Anorexia: Why We Can't "Just Eat'

anorexia: why we can't "just eat"

All about anorexia. Anorexic behaviors - taking laxative tablets, diet pills. Anorexia and eating disorders treatment.Once a rare and almost taboo problem, anorexia and anorexic behaviors run rampant. This problem doesn't just affect the culture and society of North America anymore, either. A recent study of girls in Thailand showed raising percentages of people with anorexia as usage of television increased. I am still shocked when I speak to people and almost every single one claims to have "once been anorexic" when the disorder comes up. It seems that by year 2005 just about everyone on the planet will be able to say that they too once "had" an eating disorder at some point in their lives. What is even scarier is the fact that anorexia is the leading cause of death amongst those seeking psychiatric help. The longer we lead lives of which it is becoming acceptable for children to diet at age 9, or for someone to starve for a "few days" to lose some quick weight for a date, the harder it will to fight the statistics...

words.of.experience: maria j.

I'm still not sure where my anorexia started. I guess I could pinpoint it to middle school. All of my friends were on diets and such and this one boy in gym class made a remark about my hips one day while we were playing basketball, so I decided that I'd probably be better off on a diet, too. I tried various diets and my friends and I practically poured over those stupid teen magazines trying to find the next fad, but I did lose about 10 lbs. I felt really good after that, REALLY good. I finally did something that my other friends tried and usually failed at. I figured that if I got compliments and attention after losing 10 lbs, losing 10 more would be even better...

I dieted harder and longer than those around me, which I guess should have been the first warning sign that something was wrong. Everyone else had dropped the dieting thing and had moved on to other stuff like boyfriends and sports, etc. I still continued my battle, though. I lost another 10 lbs quickly and began my own exercise regime. Running in the morning, school, then come home and run and do resistance training until nightfall, go to my bedroom and study, then god only knows how many crunches before officially going to sleep. Around that time I also discovered laxative tablets. I had been using diet pills but I constantly got too jittery in school from them, so I dropped 'em and took laxatives instead. They gave me bad cramps and gas, which I could sometimes keep away, but sometimes it was pretty severe.

I lost some more weight the next month and people started noticing that something was wrong. I could hear some of the girls sneer in the hallways, "Something HAS to be wrong with her, you just know it," but I only revelled in comments like that. It pushed me even more. This was MINE, something that only a few can "accomplish." It was MY control.

Unfortunately, the lack of nourishment took a toll on everything... It was getting harder and harder to study and concentrate in class. All I could think of was calories and food and exercise, etc. My body started to show signs that something was wrong as well. My skin turned this off-yellowish color and my hair became brittle and started falling out. Insomnia eventually set in and I got maybe 3 broken up hours of sleep a night. Inevitably the friends I had stayed away from me. I isolated myself and figured it was too much of a risk to be anywhere where there was food. So, not long after I started my "diet," here I was sitting with no friends, no sleep, my body falling apart, and my grades dropping. And I still kept on losing weight. And it's been that way since. I'm in college now, and I've been in and out of hospitals more times than I can remember, but this monster hasn't finished it's job with me. Pretty pathetic, huh? I know what I'm doing to myself, but I still can't let go.


Do you see yourself or someone you love in the paragraphs above? It's an all too common story of how anorexia starts and can progress into a lifelong battle if not treated. Unfortunately, a lot of therapists and "outsiders" are still unaware of what just goes on with an eating disorder such as anorexia. Let me first say that an eating disorder is not about trying to merely get attention or to "not look like a woman," nor does it occur because the person is selfish or manipulative. It is, however, about control, perfection, and how unworthy the person feels deep inside.

The typical person that is vulnerable to developing anorexia is perfectionistic and a people pleaser. They must have things just so and are often the mediators of the family. When problems come along, they often try hard to believe that they don't exist or they try hard to get the problem to go away as soon as possible. Often they care very much about what other people think of them, whether those people be their parents or their friends or even crushes. Caring so much about pleasing others and wanting to be liked usually ends up being the gateway to someone vulnerable developing anorexia.

Society has models grace the covers of "Seventeen" and just about every TV show out there, so the impression is made that to be liked and respected, you should be thin or have "the perfect body." Society puts control and money and thinness on the same pedestal, as well. To be thin is to be in control and to be worthy of attention. The person susceptible to developing anorexia sees all of this very clearly and begins to dislike themselves. Because people with anorexia are generally what is known as all-or-nothing people, it is hard for them to do anything inbetween or mediocre. This is why the dislike towards themselves and the dieting doesn't stop and continues on to severe extremes.

Besides society, there are obviously other factors that can trigger someone susceptible to developing a full-blown case of anorexia. Family is definitely one. For the majority, notice I did not say ALL but for the majority, the family is not the most stable. Often emotions and problems are kept under cover and are not dealt with in the family of someone with anorexia. When this happens it makes it even harder for someone who is battling the disorder to be able to ask for help. Asking for help takes tremendous strength and courage as it is, but when the family of someone who has come forward with their problems just sweeps them under the rug and refuses to acknowledge that they need help, it just makes getting treatment even harder. Along with this, the care takers of the person with anorexia may be perfectionistic themselves, and as a result, the person may have grown up believing that nothing they do is good enough and that to be worthy of love they must get all A's and nothing less.

The restricting may also be a form of control, as well. To be abused or live in a chaotic environment is to not be in control of yourself or your surroundings for a period of time, so the person with anorexia takes everything in life and measures it by one thing - their bodies. To be in control of this one object, this thing called a body, ensures that things will be "ok" if they can just lose more weight and so on.

It's like I'm paranoid lookin' over my back
It's like a whirlwind inside of my head
It's like I can't stop what I'm hearing within
It's like the face inside is right beneath my skin-Linkin Park


Many times someone with anorexia has had their personal boundaries invaded, meaning that someone hurt them physically or sexually at some point in their lives. The abuse may not have come from someone in the family, but it none-the-less triggers feelings of unworthiness, causing the person to starve themselves out of self-hatred. Another thing that can fuel the self-destruction is verbal and mental abuse, not just from family members, but also from people at school or significant others.

Regardless of how it started, the person fighting the demon anorexia inside feels unworthy of food and life. Although this illness sounds as if it were a problem of appetite and food and weight, it isn't. It is an illness of self-respect, of how one rates oneself in relation to others, and someone with anorexia honestly believes that they are horrible failures who do not deserve anything but pain. They feel like constant failures who can never do anything right. Deep down every person with anorexia feels and is convinced that they are inadequate, low, mediocre, inferior, and despised by others. All their efforts, their striving for perfection through excessive thinness, are directed toward hiding the flaw of being unworthy/imperfect.

Although someone with anorexia often just says their problems are because they are "fat," realize that "fat" means the same thing as "not good enough," and that is why someone fighting this monster fears "fat." They fear that they are not good enough as they think they should be.

People with anorexia often are reluctant to let go of the "security" of their disordered behaviors. They feel they have found, in their extreme restriction of food and rituals, the perfect solution to all their problems. Another problem faced by those with anorexia is the issue of being unable to see themselves clearly. When someone who is battling anorexia looks in the mirror they do not see themselves as they actually are in reality. Instead, they see only a fat, disgusting, failure. Often times the eating disorder will "tell" someone with this disorder that if they just lose 10 lbs they'll be thin enough, but once that weight is lost, the person finds themselves still despising their bodies and themselves, and more weight has to be lost. For these two reasons in particular, it often takes years for someone fighting anorexia to WANT help and to WANT to change. Then there is also the issue of family. Unfortunately, I hear of so many situations where someone has gone to the family for help and has only gotten anger, disgust, and sometimes even punishment in return, and as a result making it near impossible for someone with this problem to get help.


It is, however, possible to stop and end this distorted thinking and to be able to live a full life without being distracted by calories, and weights, and comparing oneself to friends and pictures in magazines. Realize that you or the person with anorexia cannot be forced into getting help. The ability to get better has to come from WANTING to get better. You or the person must want to change their patterns of thinking and living because it is within your/their hearts to do so. Otherwise, being bullied into a therapist's office or hospital will just lead to inevitable relapses.

When the willingness to receive help IS there, there are many options for eating disorders therapy. There are individual therapists, and usually finding a therapist that specializes in treating eating disorders is the most helpful one. Some therapists recommend family therapy for those who are under 16 or 18 years of age, but individual therapy is always required with family therapy. There is also the option of group therapy. I personally don't think a person with anorexia in particular should go into group therapy until they are sure that they will not be triggered. Seeing those who weigh less than them or have problems that are worse than theirs can easily throw a person fighting anorexia into competition if they are not well into therapy first. However, that is just my thought. Group therapy is more of an individual preference, and it should be deliberated whether it will be more helpful or more destructive for the person fighting to go to meetings.

next: Body Dysmorphic Disorder: When the Mirror Lies
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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 15). Anorexia: Why We Can't "Just Eat', HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 6 from

Last Updated: October 21, 2016

About the Author

..and here's a little ditty about myself



Pretty funky picture, eh? For paranoia's sake, I felt the need to distort it just in case someone I know who doesn't know about my problems happens to bump into this site. I know, I know. I should have a spine and not feel so afraid, but you can't trust everyone in this world, and there are some people who can't know about what is going on with me right now.

Name: Alexandra, aka NotHeavnSent

Location: Middle of east coast (going to have to know me better for me to give an EXACT location *S*).

Age: 22

Hobbies: Ice hockey, psychology, reading whatever I can get my hands on (anyone have a copy of The Green Mile?), listening to KMFDM, Tori Amos, Beth Orton, Nine Inch Nails, etc., collecting Yankee candles, just plain existing and hanging around.

Why Peace, Love, and Hope Exists: When I first came on the 'net around '97 I was surprised there wasn't that much info out there on eating disorders. Maybe it was because there was even less of an understanding and hit-in-the-face realization of their existence then, but I could still say the same for today's perception of eating disorders. Either way, I finally got up the nerve the year after to build a site of my own explaining anorexia and bulimia in my own words so that those out there could realize they are not alone and that they can get help. I didn't want the site to glamorize these demons, though. I had read (and still do, now that I think about it...) too many articles in Seventeen magazine and the rest alike that made eating disorders seem like they weren't all THAT bad, and I refused to candy-coat anything, but at the same time wanted the site to bring comfort in the way of hope. So this is where the site stands now.=) Since I first put it on the 'net, it's gone through a lot of changes for the better, like getting a better lay-out, background, along with a message board and such. I hope that I've gotten my point across about how deadly these demons are, but that there is help available if you want it and are willing to accept it. I guess that's all I can do with this, and with the rest of life -- just try.

Ze Story From the Inside: As I'm sure you've figured out, I, too, battle with an eating disorder. I showed signs of one way back when I was around 8 years of age. It wasn't until about age 11 that it became full blown, and it wasn't until the year after that one day sifting through my mother's old psychology and nursing books that I realized the descriptions of anorexia and bulimia matched what I was doing. Even though all of the medical consequences were there, staring me right in the face, the addiction didn't stop and the purging continued on. I finally hit rock bottom around age 13 when my moods violently swerved around thanks to the chemical imbalances from the purging and the outside problems that lead me to the purging to begin with. I became severely depressed and it was sometimes hard to even get out of bed to take a shower.

