
Self Confidence

Learn how to say no and not feel guilty. Build self-esteem and maintain self-respect with these ideas.
Many people are afraid of public speaking, don't let your fear keep you from raising your hand or participating in work and school. Learn these tips to be confident.
Everyone feels insecure in certain situations. Learn how to speak up and appear confident, even in the most anxiety producing and insecure situations with these three tips.
Learn 4 ways to stop habit of procrastination and start feeling proud of yourself. Putting off tasks and avoiding emotions leads to low self-confidence.
Feeling confident and comfortable in a swimsuit isn't impossible. Bikini body image boosters and self-confidence tips will make you feel confident hitting the beach this summer.
Stop feeling so sensitive and learn how to prevent your emotions from ruling your mood. Prepare yourself to feel more confident by trying these tips.
The past is our biggest teacher in life. If you have the courage to look back, you can truly use the experiences and memories to help you uncover what you've learned, to accept the past, and to let go of what contributes to your lack of self-confidence. Learn from your past so you can break patterns that aren't serving you.
The end of the school year is notoriously stressful. Finishing up projects, studying for finals and trying not to freak out about exams can be extremely difficult. It's hard to maintain confidence when everyone around you is stressing and the pressure is at an all time high. The past two weeks I have spent the better half of my time helping my clients who are students feel mentally prepared for success during these trying times.  
Want to know the secrets of confident and successful people? Here are 10 tips that make them powerful and self-assured.
You probably have someone in mind right now. Learn how to stop attracting mean people into your life and build your self-esteem.