Anorexic Male Model

The Photoshop Effect

Compulsive Gambling, Gambling Addiction

What The Bleep Do We Know about Addiction

Methamphetamines: World's Most Dangerous Drug

Dialogue With God On Money

I started keeping a journal in the spring of 1995. By the summer of 1997 I was recording my thoughts and feelings on the different events in my life almost every day. At one point in my journal I began having a dialogue with God.

"Is it okay to make a lot of money?"

Dialogue With God On MoneyI would state something about my life and how I felt about it and then questions, with a very different tone than my own, started coming into my mind. I would write down the questions and try to answer them.

In my journals, God asks lots of questions, questions that forced me to go deeper into my own judgments, attitudes, fears, beliefs and assumptions. These dialogues have helped me dig down to the beliefs that sponsor my thoughts and behaviors.

Through these many dialogues I've been able to tap into the core beliefs that cause my pain and unwanted behaviors. When I see the belief, I'm then free to change my mind about it. This greater awareness of my sponsoring thoughts has allowed me to change and create who I want to be with ease.

Unfortunately, what I can't convey in the printed word is the attitude and tone behind these questions. You can not hear the love, the acceptance and innocent curiosity behind the questions themselves. I hear it and it's probably the main reason I can easily address the questions without becoming defensive or feeling interrogated.

Most of the questions I've been asked by the people in my life in regards to personal issues have not sounded like questions at all, but more like judgments. Questions like, "you sure you should do that?" and "why in the world do you feel that way?" have sounded like accusations to which I become defensive. I have never felt this way with God's questions.

God's questions are so different. The attitude behind the questions is very distinctive. That's probably the hardest thing to articulate. She's so loving, accepting, non-judgmental AND non-directive with her questions. I get the definite impression I'm not being led to some preconceived conclusion but that the answers could end up anywhere. Perhaps the best way to explain it is by giving an example.

[What's bothering you Jennifer?]

I don't think I'll ever be able to make a great living doing what I want.

[What do you want to do?]

continue story below

I love art. I love designing. I love personal and spiritual growth work. Through my mandala experience I've found a way to combine these passions but I'm never going to make much money at it.

[Why do you believe that?]

Because no one ever makes much money in these types of human service endeavors.

[What do you mean?]

I mean the world doesn't value the work enough to pay much money for it.

[Do you believe that?]

Yes. The only people who make the big bucks are the ones who own their own business or are in sales. No one in human services like personal or spiritual growth work is rich.

[Why do you believe that?]

I guess cause I don't know of many who have done it. Well, there are a few people. Anthony Robbins, and probably quite a few others who have done well. And there's my friend Kaitryn who's doing well giving workshops and such. So I guess it's possible to make a decent living doing this type of work.

[Do you think it's possible for you to make a decent living doing the work you love?]

Maybe, but I don't think I could handle what some people would think of me. They'd question my motives.

[What do you mean?]

I mean the minute someone writes a great personal growth book and starts making money from it, everyone attacks them by saying "oh, she's only in it for the money or to sell books." I don't want people to think that about me!

[How would you feel if someone thought that of you?]

I'd hate it and I'd do my damnedest to try and change their minds. I wouldn't want them to think that!

Dialogue With God On Money[Why not?]

Because it wouldn't be true! I'd be creating the materials cause I love to do it. I've been exploring this spiritual stuff for so long. What's wrong with becoming wealthy by sharing what I've come to know?

[You tell me. What's wrong with becoming wealthy sharing what you know?]

I'd kinda feel guilty making a lot of money from it.


I would be getting my cake and eating it too. The question that keeps coming to mind is, Why me? Why do I deserve such abundance? There are so many people out there who are living desperate lives filled with confusion, pain and struggle. Why do I get to do what I love AND have material abundance to boot? Why me? What makes me so special?

[Do you think you are special?]

I go back and forth on that one. Sometimes the answer is yes. But then my ego kicks in and starts feeling superior. I don't want to feel that way because I begin to feel separate from others. Then there are other times I don't feel special at all. I'm just muddling through like the rest. I guess at the heart of it all I think we are ALL special in unique ways. Everyone has the ability to do what they love and make a comfortable living at it.

