family. He also was very irritable and oppositional every morning for about an hour until his OROS MPH had taken effect. In addition, Jimmy had chronic difficulty falling asleep, a longstanding problem that antedated his being on stimulant medication. Doses of 2.5, 5, and 7.5 mg immediate release MPH (MPH-IR) were tried at 3:30 p.m. to supplement the morning dose of OROS MPH. The 2.5- and 5-mg doses were ineffective; the 7.5-mg dose after school was helpful in alleviating Jimmy's irritability and oppositional behaviour after school and in the evening. This regimen had to be discontinued, however, because it left Jimmy with severely diminished appetite for afternoon and evening, a serious problem for this boy who was underweight. The 3:30 p.m. dose also exacerbated his chronic difficulty in falling asleep. Clonidine 0.1mg 1/2 tab q 3:30 p.m. and 1 tab hs was helpful in alleviating afternoon irritability and the difficulty failing asleep but did not help his impaired focus for homework or the serious problems with morning routine that were very stressful for the entire household.

Clonidine was discontinued, and a trial of ATX 18 mg qam was begun while continuing the OROS MPH. Jimmy's sleep problems improved markedly within a few days. His irritability and oppositionality improved slightly within a few days and significantly over the next 3 weeks after the dose of ATX had been increased to 36 mg at the end of the first week. In addition, after 3 weeks, parents reported that Jimmy was generally much less irritable upon awakening and much more cooperative with morning routines, even during the hour before his OROS MPH took effect. Patient has continued in this OROS MPH and ATX regimen for 4 months with continuing benefit and no adverse effects. Appetite is still somewhat problematic in the evening but much less so than during the treatment with an afternoon dose of MPH-IR.

This case highlights the usefulness of ATX for alleviating difficulties in falling asleep and for improving oppositional behaviour in late afternoon, early evening, and morning, times when the OROS MPH had either worn off or not yet taken effect. It was not clear whether ATX had enhanced positive effects of the MPH during daytime hours, but no negative effects were reported. The benefits of ATX were obtained without the adverse effects that accompanied the trials of MPH-IR administered after school.

Case 2

Jennifer, a 17-year-old high school junior had been diagnosed with ADFID, predominantly inattentive type, in ninth grade. She was treated initially with Adderall-XR® 20 mg administered q 6:30 a.m. as she left for school. Adderall-XR provided coverage only until about 4:30 p.m., which was sufficient for days when homework assignments were relatively light and could be done immediately after school.

At the outset of her junior year, Jennifer and her parents requested medication adjustments that would extend coverage into the evening. Because of part-time employment after school, Jennifer now had to do her homework in the evening. Also she was now driving herself to and from school, to and from her job, and to other activities. After she had a minor motor vehicle accident caused by her being inattentive, Jennifer and her parents decided it would be important for her to have medication coverage in the evening to help her with homework and to improve her attention when driving.

Jennifer's morning dose was maintained at 20 mg of Adderall-XR, and Adderall-IR 10 mg was added at 3:30 p.m. This provided coverage until about 10 p.m, but it caused Jennifer to feel extremely restless and anxious in late afternoon. These adverse effects were not alleviated by reducing the dose of Adderall-IR to 5 mg. Moreover, the lower dose of JR did not provide enough symptom control for Jennifer in the evening for homework, so she had to quit her after school job.

When ATX became available, Jennifer was started on ATX 18 mg qam for 1 week concurrent to the existing regimen of Adderall-XR 20 mg qam. After a couple of days of feeling somnolent on this combination, she reported no other adverse effects and some slight improvement in her ability to get homework done in the evening. ATX was increased to 40 mg qam. She experienced 2 days of somnolence on this increased dose, but this dissipated on the third day.

Over the next 3 weeks, Jennifer reported feeling calmer, more focused, and more alert throughout the day and into the evening until bedtime. For 5 months Jennifer and her parents have continued to report good control of her ADHD symptoms throughout the day and evening, with no adverse effects reported.

Jennifer was able to tolerate and benefit from the Adderall-XR given in the morning, but she did not respond well when a second dose of Adderall was given in the afternoon. The combination of Adderall-XR with Adderall-IR seemed to produce an accumulated level by late afternoon that caused her marked restlessness and anxiety The combination of Adderall-XR with ATX allowed better alleviation of ADHD symptoms throughout the day and into afternoon and evening. On this regimen, Jennifer did not feel anxious or restless and was able to do well during school, complete her homework in the evening, and resume her after school job. She also reported that she felt more focused when driving in the evening, at times when the stimulant would be expected to have lost effectiveness. Expanded duration of medication coverage, especially for evenings and weekends, for drivers with ADHD may provide important protection from elevated safety risks reported for drivers with this disorder (Barkley et al. 2002).


Some patients with ADHD gain a positive response from treatment with ATX alone but continue to suffer with additional impairments that are highly problematic.

Case 3

Frank, a 14-year-old ninth grader, had been diagnosed with ADHD-combined type in seventh grade. He was tried on MPH at that time but did not respond well to doses of 10 or 15 mg tid. When the dose was increased to 20 mg tid, he experienced marked improvement in symptoms of both inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity, but he refused to continue because this higher dose caused severe blunting of affect and anorexia. Subsequently he was tried on mixed salts of amphetamine and on OROS MPH. With all of these stimulants, the dose required to produce significant alleviation of ADHD symptoms caused the same intolerable side effects.

Frank was then tried on nortriptyline (NT) up to 80 mg hs. On this regimen his hyperactive and impulsive symptoms were markedly alleviated, but his inattention symptoms continued to be problematic. and he disliked the regimen because it caused him to feel that he had lost his "sparkle," a less severe blunting of affect than on stimulants, but still uncomfortable enough to make him reluctant to take the medication. Over 2 years, he had several episodes of interrupting his treatment with NT to avoid side effects, being frustrated by declining grades and behaviour problems, and then unhappily resuming treatment on the NT regimen.

Frank requested a trial of ATX immediately after it became available. His NT was discontinued, and he was started on 25 mg qam for 1 week, after which the dose was increased to 50 mg and then, 1 week later, to 80 mg qam. After minor gastrointestinal complaints and some somnolence in the first week, no adverse effects were reported. Frank initially reported no benefit, but after 3 weeks he noticed that he felt more calm throughout the day. His parents and teachers reported improved behaviour throughout the day, but they and Frank noted that he continued to show much difficulty in sustaining concentration for academic tasks.