At that point, I had been in home schooling since 7th grade so I didn't fall behind in school work, but anything I did study never stayed my head. My problems with cutting (self-injury) became worse and I discovered the dangerous oblivion that comes from drinking, and I just further spiraled on downward.

I don't know what made me get out of my funk, but it seems that I finally just got sick of being sick. I forced myself one day to go to GNC and pick up a big bottle of St. John's Wort to see if maybe that would do any good, and I looked into 12 step programs on the 'net. I also started looking into different life philosophies, spec. Buddhism, to find some clarity in the fog. Even though my head constantly shouted at me day in and day out that none of this would do any good and that I deserved to die, I decided to try things out just to see if they would work. And here I am now. I still find myself addicted to purging and other self-destructive behaviors, but they are definitely to a lesser degree than they were two years ago. The only thing I can do is continue on, plodding forward, even when I hit another period where I think it's impossible to get out of bed. Recently, a friend of mine died from leukemia, and even though I'm still grieving, I've gained a new appreciation for what I do have and I've learned from him that nothing should be wasted during your time here, including your own life. Everyone DESERVES to live, no matter what, and you don't have to be "perfect" or a certain weight to "deserve" that right that was given to you at birth.

Ze Story From the Outside: Yes, there is another part to this story. My parents. I put them on the outside because, well, that's where they are. My mother has long battled with chronic fatigue syndrome and numerous other medical problems that doctors are clueless about, while my father has been no source of help. This leaves the house with a very tense and worry feel to it. Knowing from day one that my mother was stressed out constantly, I learned to keep my feelings on the inside because I knew she would be unable to take any of my "complaining." That's why the problems with bulimia, cutting, drinking occasionally, and so on have stayed on the inside with me.

Yes, my mother has confronted me on a few occasions about catching me purging, but that has only lead to knock-down, drag-out fights with her not being willing to listen to me. So, I guess I just stopped trying to have her understand. She has her problems and I have mine. I'm fortunate to have the few close friends that I do to keep me grounded and on track when I stray too far, and that has done a lot of good. I realize that my friends won't be able to save me forever, but for now it's ok. When I finally get a license, I'll go to support group meetings that are off of the 'net, and then look into one-on-one therapy (BTW, I have asked my mother about seeing a therapist, and the response wasn't pleasant, lol).

I want to note that I do NOT blame my mother for any of this. I used to be pretty bitter about a lot of things, but part of recovery is learning to forgive and move on, and that's what I've done and continue to do. She has her problems, and I have mine, and when we're both more ready and more stable, I'll let her in on what's going on gradually. Time heals all wounds, and that's what I'm waiting on...

Anything Else?: I guess that about does it. When I'm not cleaning the never ending pile of trash in my room or doing my godforsaken homework, I'm usually on here.=) Hang in there everyone, you always have been and always will be good enough.

next: Anorexia: Why We Can't "Just Eat'
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APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 15). About the Author, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 6 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Eating Disorder in Males

The stereotypical anorexic, bulimic, and binge eater is female. The stereotype is misleading. Boys and men get eating disorders too.

What eating disorders do men and boys get?

Just like girls and women, boys and men get anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Many males describe themselves as compulsive eaters, and some may have binge eating disorder. There is no evidence to suggest that eating disorders in males are atypical or somehow different from the eating disorders experienced by females.

Are the risk factors for males any different than the ones for females?

Risk factors for males include the following

  • They were fat or overweight as children.
  • They have been dieting. Dieting is one of the most powerful eating disorder triggers for both males and females, and one study indicates that up to seventy percent of high schools diet at one time or another to improve their appearance. (Theodore Weltzin, MD; Rogers Memorial Hospital)
  • They participate in a sport that demands thinness. Runners and jockeys are at higher risk than football players and weight lifters. Wrestlers who try to shed pounds quickly before a match so they can compete in a lower weight category seem to be at special risk. Body builders are at risk if they deplete body fat and fluid reserves to achieve high definition.
  • They have a job or profession that demands thinness. Male models, actors, and entertainers seem to be at higher risk than the general population.
  • Some, but by no means all, males with eating disorders are members of the gay community where men are judged on their physical attractiveness in much the same way as women are judged in the heterosexual community.
  • Living in a culture fixated on diets and physical appearance is also a risk factor. Male underwear models and men participating in reality show make-overs lead other males to compare themselves with these so-called Ideal body types. Weight loss and workout programs, as well as cosmetic surgery procedures, whose goal is chiseled muscularity can lead to the same sort of body dissatisfaction that afflicts Boys and men get anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Find here what eating disorders do they get, what are the risk factors, and the treatment of males with eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating.women who read fashion magazines and watch movies and TV shows featuring "perfect" people.

In May 2004, researchers at the University of Central Florida released a study saying men who watched TV commercials with muscular actors felt unhappy about their own physiques. This "culture of muscularity" can be linked to eating disorders and steroid abuse, the researchers said.

Much has been made of the effect the Barbie doll has on the body image of a young girl. Now we have the Wolverine action figure marketed to boys. If he were life size, his biceps would be 32 inches around. Advertisers are marketing to males the same way they have pitched goods to females, with apparently many of the same related problems.

Compare and contrast males and females with eating disorders

  • Males often begin an eating disorder at older ages than females do, and they more often have a history of obesity or overweight.
  • Heterosexual males are not exposed to the same intense cultural pressures to be thin that women and girls endure. A casual review of popular magazines and TV shows reveals that women are encouraged to diet and be thin so they can feel good about themselves, be successful at school and at work, and attract friends and romantic partners. Men, on the other hand, are exhorted to be strong and powerful, to build their bodies and make them large so they can compete successfully, amass power and wealth, and defend and protect their frail, skinny female companions.
  • It's interesting to note that when women are asked what they would do with one magic wish, they almost always want to lose weight. Men asked the same question want money, power, sex, and the accessories of a rich and successful lifestyle. They often think their bodies are fine the way they are. If they do have body concerns, they often want to bulk up and become larger and more muscular, not tiny like women do. Males usually equate thinness with weakness and frailty, things they desperately want to avoid.

Treatment of males with eating disorders

Because eating disorders have been described as female problems, males are often exceedingly reluctant to admit they are in trouble and need help. In addition, most eating disorder treatment programs and eating disorder support groups have been designed for females and are populated exclusively by females. Males report feeling uncomfortable and out of place in discussions of lost menstrual periods, women's socio-cultural issues, female-oriented advertising, and similar topics.

Nevertheless, like females, males usually need professional help to recover. The research is clear that males who complete treatment given by competent professionals have good outcomes. Being male has no adverse affect on recovery once the person commits to an effective, well-run program.

The wisest first step is two evaluations: one by a physician to identify any physical problems that are contributing to, or resulting from, the eating disorder; and a second by a mental health therapist to identify psychological issues underlying food behaviors.

When the two evaluations are complete, treatment recommendations can be made that address the individual's specific circumstances. For a description of the various parts of a comprehensive recovery program, see our section on treatment.

It is important to remember that eating disorders in males, as well as in females, can be treated, and people of both genders do recover. Almost always, however, professional help is required. If you are concerned about yourself or your child, find a physician and mental health therapist who will be sympathetic to the male perspective. The sooner treatment is begun, the sooner the person can turn the problem around and begin building a happy, satisfying life. The longer symptoms are ignored or denied, the harder that work will be when it is finally undertaken.

Anorexia Nervosa in Males

Anorexia nervosa is a severe, life-threatening disorder in which the individual refuses to maintain a minimally normal body weight, is intensely afraid of gaining weight, and exhibits a significant distortion in the perception of the shape or size of his body, as well as dissatisfaction with his body shape and size.

Behavioral Characteristics:

  • Excessive dieting, fasting, restricted diet
  • Food rituals
  • Preoccupation with body building, weight lifting, or muscle toning
  • Compulsive exercise
  • Difficulty eating with others, lying about eating
  • Frequently weighing self
  • Preoccupation with food
  • Focus on certain body parts; e.g., buttocks, thighs, stomach
  • Disgust with body size or shape
  • Distortion of body size; i.e., feels fat even though others tell him he is already very thin

Emotional and Mental Characteristics:

  • Intense fear of becoming fat or gaining weight
  • Depression
  • Social isolation
  • Strong need to be in control
  • Rigid, inflexible thinking, "all or nothing"
  • Decreased interest in sex or fears around sex
  • Possible conflict over gender identity or sexual orientation
  • Low sense of self worth -- uses weight as a measure of worth
  • Difficulty expressing feelings
  • Perfectionistic -- strives to be the neatest, thinnest, smartest, etc.
  • Difficulty thinking clearly or concentrating
  • Irritability, denial -- believes others are overreacting to his low weight or caloric restriction
  • Insomnia

Physical Characteristics:

  • Low body weight (15% or more below what is expected for age, height, activity level)
  • Lack of energy, fatigue
  • Muscular weakness
  • Decreased balance, unsteady gait
  • Lowered body temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate
  • Tingling in hands and feet
  • Thinning hair or hair loss
  • Lanugo (downy growth of body hair)
  • Heart arrhythmia
  • Lowered testosterone levels

Bulimia Nervosa in Males

Bulimia nervosa is a severe, life-threatening disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating followed by self-induced vomiting or other purging methods (e.g. laxatives, diuretics, excessive exercise, fasting) in an attempt to avoid weight gain.

Behavioral Characteristics:

  • Recurrent episodes of binge eating: eating an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat during a similar period of time and under similar circumstances
  • A sense of lack of control over eating during binge episodes
  • Recurrent purging or compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain: secretive self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or fasting, compulsive exercise (possibly including excessive running, body building, or weight lifting)
  • Hoarding of food, hiding food and eating in secret
  • Frequently weighing self
  • Preoccupation with food
  • Focus on certain body parts; e.g., buttocks, thighs, stomach
  • Disgust with body size or shape
  • Distortion of body size; i.e., feels fat even though he may be thin

Emotional and Mental Characteristics:

  • Intense fear of becoming fat or gaining weight
  • Performance and appearance oriented
  • Works hard to please others
  • Depression
  • Social isolation
  • Possible conflict over gender identity or sexual orientation
  • Strong need to be in control Difficulty expressing feelings
  • Feelings of worthlessness -- uses weight, appearance, and achievement as measures of worth
  • Rigid, inflexible "all or nothing" thinking

Physical Characteristics:

  • Weight fluctuations
  • Loss of dental enamel due to self-induced vomiting
  • Edema (fluid retention or bloating)
  • Constipation
  • Swollen salivary glands
  • Cardiac arrhythmia due to electrolyte imbalances
  • Esophageal tears, gastric rupture
  • Lack of energy, fatigue

next: Eating Disorders in Men
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APA Reference
Tracy, N. (2008, December 15). Eating Disorder in Males, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 6 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Men Relate Through Sex

women and sex

Men tend to be structured at all times. This protects them from vulnerability. It also keeps emotions from getting in or out. They are in a kind of emotional trance. Sex helps break the trance; it is a chance to really let go.

