
Mental Health Coping Skills

"Why do I get the birthday blues?" is a question that bothered me for years. Only recently did I learn that I am not the only one who feels sad on their birthday. While plenty of people look forward to celebrating their birthdays -- as they should -- there are enough folks who can only throw a pity party. Here's why I feel the birthday blues.
Therapy has changed my life. I wanted to go to therapy for years, but I only got access when I reached my breaking point in 2017. While I wish I had sought help sooner, I'm grateful I finally did because, honestly, therapy changed my life in unexpected ways. Whether you are on the fence about it or have decided it's not for you, read on to know just how impactful seeing a therapist can be.
Have you ever wondered how to practice self-care when your therapist is away? As someone taking a break from therapy, this question is often on my mind nowadays. While it is possible to get by without your therapist, the ultimate goal is to thrive and not just survive, so regular self-care is essential. Here's what to do when your therapist is away.
Do your thoughts scare you? Have you ever been busy doing something when a disturbing thought suddenly occurred to you and left you shocked? Does this happen frequently? Don't worry, you are not losing your mind. Instead, the thoughts that scare you are probably intrusive thoughts.
Have you heard of a life script? Changing your life isn't easy, especially when you seek change that stands the test of time. I have been struggling to make some changes, and in a recent therapy session, I learned a technique that can help anyone steer their life in the direction they want. It's called rewriting your life script, and it can transform your life in ways you never thought possible. 
If you're a digital activist, you need to protect your mental health. In today's hyperconnected world, anyone can be an activist, and so many of us are. It's incredible to see young people actively working to improve the world we live in. However, while advocating for causes like social justice is crucial, so is making time for self-care. After all, digital activism can take a toll on your mental health just as much as traditional activism. Let's explore how you can protect your mental health as a digital activist.
Maintaining friendships is no easy task, and it's all the more difficult when you have a mental illness. I should know; I struggle with double depression and generalized anxiety disorder, and many of my friends have mental illnesses like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). That said, it is possible to sustain friendships even when you live with a mental illness. Here's how my friends and I do it. 
Fasting can be related to mental health. Fasting, the practice of abstaining from food or drink for a specific period, is significant in cultures and societies across the world. People fast for various reasons, from religious observance and spiritual purification to weight management and personal health goals. In fact, Ramadan, a month of fasting observed by Muslims, ended very recently. And it got me thinking: how does fasting impact mental health? Let's take a look. 
Have you heard of "main character energy?" It's something that I recently remembered and found useful. I often feel powerless, as if I am a spectator of my own life. This isn't out of the blue: a recent series of events has shown me how cruel life can be for no reason. However, last night, I set aside some thinking time to try and resolve this issue. That's when I remembered main character energy, a social media term coined in 2020. It's a concept that deeply resonated with me, so I revisited it online and spoke about it with my therapist. Here's what I discovered. 
Do you feel like something is missing in your life? You are not alone. From time to time, so do I. A recent session with my therapist revealed that this isn't new: humans have always been dissatisfied with their lives. She said we are only experiencing it more frequently today because of factors like social media comparison, increased capitalism, and the belief that one can have it all. These factors have come to define civilized life, and we cannot control most of them. However, we can control our reactions to them to minimize life dissatisfaction. Let's take a look at what my therapist told me about feeling something is missing.