Sugar Addiction, Obesity, Diabetes

Diabetes, Alzheimer's, Paranoid Schizophrenia

Raya, Artist, Diabetic, Schizophrenic

Stress, Depression and Diabetes

Diabetics Tend to Be More Depressed

Diabetes: Emotional Roller Coaster

Family Member With Mental Illness

Here's what's happening on the HealthyPlace site this week:

When A Family Member Has A Mental Illness

The letters we receive from family members could rip a hole in your soul.

"My wife emptied out our savings and retirement accounts and went on a $230,000, 3-day shopping spree. Carla is bipolar. I was extremely angry when I found about it. That was two weeks ago. Last night, she committed suicide."
- Dan

"My daughter's eating disorder has led to complete anarchy in our house. We've tried everything, therapy and hospitalization for her, therapy for us, all the time having to walk that fine line of utter frustration, our own sanity vs. hers. We've gone from living a good, middle-income life to being mortgaged to the hilt. Our youngest son is angry because attention has been diverted away from him and my husband and I are at odds over how to handle this. I'm scared to death of what's next."
- Monica

Having a family member with a mental illness can be very stressful and it's guaranteed you will be affected by their illness too.

A person with a psychiatric disorder often needs much love, help and support. At the same time, the problems, fears and behavior of your ill relative may strain your patience and your ability to cope.

So what's a family to do? Mental health professionals first suggest learning about the psychiatric disorder so you understand what you're dealing with. Getting counseling for yourself and attending support group meetings for families (NAMI, DBSA, CHADD, Mental Health America, AA and other addiction all have local support groups across America), where you can share the frustrations and get "insider" feedback, can also be very helpful.

Even being armed with a good understanding of your loved one's mental illness may not be enough to get you through the tough times, as you'll see on this Tuesday's HealthyPlace TV Show (more below).

Share Your Mental Health Experiences

Share your experiences, or respond to other people's audio posts, by calling our toll-free number (1-888-883-8045).

You can listen to what other people are saying by clicking on the gray title bars inside the widgets located on the "Sharing Your Mental Health Experiences" homepage, the HealthyPlace homepage, and the HealthyPlace Support Network homepage.

If you have any questions, write us at: info AT

"Mental Illness in the Family" On HealthyPlace TV

Rebecca's life is in tatters. Her daughter has Dissociative Identity Disorder and, so far, has revealed 19 alters ... and she's only 12 years old. It's cost Rebecca her marriage, her job, and she might even lose custody of her daughter. Her story and helpful suggestions for surviving mental illness in the family on Tuesday's HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show.

continue story below

Join us Tuesday, November 24, at 5:30p PT, 7:30 CST, 8:30 EST. The show airs live on our website. Rebecca will be taking your questions during the live show.

In the second half of the show, you get to ask Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft, your personal mental health questions.

Coming in December on the HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show

  • Overeating: The Emotional Pain and How to Cope with It
  • OCD: Scrupulosity

If you would like to be a guest on the show or share you personal story in writing or via video, please write us at: producer AT

Click here for a list of previous HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Shows.

Coaching The Materialistic Child

Do you have "give me, give me" kids? In today's materialistic world, where what they see is what they want, how do you teach your children to be satisfied with what they have?

Just in time for the holidays, the Parenting Coach, Dr. Steven Richfield, has some ideas for turning your child from an "all-the-time getter" into at least a "sometimes giver." Coaching the Materialistic Child

back to: Mental-Health Newsletter Index

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, November 23). Family Member With Mental Illness, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: September 5, 2014

Brain of the Overeater

What is this all about.....

can there be changes  and treatment beyond the typical treatment for schizo-affective disorder.  The distortion when I look at peoples faces and not being to really read what a person is feeling in its entirity  I was exploring the other side of schizophrenia the catatonia side which is more of what I have to deal with and yet when I describe it in a non=medical term no one seems to know what I'm talking about especially doctors  and mental health proffessionals.  I've had this illness now going on 16 years diagnosed  almost 9 years.   I have  fallen through the cracks constantly because of my insurence.   I am at the point of c omplete frustration.  yea the hospital emergency room turned me away when i was having a pshycotic break.   Because i wasnt homicidal or suicidal they wouldn't help me oh but they made sure to charge me for my visit.

APA Reference
(2009, November 23). What is this all about....., HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 10 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Mental Illness in the Family: Dissociative Identity Disorder

Posted on:

The impact of mental illness on families is huge. Our guest's daughter has Dissociative Identity Disorder. The mental illness has torn her family apart. Watch now

Whether it's a mental or physical illness, it's natural to concentrate on the person who has the illness. Many forget that family members and loved ones are also suffering. The impact of mental illness on families comes in the forms of grief, denial, frustration, exhaustion, and stigma.

Mental Illness is Foreign to Most People

It is difficult for anyone to deal with strange thinking and bizarre and unpredictable behavior. Imagine what it must be for families of people with mental illness. It is bewildering, frightening and exhausting. Even when the person is stabilized on medication, the apathy and lack of motivation can be frustrating.

Her daughter has experienced repeated fainting spells, severe headaches, catatonic episodes and bizarre hallucinations. Even with a college degree in psychology, Rebecca was not prepared for the diagnosis her daughter received - dissociative identity disorder.

Take, for example, our guest on this Tuesday's HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show. Rebecca is a 33 year old mother of 3 young girls. She has spent the last two years watching her oldest daughter, age 12, "fall apart."

In her guest blog post (My Daughter’s Mental Illness Has Turned My World Upside Down), you can tell Rebecca has great sympathy and empathy for her daughter's situation. At the same time, her family has shouldered a huge emotional and financial burden. And you can feel the enormity of it all...the toll it has already taken.

On Tuesday, Rebecca will share her story of mental illness in the family and some things that she has learned through experience that bring her brief moments of relief.

About the HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show

The HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show airs live every Tuesday night at 5:30 pm PST, 7:30 pm CST, and 8:30 pm EST. Our guest and HealthyPlace Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft, will be taking your personal questions. Read Dr. Croft's blog post on Coping with Mental Illness in the Family for additional insight into the struggles of family members.

Unfortunately, the video is no longer available. Below are some useful articles about dissociative identity disorder.