Men view sex as the true expression of love and usually think a relationship hasn't even started until it includes sex. One single man told me that he doesn't really believe a woman loves him until they have sex. He said, "She can think she is showing love to me in many ways from cooking for me to waiting on me. But until we have sex, I do not feel loved."

Yet men can push for sex so strongly and so early in the relationship that the woman is repulsed by the man rather than attracted. The relationship never has a chance to develop to the point that the woman feels comfortable with sex or feels that the man is an adequate lover.

A man "cut off" from sex by the woman he cares for will believe he is no longer loved. Sex is a measure of love for him.

Men see sex as a way to get close to a woman.



next: Men, Sex and Feelings

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 15). Men Relate Through Sex, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 6 from

Last Updated: April 9, 2016

Medical Management Of Anorexia Nervosa And Bulimia Nervosa

Note: This chapter is written to benefit both professional and nonprofessional readers and is geared specifically to anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. The reader is referred to other sources for information on binge eating disorder. An overview of the general medical concerns of these eating disorders is provided, as well as guidelines for a thorough medical assessment, including laboratory tests that must be performed. An in-depth discussion of the problems related to amenorrhea and bone density has also been added to this most recent edition.

Comprehensive information about the medical management of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa and the effect on the hematological system, endocrine system, bone density, and treatment recommendations.Of the entire gamut of psychological disorders treated by clinicians, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are the ones most frequently punctuated by accompanying medical complications. Although many of these are more annoying than serious, a distinct number of them are indeed potentially life threatening. The mortality rate for these disorders exceeds that found in any other psychiatric illness and approaches 20 percent in the advanced stages of anorexia nervosa. Thus, a clinician cannot simply assume that the physical symptoms associated with these eating disorders are just functional in origin. Physical complaints must be judiciously investigated and organic disease systematically excluded by appropriate tests. Conversely, it is important, from a treatment vantage point, to avoid subjecting the patient to expensive, unnecessary, and potentially invasive tests.

Competent and comprehensive care of eating disorders must involve understanding the medical aspects of these illnesses, not just for physicians but for any clinician treating them, regardless of discipline or orientation. A therapist must know what to look for, what certain symptoms might mean, and when to send a patient for an initial medical evaluation as well as for follow-up. A dietitian will likely be the team member who performs the nutrition evaluation, instead of the physician, and must have adequate knowledge of all medical/nutritional aspects of eating disorders. A psychiatrist may prescribe medication for an underlying mood or thought disorder and must coordinate this with the rest of the treatment.

The eating disorder medical complications that arise vary with each individual. Two persons with the same behaviors may develop completely different physical symptoms or the same symptoms within different time frames. Some patients who self-induce vomiting have low electrolytes and a bleeding esophagus; others can vomit for years without ever developing these symptoms. People have died from ingesting ipecac or excessive pressure on their diaphragms from a binge, while others have performed these same behaviors with no evidence of medical complications. It is critical to keep this in mind. A bulimic woman who binges and vomits eighteen times a day or a 79-pound anorexic can both have normal lab results. It is necessary to have a well-trained and experienced physician as part of the treatment of an eating disordered patient. Not only do these physicians have to treat symptoms that they find, but they have to anticipate what is to come, and discuss what is not revealed by medical lab data.

Comprehensive information about the medical management of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa and the effect on the hematological system, endocrine system, bone density, and treatment recommendations.A physician treating a patient with an eating disorder needs to know what to look for and what laboratory or other tests to perform. The physician must have some empathy and understanding of the overall picture involved in an eating disorder to avoid minimizing symptoms, misunderstanding, or giving conflicting advice. Unfortunately, physicians with special training and/or experience in diagnosing and treating eating disorders are not very common, and furthermore, patients who seek psychotherapy for an eating disorder often have their own family doctors they may prefer to use rather than one the therapist refers them to. Physicians not trained in eating disorders may overlook or disregard certain findings to the detriment of the patient. In fact, eating disorders often go undetected for long periods of time even when the individual has been to a physician. Weight loss of unknown origin, failure to grow at a normal rate, unexplained amenorrhea, hypothyroid or high cholesterol can all be signs of undiagnosed anorexia nervosa that physicians too often fail to act on or attribute to other causes. Patients have been known to have loss of dental enamel, parotid gland enlargement, damaged esophagi, high serum amylase levels, and scars on the back of the hand from self-induced vomiting, and yet still be undiagnosed with bulimia nervosa!

Although there is clearly a continuum in the spectrum of physical illnesses encountered in anorexia and bulimia, with much clinical overlap, the discussions of anorexia and bulimia and their unique medical complications are also useful.


Most medical complications in anorexia are a direct result of weight loss. There are a number of easily observable skin abnormalities that are seen including brittle nails, thinning hair, yellow-tinged skin, and a fine downy growth of hair on the face, back, and arms, which is referred to as lanugo hair. All of these changes revert to normal with weight restoration. There are other, more serious complications involving a variety of systems in the body.

Most anorexics can be treated as outpatients. Inpatient hospitalization is recommended for patients whose weight loss is rapidly progressive or whose weight loss is greater than 30 percent of ideal body weight, as well as for those with cardiac arrhythmias or symptoms of inadequate blood flow to the brain.


The gastrointestinal tract is affected by the weight loss inherent to anorexia nervosa. There are two main issues in this regard.

Complaints of early satiety and abdominal pain. It has been shown by well-performed studies that the transit time of food out of the stomach and through the digestive tract is significantly slowed in individuals with anorexia nervosa. This, in turn, can produce complaints of early satiety (fullness) and abdominal pain. Although it is clearly logical to surmise that such a complaint in this population may be part of the illness and represent an attempt to avoid the psychological pain of beginning to once again eat normally, there may clearly be an organic basis to this concern. A quality, thorough physical examination and evaluation will be able to define the correct source of these complaints. If the complaints are truly organic and no metabolic cause is found to explain them, treatment with an agent that speeds emptying of the stomach should afford the patient relief; reducing the caloric load and rate of refeeding (beginning to eat normally after self-induced starvation) will also be therapeutic. These problems resolve with weight gain.

Complaints of constipation. Many anorexics are troubled by constipation, particularly early on in the refeeding process. This is in part attributable to the slowed gastrointestinal transit time described above. In addition, there is a poor reflex functioning of the colon secondary to a history of inadequate food intake. It is important to keep in mind that complaints of constipation are frequently due to a patient's false perception of what causes constipation. It is important to forewarn these patients from the outset that it normally may take three to six days for food to pass through the digestive system. Thus, it may be impractical to expect a bowel movement the first day after beginning to increase daily caloric intake. In addition to forewarning, it is important to educate patients about intake of adequate liquids and fiber as well as a judicious amount of walking, because the bowel becomes sluggish when an individual is sedentary. An extensive medical workup for constipation is generally unnecessary unless a series of abdominal examinations confirms obstruction and progressive distention (bloating).


Just as the other body systems are affected by weight loss, the cardiovascular system is also not spared. Severe weight loss causes thinning of the heart muscle fibers and a resultant diminished cardiac volume. As a result of this process, there is a reduction in maximal work capacity and aerobic capacity. A slowed heart rate (40 to 60 beats/minute) and low blood pressure (systolics of 70 to 90 mm Hg) are commonly found in these patients. These changes are not dangerous unless there is coexisting evidence of heart failure or an arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat). There is also an increased prevalence of a heart valve abnormality known as mitral valve prolapse. While generally benign and reversible with weight gain, it can produce palpitations, chest pain, and even arrhythmias.

One other cardiac concern is known as the refeeding syndrome. All malnourished patients are at risk for the refeeding syndrome when nutritional repletion is initiated. This syndrome was first des-cribed in survivors of concentration camps after World War II. There are multiple causes for this syndrome. The potential for starvation-induced low blood levels of phosphorus following intake of foods high in calories or glucose is one of the main causes of this sobering syndrome. Phosphorous depletion produces widespread abnormalities in the cardiorespiratory system, which can be fatal. In addition to phosphorous, the refeeding syndrome also evolves due to changes in potassium and magnesium levels. Further, abrupt blood volume expansion and inappropriately aggressive nutritional intake may place excessive strain on the shrunken heart and cause the inability of the heart to maintain adequate circulation.

The crucial issue when refeeding anorexic patients is to identify beforehand which patients may be at risk. Generally speaking, it is the severely emaciated, malnourished patient with prolonged starvation who is at risk for refeeding syndrome. However, in some cases, patients who have been deprived of nutrition for seven to ten days are potentially in this category. There are general guidelines to follow to avoid these problems. The overall general rule in adding calories is "Start low, go slow." It is of extreme importance to monitor electrolytes during the refeeding period and to ensure that they are normal prior to the beginning of refeeding. In severe cases, particularly patients requiring hospitalization or tube feeding, checking electrolytes every two to three days for the first two weeks and then, if stable, decreasing the frequency seems wise. A supplement may be indicated to help avoid phosphorous depletion. From a clinical standpoint, following the pulse and respiratory rates for unexpected increases from the baseline as well as checking for fluid retention are a crucial part of the treatment plan in avoiding refeeding syndrome.

EKG abnormalities are also common in anorexia, such as sinus brachycardia (slow heart rate), which is usually not dangerous. However, some cardiac irregularities can be dangerous, for example, prolonged QT intervals (measurement of electrical impulses) and ventricular dysrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythms). Some have opined that a baseline EKG is therefore indicated to screen for these findings.

By Carolyn Costin, M.A., M.Ed., MFCC and Philip S. Mehler, M.D. - Medical Reference from "The Eating Disorders Sourcebook"


Not infrequently, the hematological (blood) system is also affected by anorexia. Approximately one-third of individuals with anorexia nervosa have anemia and leukopenia (low white blood cell count). The relevance of this low white blood cell count for the functioning of the immune system of the patient with anorexia nervosa is controversial. Some studies have indeed found an increased risk of infection due to impaired cellular immune function.

In addition to the low white cell count, anorexic patients typically have low body temperature. Thus, the two traditional markers of infection, namely fever and a high white cell count, are often lacking in these patients. Therefore, there has to be heightened vigilance toward the possibility of an infectious process when these patients report some unusual symptom.

The hematological system is thus similar to other body systems that can be ravaged by anorexia nervosa. However, nutritional rehabilitation, if done in a timely and well-planned fashion, in concert with competent medical supervision, promotes a return to normal in all these systems.


Anorexia nervosa can have profound negative effects on the endocrine system. Two major effects are the cessation of menstrual periods and osteoporosis, both of which are physiologically interrelated. While the exact cause of amenorrhea (lack of menstruation) is not known, low levels of the hormones involved in menstruation and ovulation are present in the setting of an inadequate body fat content or insufficient weight. Clearly, there is also an important contribution from the tenuous emotional state of these patients. Reversion to the age-appropriate secretion of these hormones requires both weight gain and remission of the disorder.

