
Doing Fine

After a whirlwind of activity over the past few months, my life is starting to slow down—a little.

Regarding my condo, I didn't have to move. My new landlord has been very good to me—installing a new dishwasher and responding quickly when something needs to be fixed. My fears about moving and having to find a new place to live took care of themselves—as such issues usually do. The whole incident reminded me never to go borrowing worry. In the end, everything works out for the best.

I spent the 1997 holidays traveling, and over New Year's, ended up in Arkansas with family and friends. During the visit, my niece was married in the church where I grew up. It was a romantic, story book wedding, complete with a horse-drawn carriage. True love and romance are still alive, still to be found. Seeing the happy newly weds restored my faith in loving relationships.

Later in January, I had the opportunity to travel in Europe. I got to see some of Paris and Mulhouse (a city on the French / German border of eastern France). What an eye-opening and awareness-expanding trip! Most memorable was a night spent chasing through the Paris subways, seeing and hearing so many young people up close. I learned that pain and suffering, as well as laughter and fun, are universal languages. The barriers between cultures and people really don't exist, unless we work hard to create them. Why do we labor to build walls when it is so simple to dissolve them? But of course, philosophers and missionaries and gurus and prophets and spiritual leaders have been asking that question for centuries.

In February and March, the software company I work for acquired another company and I was kept extremely busy integrating a new product, setting up a marketing department, hiring new staff, working with translators, and pulling together product specifications. It was a time of intense stress and creativity for me, in addition to allowing me to fully test recovery principles in practical ways. For example, one employee was angered by a memo I wrote and responded by lambasting me in an e-mail (which was also copied to my boss). I did what I could to save the relationship, including meeting one-on-one with the employee and honestly trying to open the lines of communication. In the end, the employee left the company—mad and hurt. From that experience, I learned that some issues just cannot be resolved unless both parties are willing to work toward a resolution. Also, I learned that sometimes misunderstandings intentionally remain misunderstandings because one party is simply too proud to admit that a misunderstanding took place!

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In early April, my parents came down and spent a week with me. They brought along a couple of my nephews from Oklahoma and we had a great time. We lounged around the pool, worked on our tans, went shopping, went to movies, and ate out. Nothing special, just golden opportunities to converse, get re-acquainted, and be together for a while.

Through all these events, I've remembered to live my recovery. I've kept a relaxed, open, patient, and prayerful heart. I've had a few bad days, doubtful times, and second-guessing. But I've remembered that God is watching over me, keeping me safe.

Thank You, God for Your care and attendance over the events in my life. Thank You for blessing me with family and friends and opportunities to explore Your wonderful creation. Thank You for blessing my life with circumstances that enhance my serenity. Thank You for providing new opportunities for me to express love. Thank You for reminding me of the goodness and graciousness of life. Thank You fo

next: Changes

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2009, January 2). Doing Fine, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 12 from

Last Updated: August 8, 2014

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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