
Anxiety Management – Anxiety Schmanxiety

Anthony D'Aconti
The recommended self-help strategies for coping with anxiety, particularly to conquer performance anxiety before big meetings and public speaking, seems to be "Stay calm."  However, a recent study suggests that getting excited, the exact opposite of remaining calm, may be more effective at conquering performance anxiety.
Panic attacks are brief episodes of very intense physical and emotional symptoms that can make someone afraid that he or she is losing control or even dying.  In panic disorder, they seem to come out of nowhere, and this, people say, is often worse the the panic attack itself.
A brand new year is almost upon us. It’s a time for inward reflection and taking charge of our renewal. This is an excellent time for reflecting upon and resolving to take charge of anxiety. In my own reflecting, I thought of ten resolutions for regaining power from the beast that is anxiety. I don’t like to think of them as New Year’s resolutions, for New Year’s resolutions are notorious for being broken. I like to think of them as “New Me” resolutions. Perhaps you might want to resolve to do some of these as you take charge of your own anxiety.
Deadlines to meet. Meals to plan. Shopping to do. Meetings to join. Classes to attend. Work to do. Children to taxi. Aging parents to help. Laundry to wash. Lawns to mow. Etc. Etc. Etc. What if you forget? What if you make a mistake? What if? What if? What if? Dire consequences. Dire consequences. Dire consequences. The anxiety is a constant companion. Day and night. Day and night. And night. And. Night. Anxiety is awful. When it robs us of sleep, it becomes torturous. Why is that, and what can be done about it?
"Anxiety" is a very broad term, encompassing many different experiences. In addition to situational anxiety, there are a variety of anxiety disorders that disrupt people's lives. All are different, but all share a crucial aspect: they affect our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and each anxiety disorder has the power to knock us completely off course.
Anthony D'Aconti
I remember my first experience with group therapy. While enrolled in a day program – the next step in the treatment process after a brief hospitalization – I reluctantly sat down with a therapist along with a handful of individuals also struggling with social anxiety disorder, among other mental health ailments. Five days a week, the therapist reinforced the role of cognitive behavioral therapy - to help us change our thoughts and perceptions. (Social Anxiety Treatment) Among the most common statements shared with the group included “we are in a safe place now” and “how did that make you feel?”
Anthony D'Aconti
Depression and anxiety often go hand-in-hand. The symptoms of anxiety can lead to depression and vice versa. According to recent insight from Google, the colder, shorter months of winter undoubtedly lead an increased number of people to search the web for information on seasonal depression. Interestingly, the same Google statistics show that search volume for anxiety remains relatively the same during the cold winter months as compared to the summertime. The paradox is that winter also brings on the stressful and anxiety-provoking holiday season.
Anthony D'Aconti
When it comes to anxiety, it is important to separate the myths from the facts. There are plenty of anxiety myths we believe to help cope with our symptoms but many of us run into trouble when the myths we believe are simply not true. Perhaps one of the most common and dangerous anxiety myths is that self-medicating can help us get through an anxiety-provoking situation.
Have you seen those posters or t-shirts that read: “I Can’t Stay Calm Because I Have Anxiety”? They’re a play off the trendy t-shirts, posters and other items with the royal crown and the directive to “keep calm and…”. As those of us who experience any form of anxiety are aware, merely reading a sign that tells us to "keep calm" is too simple—easier said than done. On the other hand, don’t believe “I Can’t Keep Calm Because I Have Anxiety.” It’s just not true!
Have you ever been afraid of getting too close in relationships? As humans it is one of our deepest desires to be in a relationship with others. Closeness is what gives us a sense of belonging, and nurtures a robust sense of self. On the other hand, isolation is one of the worst things for someone who is struggling. Being left alone to deal with our own negative spiral can feel like losing touch with reality. Yet, when we are struggling, we often feel drawn to isolate ourselves. I will tell you why.