Due to the increased risk of osteoporosis seen in eating disordered patients who have amenorhea and to the fact that some studies suggest that the lost bone density may be irreversible, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) has often been suggested for these individuals. In the past, the traditional line of thinking has been that if the amenorrhea persists for longer than six months, HRT should be used empirically if there are no contraindications for such treatment. However, the results of recent research are unclear as to whether (and, if so, when) HRT should take place; consequently there has been much controversy over this issue. For further discussion of this important topic, see "Bone Density" below.


Since the first edition of this book was published, there has been continued research in the area of bone mineral density (bone density) and hormone replacement therapy for eating disordered individuals with amenorrhea. Results have been conflicting. Bone loss or insufficient bone density is an important and possibly irreversible medical consequence of anorexia nervosa and, although less often, of bulimia nervosa as well. Therefore a thorough discussion of the current information is warranted.

There is increasing evidence that peak bone density is reached fairly early in life, at about age fifteen. After this, bone density increases very slightly until about the mid-thirties, when it begins to decline. This means that a teenager who suffers anorexia nervosa for as little as six months may develop a long-lasting bone deficiency. Bone density tests have shown that many twenty- to twenty-five-year-olds with anorexia nervosa have the bone densities of seventy- to eighty-year-old women. Whether bone density deficiency is permanent or whether it can be restored remains unknown.

Postmenopausal versus anorexia-caused bone deficiency. "Results of recent studies from London, Harvard, and other teaching centers are showing that the bone deficiency caused by anorexia is not identical to that of postmenopausal women. The major deficiency in postmenopausal osteoporosis is of estrogen and, to some extent, calcium. In contrast, in anorexia nervosa, chronic low weight and malnutrition often make estrogen ineffective, even when it is present through oral contraceptives" (Anderson and Holman 1997). Other factors that likely contribute to bone density problems in anorexia include inadequate dietary calcium; diminished body fat, which is necessary for the metabolism of estrogen; low body weight; and elevated serum cortisol levels from weight loss and comorbid depression.

Treatment options. Numerous therapeutic interventions are possible, even though there is not yet enough evidence to prove that bone mineral density deficiency resulting from anorexia nervosa can be reversed.

  • One easy intervention is for patients to take 1,500 mg of calcium per day for restoration. (The current RDA is 1,200 mg per day.)

  • Weight-bearing exercise is helpful but avoid high-impact cardio exercise, which burns too many calories (interfering with weight gain) and may lead to fractures.

  • The administration of oral contraceptives or HRT is controversial, as many professionals prefer to wait until the individual gains enough weight for menses to return naturally, particularly for young teens with amenorrhea.

According to researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, weight was highly correlated with bone density while estrogen supplementation was not. Dr. David Herzog and his colleagues used bone density screening by dual-energy X-ray aborptiometry (DEXA) and correlates of low bone density among ninety-four women with anorexia nervosa ("Weight, Not Estrogen Use, Correlates with Bone Density" 1999). Bone density was no different in patients who had used estrogen than in those who hadn't been prescribed estrogen. In contrast, a highly significant correlation was established between bone density and body mass index (BMI). Thus, weight, a measure of overall nutritional status, was highly correlated with bone density. This study is indicative of the important and independent effect of malnutrition on bone loss among these patients. It was also noted in this study that more than half of all women with anorexia nervosa have bone loss greater than two standard deviations below normal.

In the January/February 1997 issue of Eating Disorders Review, British researcher Dr. Janet Treasure and her colleagues reported that "anorexia nervosa seems to be associated with a high level of bone resorption that is dissociated from bone formation" (Treasure et al. 1997). Weight gain seemed to reverse this pattern, resulting in increased bone formation and decreased bone resorption. The results also suggested that sufficient intake of calcium and vitamin D (vitamin D stimulates osteoblast activity) may be a component of treatment for osteoporosis caused by anorexia nervosa. See Table 15.1 for steps in managing osteoporosis in patients with chronic anorexia nervosa.

Table 15.1 makes it clear that these researchers do not recommend HRT unless the individual has suffered from anorexia nervosa for more than ten years.

A study on the resumption of menses in teens with anorexia nervosa showed that "(1) return of menses (ROM) does not depend on a patient's percent body fat, and (2) measuring serum estradiol levels may help predict ROM. . . . Neville H. Golden, M.D., and his colleagues at Albert Einstein College of Medicine studied factors associated with ROM. In contrast to the theory that ROM depends on a fixed critical weight, these researchers hypothesized that ROM depends upon restoration of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian function. The latter would require nutritional rehabilitation and weight gain, but could occur independently of percent of body weight as fat" (Lyon 1998).

In this study, subjects who regained menses and those who remained amenorrheic also gained weight and increased their BMI. However, "when the authors compared those with ROM and those without, the estradiol levels of the ROM group increased from baseline to follow-up and were significantly related to ROM. The estradiol levels of the subjects who remained amenorrheic did not change. Estradiol levels at or above 110 mmol/1 correctly identified 90 percent of the individuals with ROM and 81 percent of those who remained amenorrheic. The authors point out that these results support the use of serum estradiol levels to assess ROM in adolescents with anorexia" (Lyon 1998). The results of this study suggest that ROM requires restoration of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian function and is not dependent on achieving a specific level of body fat. The researchers concluded that the low estradiol levels in anorexia nervosa were due to decreased ovarian production secondary to hypothalamic-pituitary suppression, not to reduced body fat.


Patient Characteristics Comment Recommendations
Children with premenarchal onset of anorexia nervosa (AN) Risk of stunting and irreversible osteoporosis in this group; thus estrogen is not recommended, as it may cause premature fusion of bones and exacerbate stunting. Concentrate on good nutrition and weight gain.
Women with AN for < 3 years This group has a good prognosis. Estrogen replacement not indicated; consider increased calcium supplements and weight gain.
Women with AN for 3-10 years Intermediate prognosis, depending on other factors such as comorbidity. Consider increasing dietary calcium and calcium supplements.
Women with AN > 10 years This group has a poor prognosis and is likely to remain chronically ill. Estrogen replacement may be appropriate.
Male anorexics Little knowledge about risk, but reduced testosterone/low dietary calcium may be important. Appropriate treatment is unclear; further research is needed.

Source: Used with permission from Lucy Serpell and Janet Treasure, Eating Disorders Review 9, no. 1 (January/February 1998).

Although this research strongly suggests that HRT is not the treatment of choice, one cannot ignore studies like the one published in the November/December 1998 issue of Eating Disorders Review entitled "Dual Hormone Therapy Prevents Bone Loss." According to Baylor researchers, after one year, women who were amenorrheic due to disordered eating or excessive exercising (a condition called hypothalamic amenorrhea) and who received an estrogen-progestin combination had significantly more mineral in their total skeletons and lower spines than the other groups. It is speculated that the estrogen-progestin combination may mimic the hormonal pattern of a normal menstrual cycle and may be warranted until medical care can improve well-being and until normal menstruation returns.

Physicians should also consider prescribing alendronate (Fosa-max®), a recently approved form of bisphosphonate. Differing from estrogen, alendronate has been shown to positively affect postmenopausal osteoporosis by inhibiting bone resorption. Alendronate can be used either in addition to estrogen or in cases where estrogen treatment is not clinically appropriate. However, alendronate often causes gastrointestinal side effects that can be quite distressing to patients with eating disorders.

Sodium fluoride, calcitonin, and other proposed treatments such as those related to insulinlike growth factors may be effective for treating bone deficiency, but more research is needed to demonstrate their effectiveness.

Clearly, the treatment protocol for eating disordered patients with amenorrhea has not been established. It would be wise at this point to vigorously treat patients whose deficiencies have been long-lasting or severe (i.e., two standard deviations below age-matched norms) using a variety of methods, including HRT and alendronate. Those with less severe deficiencies may be treated by more moderate methods, such as calcium and vitamin D supplements, possibly with the addition of an estrogen-progestin combination if necessary.


Unlike anorexia nervosa, most of the medical complications of bulimia nervosa directly result from the different modes of purging utilized by these patients. It is functionally more understandable if the complications inherent to a particular mode of purging are reviewed separately.


An early complication resulting from self-induced vomiting is parotid gland enlargement. This condition, referred to as sialadenosis, causes a round swelling near the area between the jawbone and the neck and in severe cases gives rise to the chipmunk-type faces seen in chronic vomiters. The reason for parotid swelling in bulimia has not been definitively ascertained. Clinically, in bulimic patients, it develops three to six days after a binge-purge episode has stopped. Generally, abstinence from vomiting is associated with the ultimate reversal of the parotid swelling. Standard treatment modalities include heat applications to the swollen glands, salivary substitutes, and the use of agents that promote salivation, most commonly tart candies. In the majority of cases, these are effective interventions. For stubborn cases, an agent such as pilocarpine, may promote shrinking of the size of the glands. Rarely, parotidectomies (removal of the glands) have to be performed to alleviate this problem.

Another oral complication of self-induced vomiting is perimyolysis. This refers to erosion of the enamel on the surface of the teeth near the tongue, which is presumably due to the presence of the acid in vomit that passes through the mouth. Patients who induce vomiting at a minimum frequency of three times per week for a year will show erosion of tooth enamel. Vomiting may also cause an increased incidence of dental cavities, inflammation of the gums, and other periodontal diseases. At the same time, a frequently voiced complaint of extreme sensitivity to cold or hot food is a result of exposed teeth dentin.

The proper dental hygiene for these patients is somewhat unclear. However, it is obvious that they need to be cautioned against immediately brushing their teeth after vomiting because it will hasten the erosion of the weakened enamel. Rather, rinsing with a neutralizing agent, such as baking soda, has been recommended. Patients should also be encouraged to seek regular dental treatment.

A potentially more serious complication of self-induced vomiting is the damage it causes to the esophagus. These patients complain of heartburn due to the stomach acid's irritant effect on the esophageal lining, which causes a condition known as esophagitis. Similarly, repeated exposure of the esophageal lining to the acidic stomach contents can result in the development of a precancerous lesion referred to as Barrett's esophagus. Another esophageal complication of vomiting presents as a history of vomiting bright-red blood. This condition is known as a Mallory-Weiss tear, which is due to a tear in the mucosal lining.

Aside from encouraging the cessation of vomiting, the approach to complaints that involve dyspepsia (heartburn/sour taste in the mouth) or dysplagia (difficulty swallowing) is comparable to that utilized in the general population with these complaints. Initially, together with the recommendation to cease vomiting, the simple suggestion of antacids is offered. The second level of intervention involves drugs known as histamine antagonists, such as cimetidine, plus an agent that induces gastric contractions such as cisapride, to strengthen the gate between the stomach and the esophagus, which in turn prevents acidic contents from refluxing back and irritating the esophagus. Proton-pump-inhibitors that inhibit acid secretion in the stomach, such as omeprazole, are the third line and most potent therapy for resistant cases. Generally, this will suffice for most patients and resolve their symptoms. The important point to be aware of is the potential harmful implications of severe and stubborn dyspepsia. Since resistant cases may be harbingers of a more serious process, referral to a gastroenterologist should be recommended so that an endoscopy can be performed and a definitive diagnosis made.

