
Schizoaffective Disorder

Recently, I sought a second opinion on my psychiatric medication change. I was suffering because of the lowered dosage of the medication, and I still am. It’s not the first time I’ve done this. Here’s why I’ve had to seek a second opinion on my psychiatric medication.
I have schizoaffective disorder, and I’m hearing voices again for the first time in a long time. Due to medication, I didn’t hear them for what seemed like ages. But now they’re back. Here’s what it’s like to be hearing voices again with schizoaffective disorder.
I’ve been driving to my intensive outpatient program (IOP) five times a week despite my anxiety about driving. It’s not a very far drive, but it’s a start. Here’s how I have been able to drive, despite anxiety, to the IOP.
What is an intensive outpatient program (IOP)? I am currently in one, and I have been helped by another before. So, I am going to explain to you what an intensive outpatient program is in this article.
Fireworks are very bad for my schizoaffective anxiety. I wanted to write about my struggle because this post will be published on the Fourth of July, a holiday known for its fireworks. So, let me tell you about how fireworks trigger my anxiety.
I’ve decided that my mental health is more important to me than politics. Here’s why I feel I have to take this stance–and, for many this election year, mental health is more important than politics.
I am having trouble getting a medication for my schizoaffective anxiety. The main issue is that it is now considered a controlled substance, so my insurance is very wary of accepting an updated prescription with a slightly greater dose. Let me tell you more about my problems getting this medication for my schizoaffective anxiety.
I recently flew in an airplane, and it triggered my schizoaffective anxiety. Here’s how my schizoaffective anxiety was affected by flying in an airplane.
Playing the piano affects my schizoaffective disorder in a very positive way. Let me tell you how my piano playing soothes my schizoaffective disorder.
Do naps affect schizoaffective disorder? For me, they do—in a good way. Here’s how naps improve my schizoaffective disorder.