In week 6, Frank's regimen of ATX 80 mg qam was divided into 40 mg bid and then augmented with OROS MPH 18 mg qam. He reported that this slightly improved his ability to remember what he had read and to focus on his schoolwork. At his request, the dose was increased to OROS MPH 27 mg qam with the ATX 40 mg bid. Frank has continued on this regimen for 4 months with no adverse effects.

He reports that on this regimen he feels "like my regular self," and his grades have improved in all subjects. Frank's intermittent disruption of his treatment with NT illustrates an important problem that commonly occurs, especially with adolescent patients. Uncomfortable side effects such as blunting of affect can significantly interfere with treatment compliance, even when the regimen significantly improves target symptoms. The combination of ATX and OROS MPH alleviated this problem that had threatened to totally disrupt Frank's treatment. This combined regimen developed in collaboration with Frank also resulted in better control of the wider range symptoms targeted for treatment.

Case 4

Six-year-old George was diagnosed with ADHD-combined type and oppositional defiant disorder after 3 months in full-day kindergarten. His teacher complained that George refused to follow directions and was unable to sustain attention to tasks. George's parents reported that over several years he had been increasingly oppositional at home, so much that they were unable to get any babysitter to return for a second time. He often fought with neighbourhood children and was argumentative and disrespectful to his parents and other adults. Parents also reported that since early childhood George had experienced chronic difficulty in falling asleep. Despite their efforts to calm him, he was unable to settle into sleep until 10 to 11:30 p.m.

George was started on ATX 18 mg qam. Initially he complained of stomach-ache, but this dissipated within a few days. Dose was increased to 36 mg qam after 1 week. After 2 weeks, parents reported that George had begun to settle down more easily in the evening and was falling asleep without much difficulty by 8:30 p.m. They also noted improvement in his compliance with morning routines and getting off to school. After 3 weeks, the teacher reported that George was more cooperative in following directions and had a better attitude with other children but noted that he still had much difficulty in sustaining attention to stories, play, or reading exercises.

In that the recommended ATX dosing limit for George's weight had been reached, a trial of Adderall-XR 5 mg qam was added to the ATX regimen. This improved George's behaviour further and increased his ability to sustain attention in school, but it also caused increased difficulty in falling asleep. The ATX dose was then split so that George received 18 mg ATX with the morning dose of stimulant and 18 mg ATX at dinnertime. This recaptured the improvement in sleep. George has continued on this regimen for 3 months, with marked improvement at home and school and no adverse effects. ATX was chosen as an initial intervention for George because it offered the possibility of addressing his severe problems in sleep as well as his very problematic oppositional behaviour and inattention using a single agent with relatively smooth coverage throughout the day.

ATX was quite helpful for George, but the teacher's reports of continuing inattention symptoms that were interfering with leaning highlighted the need for further intervention. A higher dose of ATX was not tried because a dose response study of ATX (Michelson et a!. 2001) did not show added benefit to doses above 1.2 mg/kg/day. At this point, the combination of ATX and stimulant every morning was tried. Splitting the dose of ATX provided a way to retain benefits of the stimulant while sustaining improved sleep.


Stimulants and ATX have been subjected to extensive clinical testing that has demonstrated safety and efficacy in their use as single agents for treatment of ADHD. An enormous quantity of research and clinical experience has been accumulated with stimulants over the past 30 years. Most of this has been with elementary school children, but there is a sizable body of research on stimulants with adolescents and with adults as well. Greenhill et al. (1999) summarized studies including 5,899 individuals that have shown stimulants to be safe and effective for treatment of ADHD. ATX has not yet been tested for long in the wider population of patients treated outside the protective restrictions of clinical trials, but it has been demonstrated safe and effective in clinical trials involving over 3,700 individuals, a much larger sample than for other nonstimulant medications tried for ADHD. However, the substantial evidence of safety and effectiveness of ATX and stimulants as single agents does not establish satisfactory evidence of safety and benefits of using these agents together.

The combination of stimulants with ATX described in these cases has thus far been quite helpful in alleviating patients' ADHD symptoms without any recognized adverse effects. At present, however, there are virtually no research data to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of such combined treatments. The manufacturer of ATX has reported that tests of combined administration of MPH and ATX did not result in increased blood pressure, but not much more has been published about the use of these two medications together.

When more than two medications are used together, the potential for adverse effects is further increased. We had one 18-year-old high school student in whom a combination of three medications produced significant although transient adverse effects. This student's severe ADHD symptoms and moderate dysthymia had responded only partially to 1 year of treatment with OROS MPH 72 mg qam with fluoxetine 20 mg qam. When his continuing difficulties with inattention symptoms jeopardized his graduating from high school; ATX 80 mg was added to the existing regimen. After this regimen had been working well for 6 weeks, a taper down was begun to discontinue the fluoxetine. Before the taper down was completed, the boy reported an acute episode of headache and dizziness in school The school nurse found his blood pressure to be 149/100 mm Hg; previous baseline was consistently 110 / 70 mm Hg. All medications were discontinued until his pressure was restabilized for 2 weeks, at which time ATX was restarted followed by the OROS MPH a week later. The hypertensive episode apparently resulted from effects of the fluoxetine on metabolism of the ATX. This is evidence to support the warning from manufacturers of ATX that caution must be used when strong CYP2D6 inhibitors such as fluoxetine are used concurrent to ATX. The combination of ATX and OROS MPH was helpful and well tolerated by this patient after the fluoxetine had been fully washed out, a step that should have been taken prior to adding the ATX.

Lack of systematic research on use of ADHL) medications in combination is an example of a broader problem in psychopharmacology, particularly in child and adolescent psychopharmacological treatment. The practice of using medications in combination is increasingly widespread. Safer et al. (2003) recently reviewed clinical research and practice literature from 1996-2002 to assess frequency of concomitant psychotropics for youths- They reported that during 1997-1998 almost 25% of the representative physician office visits for youths in which a stimulant prescription was written were also associated with use of concomitant psychotropic medication. This was a fivefold increase over the rate in 1993-1994. Elevated rates for use of alternative combinations of medications to treat other psychiatric disorders in children were also found, usually to treat aggressive behaviour, insomnia, tics, depression, or bipolar disorder. Apparently, combined pharmacotherapy with children is increasing despite the lack of adequate research on the safety of such combinations.