One other important condition with regard to the esophagus is Boerhaave's syndrome, which refers to a traumatic rupture of the esophagus due to forceful vomiting. It is a true medical emergency. Patients with this condition complain of the acute onset of severe chest pain that is worsened by yawning, breathing, and swallowing. If this condition is suspected, prompt referral to an emergency room is indicated.

Lastly, vomiting causes two main electrolyte disorders: hypo-kalemia (low potassium) and alkalosis (high blood alkaline level). Either of these, if severe enough, can result in serious cardiac arrhythmia, seizures, and muscle spasms. It does not suffice to place these patients on supplemental potassium, because the body cannot absorb the potassium. The beneficial effects of supplemental potassium are nullified unless there is restoration of the volume status either with intravenous saline or oral rehydration solutions such as Pedialite or Gatorade. One final point about self-induced vomiting: some bulimics use ipecac to induce vomiting. This is dangerous because it is toxic to the heart. Because of ipecac's long elimination time, repeated ingestion can result in potentially fatal cumulative doses. Heart failure and arrhythmia can result.


If the mode of purging is through laxative abuse, there are also potential problems with potassium and acid-base aberrations. It is worth telling patients that laxatives are a very ineffective method to induce weight loss because caloric absorption occurs in the small bowel and laxatives affect the large bowel by promoting the loss of large volumes of watery diarrhea and electrolyte depletion.

The main body system affected by laxatives is the colorectal area. This information refers strictly to stimulant laxatives that contain senna, cascara, or phenolphthalein and directly stimulate colonic activity. These types of laxatives, if used in excess, damage the colonic neurons that normally control gut motility and contractions. The result is an inert, noncontractile tube referred to as the "cathartic colon syndrome." This causes significant problems with fecal retention, constipation, and abdominal discomfort. Loss of colonic function can become so severe that a colectomy (surgery) is needed to treat intractable constipation.

It is crucial to identify laxative abusers early in the course of treatment, before permanent colonic damage has occurred, so that they can be encouraged to seek the assistance of a physician who is adept at withdrawing patients from stimulant laxatives. Laxative withdrawal can be an extremely difficult situation, which is made worse by fluid retention, bloating, and swelling. The mainstays of treatment involve educating patients that it may take weeks to accomplish restoration of normal bowel habits. Patients need to be advised about the importance of ample fluid intake, a high-fiber diet, and judicious amounts of exercise. If constipation persists, a glycerin suppository or a nonstimulating osmotic laxative (works by shifting fluids), such as lactulose, may be useful. Most patients are successfully detoxed with this type of program, but patience is necessary to endure the transient bloating that will resolve in one to two weeks with salt restriction and leg elevation. Progressive abdominal pain, constipation, or distention warrants an abdominal X ray and further evaluation.


Another mode of purging that can produce medical problems is the abuse of diuretics. This mode is infrequently utilized except by medical personnel who may have access to these medications, although they are also available in over-the-counter preparations containing pamabrom, caffeine, or ammonium chloride. The main complication associated with diuretic abuse is fluid and electrolyte imbalance. In fact, the electrolyte pattern is basically the same as that seen with self-induced vomiting, which is potentially dangerous due to heart problems caused by low potassium levels.

There is also a reflexive development of lower leg edema (swelling) with abrupt cessation of diuretic abuse. Generally the edema can be controlled and treated with salt restriction and leg elevation. It is worthwhile to give a brief educational talk to patients with edema explaining that the condition is self-limited and caused by a reaction from the body which diuretics promote, albeit transiently.


Another method used to avoid weight gain and/or promote weight loss is the use of diet pills. Diet pills are not actually considered a form of purging but are used as a compensatory reaction to binge eating in the category of bulimia nervosa known as "nonpurging type." Most diet pills stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and are amphetamine-type derivatives. The adverse effects of diet pills include hypertension (high blood pressure), palpitations, seizures, and anxiety attacks. There is no long-term dependence syndrome associated with the usage of diet pills, and abrupt cessation is medically safe.

Individuals suffering from anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa may be troubled with a myriad of medical complications. However, with proper identification and an effective and safe treatment plan, most of these are reversible. Medical management may thus be the building block for a successful psychiatric treatment program.



Aside from an emaciated look in anorexia nervosa, it may be difficult to detect health problems in individuals with eating disorders, especially in the early stages of the illness. Over time, however, individuals who are starving, purging, or taxing the body through excessive exercise take on a generally lackluster appearance.

On close inspection, one can notice things such as dry skin or blotchy red marks on the skin, dry hair, thinning of hair at the scalp, or a general loss of hair altogether. On the other hand, growth of downy hair (lanugo) on the arms or stomach can be detected in extremely thin patients as the body responds to protect itself from the cold when it lacks body fat as an isulator.

One should look for broken blood vessels in the eyes and for swelling of the parotid gland (in the neck below the ear and behind the cheek bone), which is caused by vomiting. Swollen parotid glands are often visible, but they can also be discovered by palpating the parotid glands to check for enlargement. Hypothermia, low body temperature, and bradycardia (irregular pulse) are also common and should be investigated and monitored closely.

All patients should be questioned about and examined for hair loss; cold intolerance; dizziness; fatigue; cracked lips; oligomenorrhea (irregular menstruation) or amenorrhea (lack of menstruation); sleep disturbance; constipation; diarrhea; abdominal bloating, pain, or distension; esophageal reflux; dental erosion; poor concentration; and headaches.

A thorough physical should include questions about the patient's general diet, as well as her preoccupation with food, food fears, carbohydrate craving, and nighttime eating. Asking about these things helps indicate to the patient that all of these issues may directly affect his health.

The physician should also inquire about symptoms related to anxiety (e.g., racing heartbeat, sweaty palms, and nail biting), depression (e.g., hypersomnia and frequent crying spells or thoughts of suicide),obsessive-compulsive disorder (e.g., constantly weighing oneself or food, having to have clothes or other things in a perfect order, obsessing about germs or cleanliness, and having to do things in a certain order or at certain times only). Knowing about these conditions is essential if the physician, as well as the treatment team, are to fully understand the clinical status of each individual and develop a thorough treatment plan.


It is important that a physician orders an "eating disorder laboratory panel" as part of the medical assessment. This panel of tests will include those not routinely performed in a physical exam but which should be done with an eating disordered patient.

Tests generally recommended include:

  • A complete blood count (CBC). This will give an analysis of the red and white blood cells in terms of their quantity, type, and size, as well as the different types of white cells and the amount of hemoglobin in the red cells.  
  • Chem-20 panel. There are several different panels to run, but the Chem-20 is a common one that includes a variety of tests to measure liver, kidney, and pancreatic function. Total protein and albumin, calcium, and sedementation rates should be included.
  • Serum amylase. This test is another indicator of pancreatic function and is useful when it is suspected that a client is purging and the client continues to deny it.
  • Thyroid and parathyroid panel. This should include T3, T4, T7, and TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone). These tests measure the thyroid and pituitary glands and indicate the level of metabolic function.
  • Other hormones. Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, estradiol, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone are all affected by eating disorder behaviors.

Which of these tests to run and when to run them are the subject of much debate and should be worked out with the physician. Please see "Bone Density" on page 233 for further information.

  • Sma-7 or electrolytes. This test includes sodium (NA+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-), bicarbonate (HCO3-), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and creatinine (Creat). Patients with restrictor anorexia nervosa may show abnormalities in these tests, but electrolyte abnormalities are far more common in individuals with anorexia nervosa who purge or in individuals with bulimia nervosa. Furthermore, specific abnormalities are associated with specific kinds of purging. For example, bulimics who purge with diuretics may have low levels of sodium and potassium and high levels of bicarbonate. Low potassium (hypokalemia) and high bicarbonate (metabolic alkalosis) are the most common electrolyte abnormalities seen in patients who purge either with diuretics or with vomiting; these abnormalities are potentially the most dangerous. Hypokalemia can cause cardiac conduction defects, and arrhythmias and metabolic alkalosis can cause seizures and arrhythmias. Laxative abuse will often, but not always, cause a low potassium level, a low bicarbonate level, and a high chloride level, together referrred to as hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis.
  • Electrocardiogram. The electrocardiogram ( EKG) is a test for measuring heart function. This test will not pick up every possible problem but is a useful indicator of the health of the heart.

Other tests should be selectively performed. These include:

  • Chest X ray. If a patient has chest pain that persists, a chest X ray may be indicated.
  • Abdominal X ray. Occasionally, patients will complain of severe bloating that does not subside. It may be wise to have X rays taken in the event that there is a blockage of some sort. Lower esophageal sphincter pressure studies for reflux. Some patients have spontaneous vomiting or severe indigestion in which food comes back up into the mouth with no forced effort on their part. This should be checked out medically with this test and possibly others recommended by a gastroenterologist.
  • Lactose deficiency tests for dairy intolerance. Patients often complain about the inability to digest dairy products. Sometimes patients develop intolerance, and some may have had a preexisting problem. If the symptoms become too distressing for the client (e.g., excess indigestion, gas, burping, rashes) or if it is suspected that the client is using this as a means of avoiding food intake, a lactose test may help indicate the best way to move forward with the treatment.
  • Total bowel transit time for severe constipation. Patients often complain of constipation, but for the most part this corrects itself with proper diet. Sometimes, as in the case of severe laxative dependency, the constipation is unremitting and goes on for over two weeks or is accompanied by severe cramping and pain. A bowel transit test as well as others recommended by a gastroenterologist may be necessary.
  • Magnesium level. Magnesium is not regularly tested with the electrolytes. However, low levels of magnesium can be very dangerous in relation to heart function. Magnesium levels should be tested, especially if the potassium level is low.
  • Phosphorous level. Phosphorous levels are not routinely tested and are usually normal in the early stages of an eating disorder. Abnormal levels of phosphorous are more likely to be found in anorexia nervosa, particularly during refeeding, as it is removed from the serum and incorporated into the new proteins being synthesized. If phosphorous levels go unchecked and get too low, the patient can suffer difficulties with breathing, as well as red blood cell and brain dysfunction. Lab tests should be run a few times per week during refeeding.
  • C-3 complement level, serum ferritin, serum iron, and transferrin saturation level. These four tests are not routinely done in a physical but can be useful with eating disordered patients. They are among the most sensitive tests for protein and iron deficiency and, unlike the CBC and Chem-20, they are frequently below normal in eating disordered clients. C-3 complement is a protein that indicates immune system response, serum ferritin measures stored iron, and serum iron measures iron status. Transferrin is a carrier protein for iron; the transferrin saturation level helps identify the many patients who are in the early stages of bone marrow suppression yet have normal hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.
  • Bone mineral density test. Numerous studies show that deficiency in bone mineral density (bone density) is a common and serious medical complication of eating disorders, particularly anorexia nervosa (for more information, see "Bone Density" on page 233). Low levels of bone density can result in osteopenia (bone mineral deficiency that is one standard deviation below age-matched normals) or osteoporosis (bone mineral deficiency that is more than two standard deviations below normal with pathologic fractures). Bone density problems cannot be determined by cursory inspection but can be determined through testing. Some patients actually take their anorexia more seriously when they are shown objective evidence of its consequences, such as mineral-deficient bones. All patients who meet the criteria for anorexia nervosa, as well as those with bulimia nervosa and a past episode of anorexia nervosa (up to 50 percent of persons with bulimia nervosa), should be tested. Other individuals who may not meet the full criteria for an eating disorder but who have had amenorrhea or intermittent menstrual periods may also need to be tested. There is increasing evidence that males with eating disorders are also likely to have bone density problems and therefore should also be tested as well. Low body weight, low body fat, low testosterone levels, and elevated cortisol levels may play a role in bone density deficiencies in males. See articles on men eating diorders. For a sensitive and specific way to measure bone density, a DEXA scan is recommended. There is radiation associated with this test, but much less than one would receive from a chest X ray. Females should have DEXA scans plus measurement of hormone levels, particularly estradiol, which seems to be a good indicator for ROM. Men should have DEXA scans plus measurement of testosterone levels.