But here's where I stumble, not everyone WILL do that. If I go ahead and create wealth doing what I love, others will think I'm somehow special or better than them. They won't realize that they too have the same option!

[How would you feel if others thought you were special or better than them?]

It would bother me.


continue story below

Because it's not true. Everyone has the ability and choice to do what they love and make a living from it.

[Do you believe that?]


[So if everyone could make a living doing what they love, why would it bother you if others believed you were special or better than them, because you went ahead and did it?]

I don't know.

[Can you take a guess?]

I think I would feel like I had failed them in some way. I didn't say the right words. I wasn't convincing enough. I didn't communicate well enough for them to understand their own power to do what I have done. Somehow it would be my fault they didn't understand the choices available to them.

[Do you believe that?]

I'm not sure. In the past I've read tons of books on self-esteem and they talked about how special, unique, and worthy I was of love. I didn't believe them. I wanted to believe them, but couldn't. I just didn't think it was true! It didn't matter what others said about me. If I didn't believe it in my heart of hearts, their words held little meaning to me. It wasn't until I looked to myself for answers that my life began to change.

I can't make people realize their own power and ability. It's going to come down to a personal decision made by them, just like it was for me.

[How do you feel about that?]

I still wish I could make them see, but I'm okay with it. I will do my best to communicate what I know and encourage people to find their own answers.

[So are you now ready to make the big bucks doing what you love?]

Oh god.

[Why the groan?]

I don't know. "Big bucks" sounds so dirty. Like I'm a money grubbing capitalist pig.

Dialogue With God On Money[What's wrong with being a money grubbing capitalist pig?]

Don't you know that's a bad thing to be?!?

[What does "money grubbing capitalist pig" mean?]

It means someone who makes a lot of money. More than others think they should make at the detriment of someone else.

[How would you feel making a lot of money?]

It would feel great! It's the rest of the world I'm worried about.

[What do you mean?]

As I said earlier, there are going to be people who question my motives. They're going to think I'm only in it for the money. They're going to think I'm a shyster and a fraud.

[How would you feel if others thought you were a shyster and a fraud?]

It would drive me crazy.


Because.what if it was true?

[What do you mean?]

What if part of my intention WAS to make a lot of money? Wouldn't that mean I was exactly what they were calling me, a shyster and a fraud?

[What exactly is a shyster and a fraud?]

Someone who's primary reason for doing what they do is to take other people's money by taking advantage of them. Somehow tricking them out of their money.

[Would you be taking advantage of others and tricking them our of their money?]

continue story below

To be honest, I'm not even sure how one tricks another, unless there is some kind of dishonesty or deceit involved. And I wouldn't be doing that. There's just so much suspicion around people who make a lot of money. What if I DID make a lot of money, wouldn't that make what I'm offering less valuable somehow?

[What do you think?]

I guess not. If people find value in it, what's wrong with me making money from it? I can't see anything wrong with receiving value for value. Still...I wouldn't want to make more money than my work was worth.

[How does one determine the value of their work?]

I don't know.

[Try pretending that you do know.]

I guess I would have to be really clear on what I thought about the value. I would have to look at what I'm offering and figure out what it would be worth to me. Do I think it's good? Has it been valuable to me in my life? Would I be willing to pay for it?

[How valuable has your work been to you in your life?]

Immeasurable! Priceless!

[Interesting choice of words.]

Well it's true! I would pay a hell of a lot of money for what I have come to know. As a matter of fact I have. I've paid quite a bit over the years in programs. I can't begin to total how much I've spent on books alone. By priceless I mean, a LOT of money. So I would pay a lot for what I have come to know. It's worth it to me.

[How would you feel if others felt similarly to you and were willing to pay money for what you have come to know?]

It seems I shouldn't charge people for it.

[Why not?]

Because the value of this work goes beyond money. Money is so superficial. God's work is beyond money. The two don't compute. They're almost a contradiction. One has nothing to do with the other.

Dialogue With God On Money[Do you believe that?]


[Why do you believe that?]