Some might question why clinicians utilize a combined pharmacotherapy treatment before it has been fully evaluated in controlled trials. Usually the rationale is that apparent risks for a particular patient appear significantly less harmful than the likely risks of not providing such treatment and that there is potential of substantial benefit for a patient suffering significant impairment. The major problem with this approach is the dearth of adequate research to guide estimates of possible risks and benefits in the use of combined medication treatment. Similar uncertainties exist in many fields of medicine.

The cases described in this report reflect various problems that were not life threatening but were significantly impairing the learning, school achievement, family life, and/or social relationships of these patients in ways that had substantial negative impact on functioning and quality of life for the children and their families. Each derived some benefit from treatment with a single agent, but significant ADHD symptoms or related impairments persisted on the monotherapy regimen- In these cases, neither parents nor clinicians were engaged in a quixotic search for perfection; these children and families were suffering significantly from impairing symptoms inadequately alleviated by single-agent treatment.

In such cases, clinicians need to weigh carefully potential advantages and risks of accepting limited benefits obtained 1mm monotherapy versus the potential risks and benefits of utilizing combined agents. As Greenhill (2002) observed, "The individual practitioner must make key decisions when treating an individual patient, often without an authoritative answer or direction from the research literature." Greenhill added that even when relevant research literature is available, it yields "averaged group data to evaluate medication effects, possibly missing important subgroup differences in treatment response" (chapter 9, pp. 19-20). The clinician's task is to tailor treatment interventions utilizing understanding of the relevant science together with sensitive understanding of the particular patient.

In the four cases presented here; the combination of ATX with stimulants has apparently been safe and effective. We have obtained similar results thus far in 21 other cases with no significant adverse effects. Such anecdotal reports, however, especially over short time frames, are not sufficient to establish safety In~ the absence of adequate research, decisions to utilize this combination of ATX and stimulants should be made on a case-by-case basis, with full disclosure of the limited research base given to the patient or parents and with ongoing monitoring for effectiveness and possible adverse effects.



Arnsten AFT: Dopaminergic and noradrenergic influences on cognitive functions. In: Stimulant Drugs and ADHD: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience Edited by Solanto MV, Arnsten AFT, Castellanos FX New York, Oxford University Press, 2001, pp 185-208.
Barkley RA, Murphy KR, DuPaul GI, Bush T: Driving in young adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Knowledge, performances adverse outcomes, and the roleof executive functioning . J. Neuropsychol Soc 8: 655-672. 2002.
Biederman J, Spencer T: Attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as a noradrenergic disorder. Biol Psychiatry 46:1234-1242, 1999.
Brown TE: Emerging understandings of attention deficit disorders and comorbidities. In: Attention Deficit Disorders and Comorbidities in Children, Adolescents and Adults. Edited by Brown TE. Washington (DC), American Psychiatric Press, 2000, pp 3-55.
Bymaster FP, Katner JS, Nelson DL, HemrickLuecke 5K, Threlkeld PC, Heiligenstein JH, Morin SM, Gehlert DR, Perry KW: Atomoxetine increases extracellular levels of norepinephrine and doparnine in prefrontal cortex of rat: A potential mechanism for efficacy in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder Neuropsychopharmacology 27:699-711, 2002.
Gammon GD, Brown TE: Fluoxetine and methylphenidate in combination for treatment of attention deficit disorder and comorbid depressive disorder. J Child Adolesc Psychopharrnacol 3:1-10, 1993.
Gehlert DR. Gackenheimer SL, Robinson DW: Localization of rat brain binding sites for [3H]tomoxetine, an enantiomerically pure ligand for norepinephrine reuptake sites. Neurosci Lett157:203-206, 1993
Grace AA: Psychostimulant actions on dopamine and limnbic system function: Relevance to the pathophysiology and treatment of ADHD. In: Stimulant Drugs and ADHD: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience. Edited by Solanto MV, Arnsten AFT, Castellanos FX. New York, Oxford University Press, 2001, pp 134-157.
Greenhill L: Stimulant medication treatment of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: State of the Science, Best Pracfices Edited by Jensen PS, Cooper JR. Kingston (New Jersey), Civic Research Institute, 2002, pp 1-27.
Greenhill L, Halperin JM, Abikoff H: Stimulant medications. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 38:503-512, 1999.
Lanau F, Zenner M, Civelli O, Hartmann D: Epinephrine and norepinephrine act as potent agonists at the recombinant human dopamine D4 receptor J Neurochem 68:804-812, 1997.
Michelson D, Adler L, Spencer T, Reimherr FW, West SA, Allen AJ, Kelsey D, Wernicke I, DietrichA, Milton D: Atomoxetine in adults with ADHD: Two randomized, placebo-controlled studies. Biol Psychiatry 53:112-120, 2003.
Michelson D. Allen AJ, Busner J. Casat C, Dunn D, Kratochvil C, Newcom J, Sallee FR, Sangal RB, Saylor K, West SA, Kelsey D, Wernicke J, Trapp NJ, Harder D: Once-daily atomoxetine for children and adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A randomized, placebo-controlled study. AmJ Psychiatry 159:1896-1901,2002
Michelson D, Faries D, Wernicke J, Kelsey D, Kendrick K, Sallee FR, Spencer T; Atomoxetine ADHD Study Group: Atomoxetine in the treatment of children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A randomized, placebo-controlled, dose-response study. Pediatrics 108:E83, 2001
Pliszka SR: Comparing the effects of stimulant and non-stimulant agents on catecholamn~e function: Implications for theories of ADHD. In: Stimulant Drugs and ADHD: Basic and Clinical Neuxoscjence Edited by Solanto MV, Arnsten AFT, Castellanos FX. New York, Oxford University Press, 2001, pp 332-352.
Safer DJ, Zito JM, Doskeis 5: Concomitant psychotropic medication for youths. Am J Psychiatry 160:438-449,2003.
Solanto MV, Arnsten AFT, Castellanos FX: Neuroscience of stimulant drug action in ADHD. In; Stimulant Drugs and ADHD: Basic and Clinical Neuroscience. Edited by Solanto MV ArnstenAFT, Castellanos FX. New York, Oxford University Press, 2001, pp 355-379.
Wong DT, Threlkeld It, Best KL, Bymaster FP: A new inhibitor of norepinephrine uptake devoid of affinity for receptors in rat brain. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 222:61-65, 1982.



APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 4). Atomoxetine and Stimulants in Combination for Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Four Case Reports, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 5 from

Last Updated: May 6, 2019

Preventive Sessions After Divorce Protect Children into Teens

Divorcing families who participated in a prevention program markedly reduced the likelihood of their children developing mental disorders.Divorcing families who participated in a prevention program markedly reduced the likelihood of their children developing mental disorders as adolescents, say NIMH-funded scientists. Structured group sessions for mothers and children later halved rates of mental disorders in the teen years, among other benefits, in the first study to document long-term effects of such preventive interventions using a randomized experimental trial.

Prevalence of mental disorders rose to 23.5 percent among teens in families that did not receive active interventions, compared to only 11 percent in families who received the most comprehensive intervention. The program also reduced acting out, drug and alcohol use and sexual promiscuity. Drs. Sharlene Wolchik, Iwin Sandler, and colleagues at Arizona State University, Tempe, report on their 6-year follow-up of 218 families in the October 16, 2002 Journal of the American Medical Association.

About 1.5 million children experience the divorce of their parents each year - ultimately 40 percent of all children. While most adapt well, 20-25 percent suffer significant adjustment problems as teenagers. The negative impact often persists into adulthood, resulting in nearly twice the normal prevalence of mental health problems and impaired educational attainment, socioeconomic and family well-being.

"The skills training program's breadth of effect cut across multiple mental health, substance use and sexual behavior problems," said Sandler. "It reduced the 1-year prevalence of mental disorder in these teens by 50 percent, boosting their chances of avoiding serious mental health problems by more than four-to-one."

The divorcing families, with children then age 9-12, were randomly assigned to one of three preventive interventions for mothers and their children, conducted in the Phoenix area New Beginnings Program in l992-l993:

Mother Program -- 11 group sessions in which two clinicians focused on improving the mother-child relationship, discipline, increasing father's access to the child, and reducing conflict between the parents. Each mother also had two structured individual sessions.

Mother Plus Child Program -- the mother program, plus 11 structured group sessions for children, designed to improve coping, the mother-child relationship, and reduce negative thoughts. Based on social-cognitive theory, the children learned to label feelings, solve problems, and to reframe their thinking in a positive way in dealing with the stress of divorce.

Literature Control condition - mothers and children each received three books on divorce adjustment.

After 6 years, the researchers followed up 91 percent of the families, whose children then averaged nearly 17 years old. Eighty percent of the teens were living with their mothers. The two active interventions led to more favorable outcomes than the control condition for all problems assessed. Effects proved greatest for children who entered the study with the most problems. Although the Mother and Mother Plus Child Programs finished in a statistical dead heat overall, each showed certain strengths.

When evaluated 6 months after the trial, children who had started out at highest risk of externalizing problems - aggression, hostility - had benefited from the Mother Program and the Mother Plus Child Program. At the six-year follow-up, the Mother Program also led to significantly less alcohol, marijuana, and other drug use for those who were initially at higher risk. Teens who had been in the Literature Control condition had more than twice as many sexual partners as those exposed to the Mother Plus Child Program. Again, the latter group also showed a significantly reduced 1-year prevalence of mental disorders; the odds of Literature Control condition teens having a mental disorder diagnosis were 4.50 times higher.

"The impact of the programs on reducing externalizing problems is especially noteworthy," said Wolchik. "Children of divorce are at high risk for these problems, which have high individual and social costs. Skill-building programs to help mothers and children during difficult times can have a long-term positive impact."

next: Can Kids Blame Their Parents for Social Phobias?
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~ all anxiety disorders articles

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 4). Preventive Sessions After Divorce Protect Children into Teens, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 5 from

Last Updated: July 2, 2016

Eating Disorders: Do Body and Food Issues Differ by Culture?

Eating Disorders, Body Image and Cultural Contexts

Although a great deal of early research on body image and eating disorders focused on upper/middle class Caucasians living in America or under the influence of Western ideals, many researchers are realizing that eating disorders are not isolated to this particular group. They are also realizing the differences in body image between occur in different races and genders (Pate, Pumariega, Hester 1992). Recently, several studies have shown that eating disorders transcend these specific guidelines, and increasingly, researchers are looking at differences of eating disorders in male and female differences, cross-cultural variation and variation within cultures as well. It is impossible to broach the concept of body image without including the general sentiment of the population being studied as it changes from society to society. Americans, Blacks and Asians have been the focus of a significant amount of research on the cultural attributions of eating disorders and differences in body image between cultures.

Recently, studies have shown that eating disorders transcend differences between races and genders, and researchers are looking at male / female differences, cross-cultural variation and variation within cultures as well.When a researcher considers body image and eating problems in African-American women, they must also take into account the socio-cultural factors and factors of oppression, such as racism and sexism (Davis, Clance, Gailis 1999). Without specific etiologies for individual eating problems and body dissatisfaction, these issues become very important to individual cases and treatments. Psychologists must consider religions, coping methods, family life, and socio-economic status when assessing a patient. These all vary within cultures and between cultures making this a difficult job and complex subject to tackle. Fortunately, a great deal of research has been done to assess the body images of Black women. One extensive study compared Black women living in Canada, America, Africa and the Caribbean and took into account several of the above factors to analyze and reach an understanding about the black woman's perception of body image. They found that black women overall prefer a more voluptuous and robust body shape; the women seem to correlate this with wealth, stature and fitness across cultures (Ofuso, Lafreniere, Senn, 1998). Another study that looked at how women view their bodies supports these findings. This study shows how perceptions of body image vary between African American and Caucasian women. African American women tended to be happier with themselves and have a higher self esteem. The women were all college women from two small community colleges in Connecticut; this is very important that their surroundings are essentially the same (Molloy, Herzberger, 1998). Although these studies reveal that African American and Black women across the world have different cultural constraints and body image ideals than other ethnic groups, other studies urge researchers not to forget that Black women are not unsusceptible to eating disorders and low self esteem. One literature review cautions that the dominant culture of a society may impose its views on individuals and cause a deterioration or change in values and perceptions (Williamson, 1998). Interestingly, Black women with high self-esteem and more positive body images also possess more masculine traits than other women studied.

This raises the question about gender difference and the concept of body image and prevalence of eating disorders. Females generally tend to report greater body dissatisfaction than males; this is not a surprise considering that eating disorders are much more prevalent in the female population. Male students, however, usually report greater weight dissatisfaction than females; this usually comes from being underweight. These findings are consistent with research done between students in China and Hong Kong (Davis, Katzman, 1998).