Other tests, such as twenty-four-hour urinary calcium measurements to study calcium intake and absorption, and an osteocalcin study to measure bone activity, may also be considered. It is important for the physician not only to check for any medical complications that must be attended to but also to establish a baseline for future comparisons. It must always be kept in mind that medical tests often fall short of revealing problems until the more advanced stages of the illness. Patients engaging in ultimately dangerous behaviors whose laboratory tests come back normal may get the wrong message. It must be explained to them that the body finds ways to compensate for starvation; for example, decreasing the metabolic rate to conserve energy. It usually takes a long time for the body to break down to the point of serious, life-threatening danger.

    Most eating disorder complaints, like headaches, stomachaches, insomnia, fatigue, weakness, dizzy spells, and even fainting do not show up on lab results. Parents, therapists, and doctors too often make the mistake of expecting to scare patients into improving their behaviors by having them get a physical exam in order to discover whatever damage has been done. For one thing, patients are rarely motivated by medical consequences and often have the attitude that being thin is more important than being healthy, or nothing bad is really going to happen to them, or they don't care if it does. Furthermore, patients can appear to be healthy and receive normal lab results even though they have been starving, bingeing, or vomiting for months and, in some cases, years. The following journal entries from patients reveal how disturbing this can be.

    When I first was dragged into the doctor's office by my mother when my weight had dropped from 135 to 90 pounds, all my lab tests came back fine! I felt vindicated. I just felt like, "See, I told you so, I'm fine, so leave me alone." My doctor told me then, "You may seem healthy now but these things will show up later. You are doing damage to your body that may not show itself for years." I didn't believe it and even if I did, I felt helpless to do anything about it.

    When I went for an exam and lab work I was bingeing and vomiting up to twelve times daily and was also smoking marijuana and snorting cocaine regularly. I was very worried about my health! On the way to the doctor's office I snorted cocaine. When my lab test came back normal, I felt excited thinking, "I can get away with this." In some ways I wish the tests had been worse, I wish they would have scared me, maybe it would have helped me to stop. Now, I feel like since it hasn't done any damage, why stop. I know I am damaging myself, my voice is raspy and my salivary glands are swollen from the constant acid wash of the vomit. My skin is grayish and my hair is falling out, but . . . my lab tests were fine!


    Managing binge eating disorder patients most likely involves the same medical considerations to be taken into account when treating obese individuals, such as heart or gallbladder disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and so on. Most symptoms of binge eating will be a result of the accompanying weight gain associated with this disorder. Occasionally people have binged to the point of becoming breathless when their distended stomachs press up on their diaphragms. In very rare cases a medical emergency may occur if the stomach wall becomes so stretched that it is damaged or even tears. The reader is referred to other sources on obesity and binge eating disorder for further information on this topic.


    One last aspect of medical management involves the use of medication to treat the coexisting psychological conditions that cause or contribute to eating disorders. Prescribing and managing this type of medication are sometimes undertaken by the family physician or internist but is more often relegated to a psychiatrist who has special training in psychopharmacology. The information regarding mind- altering medication for use with eating disorders is extensive and is covered in chapter 14.

    next: Philosophy and Approaches to Treating Eating Disorders
    ~ eating disorders library
    ~ all articles on eating disorders

    APA Reference
    Tracy, N. (2008, December 15). Medical Management Of Anorexia Nervosa And Bulimia Nervosa, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 6 from

    Last Updated: January 14, 2014

    Introduction to Dietary Supplements

    What are dietary supplements? Are dietary supplements safe? Detailed information on dietary supplements here.

    What are dietary supplements? Are dietary supplements safe? What about mixing supplements and psychiatric drugs? Detailed information on dietary supplements here.

    1. What are dietary supplements?
    2. Why do people take supplements?
    3. Is using supplements considered conventional medicine or complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)?
    4. How can I get science-based information on a supplement?
    5. If I am interested in using a supplement as CAM, how can I do so most safely?
    6. I see the word "natural" on a lot of supplement labels. Does "natural" always mean "safe"?
    7. Does the Federal Government regulate supplements?
    8. Is NCCAM supporting research on supplements?

    Dietary supplements are a topic of great public interest. Whether you are in a store, using the Internet, or talking to people you know, you may hear about supplements and claims of benefits for health. How do you find out whether "what's in the bottle" is safe to take, and whether science has proven that the product does what it claims??

    About Dietary Supplements

    A dietary supplement must meet all of the following conditions:

    • It is a product (other than tobacco) that is intended to supplement the diet and that contains one or more of the following: vitamins, minerals, *herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, or any combination of the above ingredients.
    • It is intended to be taken in tablet, capsule, powder, softgel, gelcap, or liquid form.
    • It is not represented for use as a conventional food or as a sole item of a meal or the diet.
    • It is labeled as being a dietary supplement.

    * Linked terms are defined at the end of this fact sheet.


    1. What are dietary supplements?

    Dietary supplements (also called nutritional supplements, or supplements for short) were defined in a law passed by Congress in 1994 (see the box below).1, 2

    Dietary supplements are sold in grocery, health food, drug, and discount stores, as well as through mail-order catalogs, TV programs, the Internet, and direct sales.

    2. Why do people take supplements?

    People take supplements for many reasons. A scientific study on this topic was published in 2002.3 In it, over 2,500 Americans reported on supplements they used (given the categories of vitamins/minerals and herbal products/natural supplements) and for what reasons. Their responses are summarized in the table below.

    Supplements: Why Taken?



    % of



    % of

    Health/good for you


    Health/good for you


    Dietary supplement




    Vitamin/mineral supplement


    Memory improvement


    Prevent osteoporosis




    Physician recommended


    Immune booster


    Prevent colds/influenza




    Don't know/no reason specified


    Supplement diet


    Immune booster


    Sleep aid


    Recommended by friend/family/media






    Don't know/no reason specified


    All others


    All others


    3. Is using supplements considered conventional medicine or complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)?

    Some uses of dietary supplements have become part of conventional medicine (see box below). For example, scientists have found that the vitamin folic acid prevents certain birth defects, and a regimen of vitamins and zinc can slow the progression of the eye disease age-related macular degeneration.

    On the other hand, some supplements are considered to be CAM--either the supplement itself or one or more of its uses. An example of a CAM supplement would be an herbal formula that claims to relieve arthritis pain, but has not been proven to do so through scientific studies. An example of a CAM use of a supplement would be taking 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C per day to prevent or treat a cold, as the use of large amounts of vitamin C for these purposes has not been proven.

    Conventional Medicine

    Conventional medicine is medicine as practiced by holders of M.D. (medical doctor) or D.O. (doctor of osteopathy) degrees and by their allied health professionals, such as physical therapists, psychologists, and registered nurses. Other terms for conventional medicine include allopathy; Western, mainstream, orthodox, and regular medicine; and biomedicine.

    Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

    CAM is a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not presently considered to be part of conventional medicine. Complementary medicine is used together with conventional medicine, and alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine. Some health care providers practice both CAM and conventional medicine. There is scientific evidence for the effectiveness of some CAM treatments. But for most, there are key questions yet to be answered through well-designed scientific studies, such as whether they are safe and work for the diseases or conditions for which they are used. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is the Federal Government's lead agency for scientific research on CAM.


    4. How can I get science-based information on a supplement?

    There are several ways to get information on supplements that is based on the results of rigorous scientific testing, rather than on testimonials and other unscientific information.

    • Ask your health care provider. Even if your provider does not happen to know about a particular supplement, he can access the latest medical guidance about its uses and risks.
    • Dietitians and pharmacists also have helpful information.
    • You can find out if there are any scientific research findings on the CAM supplement in which you are interested. NCCAM and other Federal agencies have free publications, clearinghouses, and databases with this information.

    5. If I am interested in using a supplement as CAM, how can I do so most safely?

    Here are some points to keep in mind:

    • Tell your health care providers about any complementary and alternative practices you use. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health. This will help ensure coordinated and safe care. It is especially important to talk to your provider if you:
    • Are thinking about replacing your regular medical care with one or more supplements.
    • Are taking any medications (whether prescription or over-the-counter). Some supplements have been found to interact with medications (see box below).
    • Have a chronic medical condition.
    • Are planning to have surgery. Certain supplements may increase the risk of bleeding or affect anesthetics and painkillers.
    • Are pregnant or nursing a baby.
    • Are considering giving a child a dietary supplement. Supplements can act like drugs, and many have not been tested in pregnant women, nursing mothers, or children.4
    • Do not take a higher dose of a supplement than what is listed on the label, unless your health care provider advises you to do so.
    • If you experience any side effects that concern you, stop taking the supplement, and contact your provider. You can also report your experience to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) MedWatch program, which tracks consumer safety reports on supplements.
    • If you are considering or using herbal supplements, there are some special safety issues to consider. See the NCCAM fact sheet "Herbal Supplements: Consider Safety, Too."
    • For current information from the Federal Government on the safety of particular supplements, check the "Alerts and Advisories" section of the NCCAM Web site or the FDA Web site.

    Supplements and Drugs Can Interact

    • St. John's wort can increase the effects of prescription drugs used to treat depression. It can also interfere with drugs used to treat HIV infection, to treat cancer, for birth control, or to prevent the body from rejecting transplanted organs.5
    • Ginseng can increase the stimulant effects of caffeine (as in coffee, tea, and cola). It can also lower blood sugar levels, creating the possibility of problems when used with diabetes drugs.5
    • Ginkgo, taken with anticoagulant or antiplatelet drugs, can increase the risk of bleeding. It is also possible that ginkgo might interact with certain psychiatric drugs and with certain drugs that affect blood sugar levels.5

    6. I see the word "natural" on a lot of supplement labels. Does "natural" always mean "safe"?

    There are many supplements, as well as many prescription drugs, that come from natural sources and are both useful and safe. However, "natural" does not always mean "safe" or "without harmful effects."For example, consider mushrooms that grow in the wild--some are safe to eat, while others are poisonous.