It's hard for me to put into words. There are so many negative connotations with money. Spiritual work is nothing but good stuff.

[What negative connotations do you associate with money?]

I don't know if I can be specific. It's a general feeling that money is somehow bad. I've watched so many TV shows and news programs where people have hurt others all because of money. People lie, steal, cheat and even kill for it. But then, they've done the same thing for their religion and their God. I don't know, I'm getting confused.

[What are you confused about?]

I'm confused on how money is bad. I mean, it's just a piece of paper we assign value to. It has no inherent worth other than what we give it. Hand a hundred dollar bill to some aborigine and he'll probably use it for kindling. It doesn't hold the same meaning to him. Money is just a convenient way of trading value for value. It's considerably easier than the barter system where we were carrying chickens and pigs around with us. So if it's just paper, why all the negative connotations?

[What negative connotations?]

That people who have a lot of it are bad. Most of the rich people in movies are portrayed as evil, heartless, greedy, shallow, and uncaring people. It kinda perpetuates the idea that being poor is somehow more godly. I think we assume the rich must have done something dishonest to get that much money.

continue story below

[Do you believe people who have a lot of money must have done something dishonest to acquire it?]

I'm embarrassed to say, but I think I do.

[Why do you believe that?]

Because so many people who want money don't have it. The rich people MUST be doing something different. Although, I don't know why I assume that particular "something" is dishonesty. You know what? It doesn't mean that. Now that I think about it, many of the wealthy people I know didn't get that way being dishonest or from taking advantage of people. There's a whole list of things they do differently, but dishonesty is not necessarily one of them.

[What are some of the things they do differently?]

Well, to start with they are comfortable making a lot of money. They don't even see it as a lot of money! It's all relative. For another, they are passionate and persistent in what they do. Most of the one's I know seem to like what they do, which makes sense since we tend to do what we love to do. And because we love to do it, we do it more often and consequently get better at it. Which makes us love it all the more. It's a perpetual circle.

It seems like there are as many motives and factors involved as there are people. Some get rich by dishonest means. Some don't. I guess I was generalizing. You know, I could be one of those "good" rich people. I can be a nice, giving, caring, and loving rich person!

[How does that feel?]

It feels great, but it's not going to feel great to everyone. There are still going to be people that view me in a negative light. They're still going to question my motives, think my values are screwed up, and think I shouldn't charge for my work. I wish this wasn't the case. I have to accept this though cause I can't change their minds.

[What do you mean?]

Well, if they're like me, the judgments they make about people with money have nothing to do with that person specifically. It has more to do with their own beliefs about money in general. I can't go into someone's head and rewire their beliefs. All I can do is be true to myself, practice honesty, and do what I think is best. If people make up stories about me, well, then they do! What can you do?

[What can you do?]

Be really, really, REALLY clear with myself about my motives. If I know who I am, maybe people saying bad stuff about me won't bother me. At least that's been my experience with other matters. When I feel secure in who I am, I don't take negative comments personally.

You have helped me so much. I hope you know how much I appreciate you being in my life. I just love the stuffin' out of you.

[And I love the stuffin' right out of you. Works well, doesn't it.]

next: Radical Honesty, What A Concept!~ back to: My Articles: Table of Contents

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, November 12). Dialogue With God On Money, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: June 22, 2015

My Library

Click a link to see the books related to the area you select:

Books. I adore them. They've been my window to the world, other people, and to myself. Although I enjoy fiction (that teaches), you'll see that non-fiction is my true passion. My taste in books has changed over the years. Putting this list together has been like a visual representation of "where I've been, and where I am" .

The titles are organized similarly to a book store, by subject matter, then alphabetically by author. I have rated what I believe to be PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstar"must read" books. By clicking on "Order Now," you'll be taken to where you can purchase the book.

Spiritual Growth

As You Think by James Allen


Illusions, The Adventure of a Reluctant Messiah

PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarIllusions, The Adventure of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach

This lighthearted, mystical adventure story about two barnstorming vagabonds follows a thought-provoking dialogue between a guy named Richard and a real Messiah who quit. I experienced my first "aha" experience reading this book in college. It was like I was remembering something I knew a long time ago, or had found a precious ring after a long arduous search. Insight and humor abound.

continue story below


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarOne by Richard Bach

What if we could meet the people we are destined to be in twenty years? What if we could confront the people we were in the past, and those we are right now in parallel lifetimes, in alternate worlds?

PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarA Bridge Across Forever by Richard Bach

If you've ever felt alone in a world of strangers, missing someone you've never met, you'll find a message in this book. A GREAT love story!!


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarRunning from Safety by Richard Bach


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarOne Last Time by John Edward


PinkstarPinkstar The God-Mind Connection by Jean Foster


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarCreative Visualization by Shakti Gawain


Handbook To Higher Consciousness by Ken Keyes, Jr.


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarOut On A Limb by Shirley MacLaine

I liked this book for many reasons. But the primary reason is, this woman has balls! She knew damn well she was going to get a lot of flack about this book. She knew the possibility of ridicule, but she wrote it anyway. She takes you on an intimate yet powerful journey into her personal life and inner self. I enjoyed traveling with her from Stockholm to Hawaii to the mountains of Peru. I was with her as she struggled with her disbelief till she reached radiant affirmation of who she was and discovered her very roots of existence.


Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman


A Search for Truth by Ruth Montgomery


The Tenth Insight by James Redfield


Living With JoyPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstar Living With Joy by Sanaya Roman

This book presents a systematic course in spiritual growth that will help you transform your life, discover your personal power, and awaken to the truth of who you really are. You'll learn how to create what you want, without struggle, discover your life purpose, change negatives into positives, gain clarity in your relationships, and increase your sense of aliveness and well-being. This is one of those types of books that you could read throughout your life, and continue to learn from.


Personal Power Through Awareness by Sanaya Roman


Emmanuel's Book by Pat Rodegast & Judith Stanton

Signals: An Inspiring Story of Life After Life by Joel Rothschild


The Master of Life Manual

by Dick & Trenna Sutphen

Conversations  With GodPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarConversations With God (Book 1) by Neale Donald Walsch

A God with wit, humor, and who doesn't speak in parables? About time. Neale isn't claiming to be the Messiah of a new religion, just a man who sat down one day with pen in his hand and some tough questions in his heart. As he wrote his questions to God, he realized that God was answering them... directly... through Walsch's pen. The result, far from the apocalyptic predictions orcultic eccentricities you might expect, turns out to be matter-fact, in-your-face wisdom that rings so true it's hard to put down. As I started reading this book, it was more like I was REMEMBERING the truths for the first time.


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Personal Growth

PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarRadical Honesty: How to Transform Your Life by Telling The Truth by Brad Blanton


The Way of the Bull by Leo Buscaglia

The Artist's WayPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarThe Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

Noted Hollywood screenwriter and director Julia Cameron presents an exciting method for artists to recover their creativity from limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, inattention, fear, jealousy, guilt, addictions, and other forces that inhibit the creative process.


PinkstarPinkstarYou Can Be Happy No Matter What by Richard Carlson


People of the Lie by Scott Peck


How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

ORDER NOWLearning To Be You: It's An Inside Job

PinkstarPinkstarPinkstar Learning To Be You: It's An Inside Job by Brenda Ehrler

This book, promotes internal change rather than external control. There are no "do's and don'ts" lists on how to deal with life's adverse external circumstances, but rather a plan for inner healing through awareness, self-love, changed perception and non-judgement.


Emotional OptionsPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarEmotional Options by Mandy Evans

The hands-down ultimate guide to happiness in a belief-driven world. Freeing, empowering and unforgettable. Way ahead of it's time.


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarDiscover What You're Best At by Linda Gale


PinkstarPinkstarWho Are You? 101 Ways of Seeing Yourself by Malcolm Godwin


How We Choose To Be HappyPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarHow We Choose To Be Happy by Rick Foster & Greg Hicks

This book, combining personal narratives with scientific research, reveals the nine choices that truly happy people make--and explains how such joy-producing principles as intention, accountability, appreciation and truthfulness can be applied in our daily lives to help us join their ranks.