With the idea that Western ideals and White populations have a higher occurrence of eating disorders, comes a great deal of research that compares Western and Eastern cultures. One study explored the differences in body image perception, eating habits and self esteem levels between Asian women and Asian women who had been exposed to Western ideals and Australian born women. Eating habits and attitudes were similar between all three categories, but the judgments of body shape varied distinctly. Australian women were much less satisfied with their body images than the Chinese women. Although the Australians showed great dissatisfaction, the Chinese women who have undergone acculturation of traditional Western ideals showed even lower scores on the (FRS) figure rating scale. When male and female Asian students were compared to male and female Caucasian students, the results were consistent (Lake, Staiger, Glowinski, 2000). Males in both cultures shared a drive to be larger, and women share a drive to be smaller (Davis, Katzman, 1998). Although the difference in the women, appears to come from the definition of the word smaller. For Asian women this seems to mean more petite, but for Caucasian women it means thinner. These are the important cross-cultural differences that researchers must regard. Another study suggests that Asian women do not develop eating disorders through acculturation but instead, a clash of cultures (McCourt, Waller, 1996). Little evidence supports this claim, but it is a good example of different stances taken on the issue of how culture may affect eating habits and body image. In an early study comparing Asian girls and Caucasian girls, the two groups were administered the Eating Attitudes Test and the Body Shape Questionnaire. 3.4% of the Asian girls and 0.6% of the Caucasian girls met DSM-III criteria for bulimia nervosa; these diagnoses appear to be due to cross-cultural differences. The scores that got the diagnosis were also correlated with more traditional Asian culture (Mumford, Whitehouse, Platts, 1991). This study points to the need for a more culturally sensitive method of diagnosing or testing for eating disorders.

Although several people hold that Western ideals still account for the majority of eating disorders and body image distortions in the world, evidence is very controversial. Regardless, it is important to realize that although eating problems may be prevalent in that narrow cultural realm, they are not limited by those standards. Eating disorders and body image misperceptions are becoming increasingly prevalent in a number of societies and the amount of research done on different cultures and ethnic groups supports this. The idea of Western ideals being the cause of eating disorders makes the etiology far too simple, and makes treatment of eating disorders even more obvious, which it is not. An important distinction to make when assessing eating disorders as the last study pointed out is to consider whether the test results are biased because of culture or whether the differences in culture account for the differences in body perception and attitudes.

next: A True Picture of Eating Disorders Among African American Women: A Review of Literature
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~ all articles on eating disorders

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 4). Eating Disorders: Do Body and Food Issues Differ by Culture?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 5 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

ADHD-LD Adults and Success in the Workplace

Covers issues surrounding success on the job for adults with ADHD and/or LD adults.

Luck or intuition? Some adults with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) or a LD (Learning Disability) have created enormously successful careers. Do you know any? Others have struggled because it is often our work that places the greatest demands on our capacities for planning, memory, organization, teamwork and precision.

Many ADHD adults have checkered resumes because they have left jobs out of boredom, poor working relationships or difficulties meeting the demands of a job. For many ADHD adults, work life has been far from ideal, resulting in chronic feelings of discouragement and dissatisfaction.

In this article I will discuss many issues surrounding success on the job for ADHD and/or LD adults. Although ADHD and LD are separate disabilities, they tend to co-occur, and have similar struggles.

Problems and Strategies:

  • Successfully Coping with ADHD/LD Issues on the Job
  • Organisation Difficulty
  • Do you have difficulty getting places on time, figuring out how much you can do in a day or an hour, organising your physical workspace, keeping track of time? If so, every part of your life is affected.


Typically, if something is interesting, you probably get caught up in that activity and just keep going. An ADHD mind does not naturally think in terms of minutes or hours.


a. Auditory aids--buzzers or alarms. b. Visual aids-digital timers, post-it notes. c. Kinesthetic aids--vibrating timers/pagers. d. Ask a co-worker to give you a reminder. e. Create a partnership with a co-worker. f. Build in rewards for yourself.


Keeping baskets or boxes to hold information and set aside a certain amount of time daily to go through these. Sticky notes, daily reminder charts/calendars, write to do list daily. Set aside 10-15 minutes at beginning of work day to organise yourself. Learn your own way to be organised--try a few things to see what works the best.


Are you drawn to jobs that allow freedom of movement? Do you become restless easily? Here are some techniques to try:

a. Look for work that allows for high degree of physical movement (delivery person, sales person, etc.).
b. Take frequent breaks - trip to get some water or walk outside.
c. Bring lunch to work so you can take a walk at lunch-known to increase productivity.
d. The more sedentary your job (like mine), the more important it is to get regular exercise before or after work.
e. Carry small unobtrusive object in pocket or hand during long meetings.
f. In meetings, take pad and pen to take notes. Even with the small amount of movement involved in writing can help contain restlessness. You can also write down the things that may be distracting you, such as what you are going to do after the meeting, what you need at the grocery store, where you're going on vacation this summer, etc.


Most workplaces have a high degree of distractibility.

a. Whenever possible, arrange workday to have blocks of uninterrupted time.
b. Let voicemail answer phone calls during certain times of the day. And, return calls only during specific times of the day.
c. If you have a private office, shut the door during certain times of the day. If not, look for unused space (conference room, empty office) that you can work on projects that require a lot of concentration.
d. Experiment with earplugs or head phones to reduce distractions.
e. Use flex-time to provide yourself with an hour at the beginning or end of the day when less people are in the office.
f. Keep your work surface clean and clear. Visual distractions can reduce productivity.


May resultfrom not knowing where to begin, feeling overwhelmed or disliking certain tasks. It may mean that you need a little assistance to get started.

a. Give yourself deadlines.
b Ask your supervisor for specific deadlines. Anytime becomes never.
c. When facing a boring or tedious task, break it into small pieces and reward yourself.
d. Work on a team with someone else.
e. Look for work that involves short-term tasks with definite deadlines.

Memory Problems

Forgetfulness or absentmindedness can get the best of us.

a. Use tape recorders or take notes during conferences/meetings.
b. Take your planner with you so you can refer to events and tasks of the day.
c. Use your day planner as a constant reminder pad.
d. Keep a written record of all requests made of you (in your day planner or special notebook for this purpose).
e. Ask people to send you info by fax or email so that you have it in writing.
f. Place objects or things you need to take home/work by your keys.
g. Use sticky notes.
h. Get in the habit of reviewing your day, the upcoming week, and month to remind yourself of upcoming events.