    The FDA issues warnings about supplements that pose risks to consumers, including those used for CAM therapies. A sample list is in the box below6,7. The FDA found these products of concern because they:

    • Could damage health--in some cases severely.
    • Were contaminated--with other unlabeled herbs, pesticides, heavy metals, or prescription drugs.
    • Interacted dangerously with prescription drugs.

    Examples of Supplements That Have Carried FDA Cautions About Safety

    • Ephedra
    • Kava
    • Some "dieter's teas"
    • GHB (gamma hydroxybutyric acid), GBL (gamma butyrolactone), and BD (1,4-butanediol)
    • L-tryptophan
    • PC SPES and SPES
    • Aristolochic acid
    • Comfrey
    • St. John's wort
    • Certain products, marketed for sexual enhancement and claimed to be "natural" versions of the drug Viagra, which were found to contain an unlabeled drug (sildenafil or tadalafil)


    7. Does the Federal Government regulate supplements?

    Yes, the Federal Government regulates supplements through the FDA. Currently, the FDA regulates supplements as foods rather than drugs. In general, the laws about putting foods (including supplements) on the market and keeping them on the market are less strict than the laws for drugs. Specifically:

    • Research studies in people to prove a supplement's safety are not required before the supplement is marketed, unlike for drugs.
    • The manufacturer does not have to prove that the supplement is effective, unlike for drugs. The manufacturer can say that the product addresses a nutrient deficiency, supports health, or reduces the risk of developing a health problem, if that is true. If the manufacturer does make a claim, it must be followed by the statement "This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."
    • The manufacturer does not have to prove supplement quality. Specifically:
    • The FDA does not analyze the content of dietary supplements.
    • At this time, supplement manufacturers must meet the requirements of the FDA's Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) for foods. GMPs describe conditions under which products must be prepared, packed, and stored. Food GMPs do not always cover all issues of supplement quality. Some manufacturers voluntarily follow the FDA's GMPs for drugs, which are stricter.
    • Some manufacturers use the term "standardized" to describe efforts to make their products consistent. However, U.S. law does not define standardization. Therefore, the use of this term (or similar terms such as "verified" or "certified") does not guarantee product quality or consistency.
    • If the FDA finds a supplement to be unsafe once it is on the market, only then can it take action against the manufacturer and/or distributor, such as by issuing a warning or requiring the product to be removed from the marketplace.
    • In March 2003, the FDA published proposed guidelines for supplements that would require manufacturers to avoid contaminating their products with other herbs, pesticides, heavy metals, or prescription drugs. The guidelines would also require supplement labels to be accurate.
    • The Federal Government also regulates supplement advertising, through the Federal Trade Commission. It requires that all information about supplements be truthful and not mislead consumers.

    What's in the Bottle Does Not Always Match What's on the Label

    A supplement might:

    • Not contain the correct ingredient (plant species). For example, one study that analyzed 59 preparations of echinacea found that about half did not contain the species listed on the label.8
    • Contain higher or lower amounts of the active ingredient. For example, an NCCAM-funded study of ginseng products found that most contained less than half the amount of ginseng listed on their labels.9
    • Be contaminated.

    8. Is NCCAM supporting research on supplements?

    Yes, NCCAM is funding most of the nation's current research aimed at increasing scientific knowledge about supplements--including whether they work; if so, how they work; and how purer and more standardized products could be developed. Among the substances that researchers are studying are:

    • Yeast-fermented rice, to see if it can lower cholesterol levels in the blood
    • Ginger and turmeric, to see if they can reduce inflammation associated with arthritis and asthma
    • Chromium, to better understand its biological effects and impact upon insulin in the body, possibly offering new pathways to treating type 2 diabetes
    • Green tea, to find out if it can prevent heart disease

    Recent NCCAM-sponsored or cosponsored clinical trials include:

    • Glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate, to find out if they relieve knee pain from osteoarthritis
    • Black cohosh, to see if it reduces hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause
    • Echinacea, to see if it shortens the length or lessens the severity of colds in children
    • Garlic, to find out if it can lower moderately high cholesterol levels
    • Ginkgo biloba, to determine whether it prevents or delays decline in cognitive (thinking) function in people aged 85 or older
    • Ginger, to confirm whether it eases nausea and vomiting after cancer chemotherapy


    Amino acid: Building block of proteins.

    Botanical: See "herb." "Botanical" is a synonym for "herb."

    Clinical trials: Research studies in which a treatment or therapy is tested in people to see whether it is safe and effective.

    Depression: An illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts. The symptoms of depression often include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or pessimism; and changes in sleep, appetite, and thinking.


    Heavy metals: A class of metals that, in chemical terms, have a density at least five times that of water. They are widely used in industry. A few examples of heavy metals that are toxic and have contaminated some dietary supplements are lead, arsenic, and mercury.

    Herb: A plant or plant part that is used for its flavor, scent, and/or therapeutic properties.

    Testimonials: Information provided by individuals who claim to have been helped or cured by a particular product. The information provided lacks the necessary elements to be evaluated in a rigorous and scientific manner and is not used in the scientific literature.

    Source: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NIH)

    next: Safety of Herbal and Dietary Supplements


    1. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994. Food and Drug Administration Web site. Accessed at on April 14, 2003.

    2. Dietary supplements: overview. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Web site. Accessed at on August 20, 2003.

    3. Kaufman DW, Kelly JP, Rosenberg L, et al. Recent patterns of medication use in the ambulatory adult population of the United States: the Slone survey. Journal of the American Medical Association. 2002;287(3):337-344.

    4. Federal Trade Commission. Promotions for kids' dietary supplements leave sour taste. Federal Trade Commission Web site. Accessed at on May 2, 2003.

    5. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Web site. Accessed on August 20, 2003.

    6. MedWatch: the FDA safety information and adverse event reporting program. U.S. Food and Drug Administration Web site. Accessed at on August 20, 2003.

    7. Dietary supplements: warnings and safety information. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Web site. Accessed at on April 14, 2003.

    8. Gilroy CM, Steiner JF, Byers T, et al. Echinacea and truth in labeling. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2003;163(6):699-704.

    9. Harkey MR, Henderson GL, Gershwin ME, et al. Variability in commercial ginseng products: an analysis of 25 preparations. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2001;73(6):1101-1106.

    APA Reference
    Staff, H. (2008, December 15). Introduction to Dietary Supplements, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 6 from

    Last Updated: July 10, 2016

    The Web Way To Save Planet Earth

    About Earth Day and the concept of being an Earth Trustee...think and act as a responsible trustee of Earth.

    "The Man Who Started Earth Day And The Earth Trustee Idea"

    Internet has provided WWW - a World Without Walls. Here is how anyone and everyone can think and act as an Earth Trustee and help make our planet a World Without War. The Earth Trustee Agenda can appeal to the most people (people of every creed and culture) and do the most good for people and planet. Also, here is the formula for individuals and institutions that can convert words into actions, tap the best of every religion and ethic, and rapidly replace hate, fear, greed and injustice with altruistic attitudes and actions that will eliminate poverty, pollution and violence. As we approach a new millennium a new global state of mind is emerging. The end of the "Cold War" and the new communication connections of Internet provide new possibilities for peaceful change.

    While the old way of thinking still hinders peace and justice in Jerusalem and other trouble spots, the miracle of the World Wide Web brings new connections among people of good will who are seeking a way to global peace and prosperity. Following is the Earth Trustee Agenda that can best serve this purpose and provide a sustainable future:

    Earth Trustee Agenda

    "Let every individual and institution now think and act as a responsible trustee of Earth, seeking choices in ecology, economics and ethics that will provide a sustainable future, eliminate pollution, poverty and violence, awaken the wonder of life and foster peaceful progress in the human adventure."

    To succeed we must combine heart and mind in effective action. If this article moves you emotionally and you know what to do, you will act. Let us first consider the following:

    continue story below

    In order to come together in care for our planet we must respect and care about one another. People of all creeds and persuasions find agreement in the three most important words in human history, "Love One Another." They were uttered by Jesus, the man most recognized in history as wise and good. Heartfelt love, faith and prayer is increasing around the world. While great differences exist in creeds and social issues, more and more people are finding common ground. There is growing awareness that we are one human family and must now take charge and take care of our planet. We can and must now come together where we agree -- leaving room for differences on matters where we don't agree.

    Space Age World View

    "We set out to explore Space and discovered Earth."

    Now we know Planet Earth has amazing raw materials (land, water, gold, oil -- etc., and organic life). With proper use of our new technologies, with logical economic policies and fair benefits for services, everyone could join in the rejuvenation of Earth. In the New Millennium, we can make our planet a Garden of Eden.

    There is no excuse for extreme poverty and unearned extreme wealth. New Earth Trustee economic policies can remedy this. There is growing support for a New Millennium Proposal to cancel the massive debts owed by the poorest countries. This should be followed by vigorous efforts to restructure economic institutions and achieve just and efficient production, trade and currency exchange. Internet now provides access to ideas, actions, records and results. Let all institution now report how much their policies and programs accomplish Earth Trustee goals. A growing flood of Earth Trustee solutions will follow.

    Facing the Difficulties

    While it is good to accent the positive and focus on solutions, we also need to honestly face the difficulties. Whether it is the result of sinful nature, childhood neglect or bad genes, humanity today is crippled by hate, fear, greed, sickness, crime and misuse of money and power. Fortunately, the vast majority of people believe in the golden rule and try to be honest. They can support the vision and actions that will bring a positive, global, state of mind. This will better enable efforts and their values to reach the minds and hearts of those engaged in evil acts -- who in truth "know not what they do." Earth Trustee vision and action will replace enmity with harmony.

    Actions good or bad begin in the mind. Evil will be overcome -- not just by laws or military might, but by love and faith and vision of a better way.

    Two Levels of Reality

    To achieve Earth Trustee goals it is important to recognize two levels of reality -- the physical and the metaphysical, or spiritual.

    People of all creeds and cultures can now agree on physical reality. We agree we have a great planet and can benefit by its nurture.

    In the larger question, "What's life all about?" we are faced with profound mysteries of life and death. Conflicting creeds try to deal with them.

    Some of my best friends and I disagree on life after death. I don't believe in reincarnation. When I met with the Dali Lama, I praised him for his strong support of peace and the care of Earth. We agreed that in our differences over reincarnation we each based our beliefs on hypothesis that could not be scientifically proven. I did not have a videotape of what people were doing in heaven - and he did not have an X-ray of a soul waiting for reincarnation. We must recognize our differences and work together where we agree.

    The best of our science and logic provide no answers all can agree on. Our beliefs are based on faith. While we may differ on the nature of God and life after death, we can commend actions that nurture people and planet -- regardless of the persons creed.

    The Earth Trustee agenda should not be a stumbling block to people of any creed -- who want to help "peace, justice and the care of Earth."