The Path of Least Resistance by Robert Fritz


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarWhat To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helmstetter


Happiness Is A ChoicePinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarHappiness Is A Choice by Barry Neil Kaufman

If happiness was a science, Mr. Kaufman would be the premier scientist of our decade. I personally feel this book should be required reading from grades 1 till death. The book shows how we as a society support unhappiness and gives us a fresh perspective on who truly holds the reins of control in our lives.


PinkstarPinkstarWhen All You've Ever Wanted Isn't Enough by Harold Kushner


PinkstarPinkstarThe 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People by David Niven


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarThe Road Less Traveled by Scott Peck


You Can Become The Person You Want To Be by Robert Schuller


PinkstarPinkstarI Can Do Anything, If Only I Knew What It Was by Barbara Sher


PinkstarPinkstarWhen I Say No, I Feel Guilty by Manuel Smith


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You Are The Message by Roger Ailes


The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarThe Millionaire Next Door by William Danko & Thomas Stanley


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarThink And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Enjoy stories of America's greatest entrepreneurs, inventors, and other business leaders, and how they reached their goals! The lessons apply to anyone with a wish or a goal or a dream... in any walk of life. This book is a treasure for anyone who wants to achieve.


Laws of Success by Napoleon Hill


A Strategy for Success by Ari Kiev, M.D.


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarAwaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarThe Magic of Getting What You Want by David J. Schwartz


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarThe Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartzby David J. Schwartz


PinkstarPinkstarThe Magic of Thinking Success by David Schwartz


Seeds of Greatness by Denis Waitley


Over The Top


Steps To The Top by Zig Ziglar


Insights Into Excellence by the members of the Speakers Roundtable


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Paradigms by Joel Arthur Barker


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPrinciple Centered Leadership


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstar7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey


Making a Difference - 12 Qualities that Make You a Leader by Sheila Murray Bethel


Developing the Leader Within You


Developing the Leaders Around You by John C. Maxwell


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Love Relationships

Love In Action by Mary Browne


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarThe Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman

You will gain so much insight into your relationships with your friends, neighbors, spouses, children, co-workers --- EVERYONE. Learnabout the different styles of communication and intimacy.


The Path To Love by Deepak Chopra


Freedom From the Ties That Bind by Guy Finley


Men Are  From Mars,  Women Are  From VenusPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarMen Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus by John Gray

This book clarifies the complications and differences in "styles" between men and women. I laughed all the way through it. And I can't tell you the number of times I said "Honey, listen to this..." as I read to him stories and situations we had been through also. The book stresses the importance of TALKING to each other and HOW to communicate. Ever wonder why men won't ask for directions? Read the book, it's in there!


What You Feel, You Can Heal by John Gray


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarThe Unimaginable Life by Kenny & Julia Loggins


To Love is to  Be Happy WithPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarTo Love is to Be Happy With by Barry Neil Kaufman

A must read for anyone that's in a relationship or wants to have a relationship or has contact with other people. Have I missed anyone? Incredibly simple yet packed full of insights into how we think and behave in relationships. Mr. Kaufman shines a light on all the beliefs we hold about love and relationships, and how those beliefs lead us to fear, anxiety, distance, confusion, and distrust, not love. Once I saw the beliefs, it gave me the power to change them, and have the type of relationship I always dreamed about. In my opinion, this book should be studied from 1st grade through life.


The Secret of Staying In Love by John Powell


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarLove Is A Decision by Gary Smalley


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Habits of Wealth by Bill Byrne

PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarThe Millionaire Next Door by William Danko & Thomas Stanley


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarWealth Without Risk by Charles J. Given



Creating Money: Keys to Abundance by Sanaya Roman



Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth by Ric Edelman


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Don't Stand Too Close To A Naked Man by Tim Allen


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarMy Point... And I Do Have One by Ellen Degeneres

What can I say, Ellen is a riot! I read the thing to practically anyone who would listen, which sometimes was just me. I put her up there with Robin Williams. She DOES have a point, you just have to find it!