Employer Accommodations for Adults with ADHD - LD

A combination of your strategies and employer accommodations works best. It is important to look at on a case-by-case basis.

1. Provide a non-distracting workplace.
2. Allow employee to do some work at home.
3. Provide employee with computer software to assist with planning and time management-also teach hands-on how to use this software.
4. Provide employee with audio tape equipment to tape meetings/conferences.
5. Provide employee with checklists to structure tasks that require many steps.
6. Give instructions slowly and clearly, preferably orally and written.
7. Excuse employee from non-essential tasks to allow more time on essential tasks.
8. Restructure job to match employee's strengths.
9. Provide more frequent performance appraisals.
10. Reassign employee to vacant position that better matches strengths.
11. Provide extra clerical support.
12. Allow flex-time (4 ten hour days, or flex time each day)
13. Establish frequent brief meetings to assist with keeping on track.
14. Establish multiple short-term deadlines.
15. Provide assistance setting up an organized filing system.
16. Communicate by email and memos.
17. Provide assistance setting priorities.


ADHD qualifies as a disability under the Disability Act if it can be shown that it substantially impairs your ability to function in. You must be able to perform your essential job functions with reasonable accommodation.

a. No legal cases have yet set standards for what is reasonable under the ADA.

b. ADA only applies to organizations with greater than 15 employees.

Disclosure of ADHD to Employer and Self-Advocacy

Personal decision based on your particular circumstances. Can you request accommodations without disclosing? If you demonstrate an A + attitude and good motivation, letting your supervisor know what you need, without disclosing, may get you results. Think about what types of accommodations you will require. You may need to consult with an expert to help you. Hopefully some of the ideas presented today will give you a place to start. Because FEW employers pay for workplace evaluations (county), you will need to address the following:

1. A place to start is also being able to educate your employer about your ADHD or LD. Providing them with written information can be helpful (see resources). Also, sharing with them what you are planning to do for your ADHD/LD
2. Emphasize that you are taking primary responsibility to manage your ADHD problems.
3. Ask for suggestions and feedback.
4. Sometimes a change of supervisor can be a wonderful accommodation. This is NOT supported by the DDA. Supervisors who are rigid, perfectionistic and micromanagers tend to be poor matches for ADHD adults. You may need to look around for another position.

Finding the Right Job Match

Unfortunately, there is no "list" of ADHD jobs. People with ADHD are affected differently. Also, they have different personality types, levels of intelligence, abilities, skills and areas of interest. One thing we do know is that the more interesting you find your job, the more successful you will be! It is important to keep in mind three general areas

1. Strengths/Weaknesses
2. Likes/Dislikes
3. Personality Styles.

Here are some general guidelines to keep in mind:

a. Develop a list of strengths and weaknesses. (Do this now). Think back over your life, considering summer jobs, courses in school, hobbies etc. Make a list of strengths.
b. Think about things that have been frustrating for you. Make a list of these things which tend to be your weaknesses.
c. Develop a list of likes and dislikes. Include EVERYTHING you can think of, whether it's immediately related to work, or not. What things fascinate you? What bores you? Are you a people person? Do you prefer solitary activities?
d. If you have access to an interest inventory, take it. This will help give you a sense of direction.
e. Look at personality issues - take the Myers/Briggs (on-line). Come up with profile which connects types of careers that are a good match (see book: Do What You Are).

Positive ADHD - LD Traits for Success on the Job

Paul Gerber's research: He reported that individuals who achieved a high level of success in their careers despite their LD all reported the following internal traits:

a. A very strong desire to be successful.

b. A high level of determination.

c. A strong need to control their own destiny.

d. An ability to reframe their disability in a more positive, productive manner (Mark Katz book).

e. A planned and goal oriented approach.

f. An ability to appropriately seek assistance without becoming dependent.

These successful people also reported a common set of external circumstances that they had been fortunate enough to find or resourceful enough to create for themselves:

a. A mentor for guidance and support.
b. Positive, supportive people to work among.
c. New work experiences to enhance their skills.
d. A work environment in which help was available when needed.
e. A high "goodness of fit" between their skills and the job's requirements.

Other positive ADHD traits (can ADHD them to your list that you previously created): Creative; Determined; Good in a Crisis; Seek variety; Seek stimulation; Resilient; Enthusiastic; Energetic; Love a Challenge; Think on feet; Able to hyper-focus; Good at communicating; Interact well with people Others:

Potential Stress Factors on the Job for those with ADHD - LD

a. Long hours
b. New management
c. Unrealistic demands
d. Lack of Structure
e. Long commute
f. Too frequent deadlines
g. Unclear duties
h. Fear of being fired

About the author: Amy Ellis, Ph.D. is in private practice in San Diego, CA.



APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 3). ADHD-LD Adults and Success in the Workplace, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 5 from

Last Updated: May 6, 2019

Morning Meditation

Today was one of those beautiful, serendipitous days when time just stopped and balance, peace, and serenity were all available to me in joyful abundance.

I awoke around 5:00 a.m. to the warm and loving arms of my beautiful wife. She smiled at me as we relaxed in our bed, listening to a gently falling rain outside our window.

As the sun came up, I arose and got a bite of breakfast, unhurried and uninterrupted by the usual hustle and bustle of our seven-person household. School is out now and all the kids are away visiting their other parents. It was wonderful to feel like I had the whole house to myself for a change.

So, I put some soothing, peaceful piano music on the stereo—Rick Wakeman's Romance of the Victorian Age and immersed myself in the mood set by his serene piano and strings orchestrations.

As I ate breakfast, I looked out the French doors leading to our patio and pool. The rain drops fell into the pool forming tiny ringlets in time with the music.

I felt suspended in love and grace and serenity. I felt the close presence of God in the depths of my heart and in my soul. Although I did not verbalize a prayer of thankfulness—somehow I knew that God was communicating with me, gently reminding me of His care and His plan and His purpose for my life.

Thank You, God for loving me. Thank You for the quiet moments we spend together. Thank You for consciousness and awareness and the beautiful, poetic, spiritual reality that Life can be. Amen.

continue story below

next: Options

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 3). Morning Meditation, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 5 from

Last Updated: August 8, 2014


One of recovery's principle benefits and tools is the realization that we do have options.

When life gets overwhelming and stressful, we have the option of taking a time-out, getting re-focused, and taking care of ourselves.

No matter what situation we find ourselves in, we always have the option of self-care.