    When it comes to the mysteries of life the human search continues and will not diminish. The explosion of knowledge about the Cosmos is accompanied by scientific study of spiritual healing and psychic phenomena. The more we learn, the greater the mystery! The Astrophysicist, Stephen Hawking, is concentrating on how the Cosmos grows. The results are astounding. However, in his last words on a recent TV program, "The Universe" he stated, "We are finding the answer to 'how.' When we find the answer to Why?, we will have the mind of God."

    continue story below

    To continue our quest to understand the great mysteries of life we must avoid the death of nature and the collapse of civilization -- a real present danger. Let us now convert Earth Kill to Earth Care and make the next millennium an Earth Trustee Millennium.

    Earth Day

    International Earth Day -- 2000 -- was celebrated at the United Nations in New York - on Monday, March 20. At 2:35 a.m. the United Nations Peace Bell rang -- followed by two minutes for silent prayer and meditation. This was the moment that Spring began and provided a powerful time for people worldwide to join in dedication to be responsible Trustees of Earth.

    The March Equinox was chosen for the first Earth Day (1970). The idea was not local convenience or comfortable weather -- which varies from place to place, but a day suitable for international celebration. On this day, night and day are equal. This day is a million year symbol of the balance of nature and the equilibrium we seek on Earth.

    The local time of the equinox - which changes every year -- is always more convenient in some places than in others. In the year 2000, the area where the equinox was at High Noon is Bombay, India. (12:05 p. m. March 20) Midnight Equinox occurred in the longitude of Mexico City on March 20 at 12:35 a. m.

    What Individuals Can Do

    If you agree in principle with this Earth Trustee proposal for a sustainable future, then decide you will help make it work.

    First, adopt an Earth Trustee attitude. That means an Earth Trustee way of looking at everything. You want your daily choices in work, travel, shopping and other activities to naturally reflect your Earth Trustee values. Individuals will differ in what they pay most attention to. You may get interested in composting, planting trees, or volunteering for some project that is bringing peace and justice with understanding and action to better your neighborhood.

    If you have not already done so, join some group that you feel will assist Earth Trustee goals. Where possible get them to use the Earth Trustee label for their efforts. All who seek to further peace, justice and the care of our planet can foster mutual understanding and cooperation by labeling their effort an "Earth Trustee" effort. The Earth Day/Earth Trustee agenda in the Earth Magna Charta can help any worthwhile project. Your church, club, school or business can adopt the Earth Magna Charta and in its own way implement its policies and agenda.

    Earth Trustee Institutions

    Individual Earth Trustee actions can improve conditions in institutions as they presently exist. Far more will result as we restructure institutions to conform with Earth Trustee policies and purposes. Businesses, banks, churches and temples, clubs, towns and cities, are all invited to help implement the Earth Trustee Agenda. They can adopt the Earth Magna Charta ( and implement its Earth Trustee ideas in their own way. Every web site can be an Earth Trustee site and do their part to help people and planet.

    World Wide Web -- Make Earth Day an Internet Earth Day

    Proceed Earth Day with Earth Trustee solutions on Internet. On Earth Day join with your friends and family at home, church, school or work to mark this day with attention for the wonder of life and what we can do for people and planet. Let's have bells ring all over the world when the Peace Bells are rung on Earth Day. Explorers in Space will share their inspiring views of our beautiful planet as they join in the celebration. The new Earth Trustee Millennium was designed to be a new beginning of promise and hope. Spread the word. Now is humanity's greatest opportunity.


    APA Reference
    Staff, H. (2008, December 15). The Web Way To Save Planet Earth, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 6 from

    Last Updated: July 18, 2014

    Supporting Teenagers with ADHD

    Common issues that teens with ADHD struggle with include organisational help, rebellion, refusing to take adhd medications.  Learn more.Common issues that teens with ADHD struggle with.

    Assuming the teenager has been diagnosed with ADHD and treated now or in the past, these are some issues that have been shared as specific teenage struggles.

    1. Organisational Help

    First of all, teenagers like to be independent, solve for themselves but can use some suggestions they may wish to pursue to assist themselves. Numerous stores offer very innovative structures to help provide assists to organization. Locker shelving, home components to organize their room and drug stores offer organizational containers for remembering their pills. Middle school is often a difficult transition due to the increase in teachers, assignments, class changes and numerous expectations. Check early in the year with your teenager and the school to make sure they are adapting to these increased expectations.

    2. Rebellion

    Part of the teenager normal growth is the struggle to want help and not want help. Parenting used to be easier when you could just do it for them. Now parenting requires supportive listening. Often your adolescent just wants you to listen not do for them and offer support without telling them what to do. This is difficult when you love them and don't want to see them hurt in any way. Part of parenting a teen is to help them solve on their own with loving support.

    The struggles to work through a problem, help them to believe in themselves and know they can solve other struggles when parents are not there.

    3. Refusing to Take ADHD Medications

    There are times when a teenager decides they don't like their ADHD medication and refuses to take it anymore. This is part of their normal growth where they wish to control their own body and decide what is best for them. As difficult as this is, it may also provide an opportunity for the adolescent to assess himself and his real needs. When a child is older, it is nearly impossible to force them to comply. What can be considered is the opportunity for them to assess themselves responsibly and honestly whether off medications they are functioning to the fullest of their capabilities. If they are refusing but still have significant characteristics that are intruding on their abilities, parents may consider setting some boundaries to seek help, re-assess if their current medication is sufficient, if an adjustment is needed or perhaps another medication could be more supportive.

    4. Boundaries

    Freedom is earned! The more accountable a teenager is in making good decisions that support their capabilities the more parents are able to trust. When a teen makes a mistake it can be viewed as a learning opportunity. For mistakes there are consequences, privileges may be decreased or rescinded for a brief period of time to help the teen learn to accept responsibility for their choices. This is part of learning how to be accountable for your actions and does help an adolescent believe in themselves that when things do not go right they can re-right it. If the mistakes or choices continue that are not supportive of good decision making, parents can set stronger boundaries stating that at this time you are demonstrating that it is still difficult for you to make healthy choices and you need intervention until trust can be earned again. Believe it or not, teens like that parents care, that they are willing to stand up and set boundaries when their behavior is out of control, that you love them enough to take the flak of being able to say NO when required.

    5. Listen, Listen, Love

    Any teen and especially those with any kind of extra struggles needs unending support and love. This can be very hard during adolescence where there are times they do not wish to tell you anything and other brief times where they will unloaded the world in 5 minutes or less. Unless you feel your adolescent is in some kind of danger, a parent needs to be more flowing, shift with the teen needs, accept when they don't want to tell and stop all when they wish to share. This is very difficult for parents because it is the beginning of seeing their child grow up, they don't need them like before. But in truth, they need parents just as much but in a different, more beginning grown up way where they begin to decide what they can handle and seek you out when they wish. Parents can learn to support teens in a more subtle, behind the scenes way unless they see the teen is out of control or making non-healthy choices then boundaries are appropriate.

    6. Resources

    If you are concerned that with all your interventions your teenager is still out of control, or not doing well with or without ADHD medications, consider re-assessment.


    next: Taking ADHD Medication on Holiday Abroad
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    APA Reference
    Staff, H. (2008, December 15). Supporting Teenagers with ADHD, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 6 from

    Last Updated: February 13, 2016

    Natural Alternatives: beCALM'd, Buried Treasure ADD Attention, Bioflow

    beCALM'd - Natural Remedies for ADD / ADHD

    Debbie wrote to us about beCALM'd:

    My son was on Adderall, but suffered several of the side effects. I found beCALM'd, and within 2-3 weeks, I'd weaned him off the Adderall and he's been doing great. He finished school with good marks and a great report from his teacher and principal.

    I'm an independent distributor for NeuroGenesis. My web site is

    Beth wrote to us about beCALM'd:

    "Dear Simon

    Another success story! I had to write to you. Within one week of taking just one to two Be Calm'd capsules a day I can function again.

    I had tried everything (antidepressants, diet pills, and in the old days--9 years ago-- cocaine and crack) to alleviate my chronic depression. I am a compulsive overeater as well.

    But I don't smoke or drink or do drugs. After a week of your product which you think may be of interest to those with ADD/ADHD, I have my sense of humor back, I am not thinking of killing myself, I can do my many chores every day, I am not telling off my co workers or my mother or my alcoholic boyfriend and I am ready to embark on a major lifestyle change of eating better, walking, going out and having a little social life again!!

    All this from the most ugly, unappreciated, abused, hurt, unsociable, angry, resentful person that you can imagine!! My thinking is sharper at work and I am more rational about what I can take on for others and when I need to rest and take care of myself.

    Oh, well, you get the idea. It is truly a miracle! I am almost enjoying my drudge of a life again!! Now I know that is contradictory, but I am clear enough to see where improvements need to (and can) be made in my life--before,I just felt trapped.

    I am even trying to start a new relationship with a much nicer person will happen in time. Now, after Be Calm'd, I might even have the courage to say "yes" instead of hiding from everyone...!!

    The only thing that is holding me back now is my weight and I know that I can lose some of that, now that my mental state is finally so much better!

    I am very grateful that I have found something that REALLy helps! My life has been a nightmare.

    Sincerely, Beth"

    'Buried Treasure ADD Attention' - Natural Remedies for ADD / ADHD

    Bob in California writes.......

    "My son has ADD/ADHD

    I have found that by watching his diet closely and limiting sugar and sweets he seems to do much better. We also require him not to skip meals and eat protien at all meals. Also he takes daily vitamins and Ginko. We recently added a supplement from a local health food store called Buried Treasure ADD Attention. It is made by lifeline foods in Pikeville TN. Its main ingredients are B1 B2 B3 and B6 as well as Grape seed extract, Lemon balm, Gota Cola DMAE and others. This stuff works. (I have no connection with this company)

    We have also found that he needs a very structured classroom and strict teacher. A classroom enviorment with a lot of "free time" equals disaster. As others have found people with ADD learn differently but often they are as smart or smarter than other children. Indeed they show an affinity for computers and certain programs.

    All the Best"

    Bioflow - Natural Remedies for ADD / ADHD

    Claire Smith wrote to us about Bioflow:

    Hi there,

    My name is Claire Smith and I'm contacting you as I am a distributor for a Magnotherapy product called Bioflow.

    One of my customers recently purchased a bioflow for her 5 year old son who suffers from ADHD. In the past three weeks she has seen an improvement in his sleep patterns, concentration levels and he is calmer.

    She has been to see her son's teacher this evening and called to tell me that she too has seen an improvement.

    I don't know if this is something that may be of interest to you or other members of your group but I am contacting various support groups to let them know about the product.

    The Magnotherapy wristbands are worn like a watch and prices start from £29.99. All of the products carry a 3 month guarantee so if you are not happy or get no benefit from the product you can return it for a refund ( less 15% to cover handling).

    The mother has said she would be happy to answer any phone calls from parents who might like to try one, as would I.

    I can't guarantee that everyone will see a benefit which is why I offer such a good refund policy.

    If you know of anyone who would like to try one or some more information then please feel free to pass on my e-mail address or telephone number +44 01692 - 535600.


    Claire Smith

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    APA Reference
    Staff, H. (2008, December 15). Natural Alternatives: beCALM'd, Buried Treasure ADD Attention, Bioflow, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 6 from

    Last Updated: February 12, 2016