Real Women Don't Pump Gas by Joyce Jillson


Couplehood by Paul Reisener


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The Sacred & The Profane, The Nature of Religion by Mircea Eliade


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarSophie's World, A Novel About the History of Philosophy by Jostein Gaarder


PinkstarPinkstarThe Fountainhead


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarAtlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand


Einstein's Universe by Nigel Calder


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PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarChicken Soup for the Soul by Jack Canfield


PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPersonality Plus by Florence Littauer

Includes a personality-type test, a profile of your type, and thoughts on how to maximize your strengths, and minimize your weaknesses. I don't look at personality tests, or horoscopes as the "definitive you", I see them more as a "tending towards" and consider it another avenue in which to discover more about yourself. Besides, it's fun!


Personality Puzzle


Dare to Dream by Florence Littauer

PinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarPinkstarWomen's Bodies, Women's Wisdom by Christine Northrup, M.D.

After more than 17 years of practice, Dr. Northrup explores how thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can have organ-specific consequences and are associated with specific diseases.If you're a woman, get it!


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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, November 11). My Library, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: August 6, 2014

My Artwork


"When starting a new painting, anything is possible."


Butterfly on Iris



Flower Closeup

Flower Close-up

Painful Pleasure

Painful Pleasure





Funky Bird

Funky Bird

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My Writing ~ My Photo Gallery ~ My Artwork ~ My Library

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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, November 10). My Artwork, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: August 6, 2014

My Writing

Expressing what's going on in my head has brought clarity to my life. These are some of the articles I've written.

My WritingArticles

Mid-life Crisis at 34?

"Who knew the pen could be a savior."

In 1992 Bernie and I started a business in addition to our two careers. We hoped the business would fulfill our dreams of being financially independent. The business relied heavily on our ability to lead people. Since we had no prior experience leading people, we knew we'd have to change if people were going to follow us and take our advice. So we read books, lots of books. Listened to tapes and attended seminars on leadership and personal growth. I had always been into personal growth so it was wonderful that I got to do it for business reasons AND Bernie, who had never been into it, could share my passion. The business grew, we changed, life was good.

One of the concepts I got out of all those books, tapes and seminars, was that attitude played a huge role in our lives. I really dove into the concept of having a good attitude. Having a good attitude wasn't difficult for me, I already had one. The whole concept that reality was a perception, that it's subjective, and what really mattered was our reaction to that reality, became a major base from which I operated. To me, the glass was definitely half full.

continue story below

I also learned that you can change the way you feel by changing how and what you say to yourself. Your internal "self talk." Its difficult to be sad when your smiling and thinking about the good things in life. Saying "I feel great!", independent of what you're feeling, works! So anytime I felt fear, hurt, anger or doubt, I would just smile and think "Happy thoughts." I also wanted to be supportive of Bernie. I didn't want my negativity to effect him. So the only things he heard from me were positive. I focused on seeing only the good, turned a deaf ear to my irritations, suppressed any anger, and swallowed my disappointments. This worked wonderfully for almost two years. The business was thriving. The money was rolling in. We were becoming better people...then, something happened.

I became intensely depressed. I mean, we're talking big time. I have never been so low in all of my life. Crying on the couch, pleading to God to tell me what was going on, and desperate for any sign that would help me understand what was happening to me. I withdrew from people, withdrew from the business, withdrew from life. The more I tried to snap myself out of it, the worse it got. Pretending everything was great wasn't working anymore.

Unfortunately, Bernie was still in intense-business-partner mode, not in compassionate-husband mode. So most of the feedback I got from him was, "just change your you want to feel this way, change a book or something"...etc. etc. (Mind you, this is NOT how he remembers it) But deeper and deeper I went into this swirling, sucking, festering eddy of despair.

This went on for about 3 months. Then I met a group of people at a place I started freelancing for. They were "live for the moment" type people. No thoughts of the future, fun was their goal. They didn't expect me to change, they thought my attitude was great, they liked me the way I was. With this encouragement, I rebelled. Rebelled from the business, rebelled from Bernie, rebelled from responsibility, rebelled from the books, the tapes, and the meetings. I went a little crazy. Ok, a lot crazy. I left a wake of destruction in my path. Eventually I "came to my senses".