Sometimes self-care means trusting God when we can't see the solution. Other times, we just pray and wait and watch. We can take minute vacations, breathe, and relax.

We can meditate in a quiet place, listening for the voice deep within us that speaks when we get still enough.

We can remember to laugh at life and its struggles and hardships. Keeping our hearts light and a smile close at hand is always good food for our souls.

We can spend time with a friend—someone who listens without judging. We need that at times to shut out the voice of self-condemnation that we co-dependents tend to let live rent-free in our heads.

We can go to a meeting and listen while others tell their stories. We can offer our strength, hope, and encouragement to them. We can get out of ourselves and our problems and focus on someone or something other than our own lives for a while. Getting a different perspective is always valuable.

We can remember not to sweat the details - and it's all details - typically the most mundane that we allow to cause us the most stress.

Most of all, we can remember that ultimately, God is in control. There is a grand design and plan to all that we experience in this life. A wonderful Grace is at work in us and in those with whom we interact. We are exactly where we need to be to grow and become the beautiful person we are becoming.

Thank you, God for being in control. Thank you for the recovery tools and the options You have given me. Help me to use them. Help me to trust You completely. Help me to remember that I am not my problems, nor my relationships, but that I am Your child and You love me and care for me, no matter what circumstances I may be experiencing. Amen.

continue story below

next: Feeling Overwhelmed

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 3). Options, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 5 from

Last Updated: August 8, 2014

ADHD Treatments and Coping Strategies

Detailed information on treatments and coping strategies for ADHD. Includes both children and adults with ADHD.Detailed information on treatments and coping strategies for ADHD. Includes both children and adults with ADHD.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD, sometimes also known as AD/HD or ADD) is a diagnosis based on behavioral symptoms. The signs and symptoms of ADHD, and medications for ADHD are discussed in separate pages. This page focuses on the treatment of ADHD and the ways an individual and family members can cope with this sometimes vexing disorder.

What are the usual treatments for ADHD?

At the present time, it is generally believed that ADHD cannot be cured, and most people grow out of only some of the symptoms. There is also a minority view that ADD is caused by developmental trauma and can be successfully treated. The most commonly prescribed treatment is a combination of:

  • behavioral intervention at home, in school, or in the workplace
  • psychotherapy or coaching
  • medication (discussed in-depth in the ADHD medications section, which also includes a discussion of benefits and risks of medication)

Many people in the life of the person with ADHD may take part in this multi-modal treatment:

  • the school or workplace
  • the people who live with the person with ADHD, such as family, spouse, partner, or parents
  • a psychiatrist or other medical practitioner who can prescribe drugs
  • a psychologist, counselor, or coach
  • most of all, the individual with ADHD who wishes to make changes in his or her life.

For most individuals with ADHD, this multi-modal treatment approach seems to work. However, some people do not respond well to the standard treatment, and some families object to the use of medications, particularly with young children. Some children object to the way the medication makes them feel.

How can an individual with ADHD cope?

Here are some suggestions for coping with ADHD. Start by viewing this condition as a difference rather than a disability and then set about to deal with the needs this difference creates.

  1. Get a formal diagnosis. Choose a psychiatrist, neuropsychologist, or therapist who has knowledge and experience, including recent information about developmental trauma, which may influence the diagnosis. An exam should also rule out any other mental or physical problems that may be exacerbating or masking the ADHD.
  2. Gather information about medications. If a medical practitioner recommends medications, do some research to decide if you and your family want to pursue this approach. If so, take medications as directed and notice any differences. Let your doctor know if there are any unpleasant or difficult side effects of medication so adjustments can be made. Once beginning medications, do not make changes without consulting your doctor.
  3. Include therapy and/or coaching in treatment. Whether or not medications are incorporated, psychotherapy can help the individual and family deal with the feelings and tensions that accompany ADHD. Coaching can help with learning specific organizational and social skills.
  4. Ask for help. Just as a blind person develops other senses more fully and learns to ask others for assistance when necessary, a person with ADHD must develop ways to compensate for a disability and learn to ask others for assistance. Ultimately, a person with ADHD will find that asking for reminders or help in organizing projects is a better solution than pretending to be able to handle everything, and then failing.

What is the role of psychotherapy in the treatment of ADHD?

Psychotherapists can help individuals with ADHD cope with the feelings of

  • having ADHD
  • living with people's responses to the ADHD behaviors.

Sometimes those feelings go back to childhood, when others criticized them for their inattentiveness, impulsivity, or hyperactivity. Constant criticism can lead to low self-esteem, and a person who has been feeling self-loathing for many years is likely to respond defensively to current interactions in unhelpful ways. The therapist will explore past and current feelings and work with the individual to forge new ways of interacting.

Sometimes the therapist works with the couples or families that include the person with ADHD so that everyone can examine and change their behaviors surrounding the ADHD symptoms.

What is behavioral intervention for ADHD?

Behavioral intervention is direct negative or positive reinforcement of desired behavioral changes. For example, one intervention might be that a teacher rewards a child with ADHD for taking small steps toward learning to raise a hand to be called on before talking in class, even if the child still blurts out a comment. The theory is that rewarding the struggle toward change encourages the full new behavior.

It is important to note that individuals with ADHD are notoriously variable in their symptoms. One day, the person may behave acceptably in one realm, and, the next day, may fall back into old, unacceptable patterns. This makes behavioral intervention difficult because it seems as if the training is not working. However, over time, reinforcement has been shown to improve behavior; a person with ADHD may simply have more off-days than other individuals.

What are some alternative treatments for ADHD?

Because ADHD is largely a behavioral condition affecting children, there are many concerns in both the diagnosis and particularly in the use of medication for treatment. Although there is often controversy when less traditional approaches to treatment of any condition are suggested, some promising alternative approaches for ADHD include:

  • neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback, in which electrodes attached to the scalp provide brainwave pattern information, allowing the person to see the effects of relaxation, breathing, and focused attention, and learn to slow down or speed up brain waves)
  • Interactive Metronome (IM) rhythmicity training (computerized system involving sound and movement patterns to assist with focused attention)
  • EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique - involves the use of tapping on specific acupressure points while speaking certain affirmations - which seems to trigger changes in the neurological system)
  • "outdoor green time" (nature seems to have a calming effect on people)
  • Animal Assisted Therapy (petting and caring for animals helps some children become calmer and better self-regulated)
  • small specialized classroom in a multi-dimensional program (going back to the beginning to fill in gaps in learning, including frequent periods of vigorous physical activity, constant opportunities for success, attention and acknowledgment for every accomplishment, adequate sleep and proper nutrition, etc.)

How can partners and spouses cope with living with a loved one who has ADHD?

ADHD is generally very challenging for the partner and family of the affected individual. It helps if all are committed to working through the difficulties of life with ADHD. In addition to, or instead of, medication, counseling or therapy can reframe troublesome interactions:

  • the individual with ADHD will begin to see which behaviors irritate or anger the partner, and how those behaviors might be interpreted as unloving
  • the individual that does not have ADHD can begin to change responses to the ADHD behaviors so that the individual with ADHD can receive calm feedback.

The therapeutic process will be most successful if:

  • the therapist or counselor is experienced in dealing with ADHD or developmental trauma
  • the therapist or counselor can work on two levels: the feeling level and the practical level
  • the partners exercise their senses of humor.

In order to sustain positive feelings and to be patient during the therapeutic process, the individual who does not have ADHD may wish to attend a support group for partners of individuals with ADHD.

What are some strategies for parenting children with ADHD?

Parents of children with ADHD need to help their children to develop into their best selves. These parents also need to take care of themselves as they deal with the difficulties of ADHD on a daily basis.

A diagnosis is a good starting point. However, parents should be aware that the research on ADHD is evolving rapidly and both doctors and teachers may be relying on outdated information. Parents can develop a treatment plan that may include:

  • parent education about ADHD (reading, watching videos, attending workshops, discussions with a therapist or coach)
  • education for the child about ADHD at age-appropriate level, to develop ability to act as own advocate throughout life
  • behavioral interventions at home and/or at school
  • therapy or coaching
  • medications
  • alternative approaches to treatment.

Working to help a child change behaviors takes patience, attention to detail, and helping the child to compensate for ADHD. If one of the parents has ADHD, as is often the case, that parent will face even greater challenges to be a helpful parent to the child.

Some important guidelines for parenting children with ADHD are:

  • Remember that your child's behavior is related to a disorder, and is not generally intentional.
  • Manage your own frustration and anger so that you can be in a state to help your child to change daily patterns.
  • Be patient with change: foster improvements and be calm about setbacks.
  • Get help when you need it, either from your mate or from other substitute caretakers.
  • Make a list of the positive traits of your child.
  • Develop and repeat fun activities that allow your child to be at his or her best.
  • Encourage athletic pursuits, if your child seems to benefit from such activities.
  • Reinforce positive behavior quickly; follow through with negative consequences immediately.
  • Expect only short periods of time sitting still.
  • When giving instructions, stand or sit close to your child and keep the list of instructions very short.
  • Be consistent.
  • Provide structure.
  • Be the advocate until your child can self-advocate.
  • Believe in and support your child.

What can teachers do to help students with ADHD?

Teachers can educate themselves about ADHD and the accommodations they can provide for children with ADHD. In many cases, the teacher will want to work with parents to change the learning environment and monitor behaviors at home and at school. Some of the ways teachers can help a student with ADHD are:

  • Help the student to remember homework assignments by giving written as well as auditory cues. Monitor the student's use of a daily planner to record homework assignments.
  • Give the inattentive student a seat at the front of the room or away from distractions.
  • Reward students as they try new and better behaviors in the classroom.
  • Teach how to take notes.
  • Teach in an interactive manner.
  • Encourage the use of distinctive folders for different subjects. Suggest the use of one particular folder for papers leaving the classroom that must be returned, either signed by parents or completed by the student.
  • Teach strategies for accomplishing long-term assignments.
  • Provide duplicates of textbooks in the classroom so that the child can leave a set at home.
  • For students who have difficulty writing neatly, allow the use of computers for written assignments, either in the classroom or at home.
  • Develop a secret signal with students to indicate when they are diverging from accepted behavior.
  • Allow extra time for exams if the child's attention wanders during tests.

next: ADHD Treatment Overview: Alternative Treatments
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(1) A American Academy of Pediatrics. AAP parent pages: ADHD and your school-aged child. October 2001.

(2) B O'Brien JM, Felt BT, Van Harrison R, Kochhar PK, Riolo SA, Shehab N. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder guidelines for clinical care [draft 4/26/2005 ]. University of Michigan Health System.

(3) American Academy of Pediatrics. Clinical Practice Guideline: Treatment of the School-Aged Child With Attention- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Pediatrics 2001;108:1033-1044.

(4) Wilens TE, Faraone SV, Biederman J, Gunawardene S. Does stimulant therapy of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder beget later substance abuse? A meta-analytic review of the literature. Pediatrics. 2003 Jan;111(1):179-85.

(5) A 14-Month Randomized Clinical Trial of Treatment Strategies for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1999;56:1073-86.

(6) Fuchs T, Birbaumer N, Lutzenberger W, Gruzelier JH, Kaiser J. Neurofeedback treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children: a comparison with methylphenidate. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2003 Mar;28(1):1-12.

(7) Monastra VJ, Monastra DM, George S. The effects of stimulant therapy, EEG biofeedback, and parenting style on the primary symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2002 Dec;27(4):231-49.

(8) Thompson L, Thompson M. Neurofeedback combined with training in metacognitive strategies: effectiveness in students with ADD. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 1998 Dec;23(4):243-63.

(9) Linden M, Habib T, Radojevic V. A controlled study of the effects of EEG biofeedback on cognition and behavior of children with attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities. Biofeedback Self Regul. 1996 Mar;21(1):35-49.

(10) Lubar JF, Swartwood MO, Swartwood JN, O'Donnell PH. Evaluation of the effectiveness of EEG neurofeedback training for ADHD in a clinical setting as measured by changes in T.O.V.A. scores, behavioral ratings, and WISC-R performance. Biofeedback Self Regul. 1995 Mar;20(1):83-99.

(11) Heinrich H, Gevensleben H, Freisleder FJ, Moll GH, Rothenberger A. Training of slow cortical potentials in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: evidence for positive behavioral and neurophysiological effects. Biol Psychiatry. 2004 Apr 1;55(7):772-5.

(12) Rossiter T. The effectiveness of neurofeedback and stimulant drugs in treating AD/HD: part II. Replication. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2004 Dec;29(4):233-43.


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APA Reference
Gluck, S. (2008, December 3). ADHD Treatments and Coping Strategies, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 5 from

Last Updated: February 14, 2016