After mending some wounds I created from this craziness, I found myself in limbo land. I didn't want to go back to the world of "pretending everything was grand". Massive feelings of negativity had now been generated in regards to discipline, goals, and "shoulds". Yet I didn't want my life to have no purpose either. I couldn't live a life void of responsibility. So I drifted, and floated, and wandered what the hell I was suppose to do now.

My WritingIt felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff. Looking to the left, looking to the right, not wanting to go in either direction. They both looked precariously rocky below. So I was living my life at the mercy of my feelings, yet feeling that to "change" them, was pointless and a denial of who I was.

Questions, so many questions. Questions like, there are times when I feel unmotivated, but don't feel any great urgency to change that. Why would I want to stay unmotivated? What could possible be good about being lazy? What happens if I don't feeeeeeel like changing my attitude? How do I know whether feeling boredom is a sign that a change is needed or to keep plowing ahead in the same direction? How can I change my emotions without denying what I'm feeling?

Then, I found Options (more about the Option Method) and everything began to turn around for me. Here are the changes I experienced..


-high energy level


-ignored my wants


-outwardly success oriented

-thought money was king

-confused but enthusiastic

-in search of "truth"

-self disciplined thru guilt

-status conscious

-others MADE me feel things

-I made people unhappy

-guilt ridden


-loved to laugh

-suppressed creativity

-agonized over fitting in

-ability to FORCE success

-inquisitive, curious, interviewer

-constantly working on changing myself

-passion for reading

-loved the ocean/nature/animals

-self righteous

-outwardly confident/innerly insecure

-intensely serious

-whatever the majority thinks, is "right"

-wanted to change the world

-anti-traditional male/female roles

-faster was better

-awful at maintaining friendships


-high energy level

-only move if its fun

-focus on my wants

-still never do enough

-just want to be happy and fulfilled

-believes money gives you options

-less confused but enthusiastic!

-we create truth

-motivated by wants

-don't hang w/ those people any more

-I MAKE myself feel things

-people make themselves unhappy

-princess-warrior against guilt


-laugh more

-expresses creativity

-if I fit in, great, if not, so be it

-working on following my wants

-me and Oprah are pals

-constantly working on understanding myself

-obsessed with reading

-now live by the ocean in nature

-self righteous, but aware of it

-outwardly confident/innerly secure

-sometimes serious, sometimes dingy

-what the majority thinks, doesn't mean anything

-want to change lives

-less militant about male/female roles

-faster is better but now w/ patience

-awful at maintaining friendships, but that's okay

continue story below

My Writing ~ My Photo Gallery ~ My Artwork ~ My Library

next: Intensity Seeker (a poem)

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, November 10). My Writing, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: June 23, 2015

My Photo Gallery


"How much is a picture worth?"

My Photo Gallery

This is me at Mardi Gras (one of the perks of living close to New Orleans.) They throw the best parties and parades. Unlike other typical parades they throw beads, candy, cups, and other unmentionables from the floats. You have to experience it at least once in your life.


Me & Hubby - Every once in a great while we like to dress up and pretend we're fancy. Then it's back to those wonderful, comfortable jeans.

Christmas 2000

Bern & I on St. Croix - It was always a dream of mine to ride a horse on the beach. I didn't know what fun it would be to take the horses in the ocean!


We just love the Caribbean. Sun, ocean and soft breezes.

St. Croix

Our Babies - Mister Man (AKA: pumkin head, fuzzy butt). Our first little boy whose not so little. He's one BIG Maine Coon cat! He has the sweetest disposition even if he does love to beat up his sister Silver. He's the hardest nose-rubber we've ever experienced.


Silver (AKA: stinky and silver baby doo) She is one very loud fat cat so she's on a perpetual diet. Her favorite place to sleep is on a lap.


Muffin (AKA: muffin head) We lost our little bit of fluff of nothing to kidney disease in 2001. She was our resident princess except when she went to the vet where she became "miss wild cat". I just can't remove her from the site yet. I miss you Muffin!


My Writing ~ My Photo Gallery ~ My Artwork ~ My Library

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next: My Artwork

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, November 10). My Photo Gallery, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: August 6, 2014