
Overstimulation and the Dissociative Brain

January 1, 2020 Becca Hargis

I've found overstimulation is common with dissociative disorder. We with dissociative disorders have a "special" nervous system that is more reactive to stimuli. Our propensity towards dissociation and anxiety creates an ideal combination that is overwhelmed with excessive stimuli, also known as sensory overload, or overstimulation.

What Overstimulation Is

Overstimulation happens when we are swamped by more sights, sounds, tastes, and sensations than with which we can cope. It is as if we have too many tabs open in our head, and our brain cannot process them as fast as they are firing. Once this sensory overload begins, we become hyperaware of everything in our environment, exacerbating our condition.

For someone who dissociates and is already sensitive to anxiety-provoking events, too much stimuli can be detrimental to our routine functioning. Our brains cannot process the amount of stimuli we are ingesting, so we are prone to dissociate and shutdown.

Many people have heard of the fight-flight-freeze response. It is the body's response to real or perceived danger. The body will either enter fight mode and stay, go into flight mode and try to escape the situation or freeze and shut down emotionally. When individuals who are sensitive, such as those with dissociative disorders, and susceptible to overstimulation are exposed to exessive sensory triggers, they can go into freeze mode, which is where dissociation occurs. 

My Experience with Overstimulation and Dissociative Identity Disorder

Dissociation and shutting down happened with me recently when I was out with a group of six friends. We all joined together for a few hours one day for shopping and a meal. Everyone was talking, cackling, and singing to the radio, seemingly all at the same time. Soon, the amount of noise was too much for my threshold. The environment was overstimulating, and I began to shut down.

Due to excessive stimulation, I could not understand what my friends were saying. I only heard loud, muffled noise from my group. I became dissociative and disconnected from myself. My head began to hurt and felt fuzzy inside. My anxiety was fired up, but I grew quiet, turned in towards myself, and shut down. I had to leave my friends early to decompress and find a safe space.

I experienced severe overstimulation. For the next two days, I lay in bed crying, distraught, and foggy-headed. I lost several days of memory, and it eventually took a week before I felt back to my normal self. 

How to Cope with Overstimulation and Dissociation

You can try to avoid triggers of sensory overload once you know what causes it for you. For example, I know that crowds of people and loud noises trigger me to shut down and create a need to retreat to a quiet space, so I know to avoid the shopping mall on Black Friday and to avoid the movie theater on the opening night of a Star Wars release.

Other suggestions on how to cope with situations that can lead to dissociation due to overstimulation:

  • Have an escape plan. Get out of the triggering environment. 
  • Take a break. Find someplace to be alone, and use the downtime to rest and recharge.
  • Use earplugs or noise-canceling headphones that can drown out unwanted noises. Play a soothing playlist.
  • Limit your screen time. I have found that dissociation and overstimulation are linked for me and are exacerbated by my use of screens, such as my mobile phone.
  • Respond to your needs early. Take care of yourself before someone needs to take care of you.
  • Try meditation or simple, deep breathing exercises. 
  • Keep things close by that can soothe you and create positive stimuli, such as a favorite, comfortable blanket or a worry stone.
  • Wear sunglasses indoors to block out light.
  • Wear your favorite, comfortable clothes.

Overstimulation and dissociation can be quite debilitating. Everyone experiences too much stimuli at times, but most aren't aware of its effects. But those with anxiety-related disorders, such as dissociative disorders, are more susceptible to the stresses of sensory overload. Careful planning and knowing your triggers are keys to managing excessive stimuli.

APA Reference
Hargis, B. (2020, January 1). Overstimulation and the Dissociative Brain, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 5 from

Author: Becca Hargis

Becca is a mental health advocate who is passionate about ending the stigma against mental illness. She is currently writing a book on her experiences with dissociative identity disorder. You can connect with her on her personal blog, TwitterFacebook and on Instagram.

April, 7 2023 at 5:58 pm

Hi my name is brooklynn I just named 14 my depersonalization started around when I made 13 due to traumatic experienced and issues. And I am now in a different situation I still find it very hard to work around but this article helped me understand why I have slot of headaches and why I don't know how I feel and certain circumstances

Warrior wasting away
October, 17 2022 at 4:57 pm

the world is cold but the world is hot. Everything is itchy rough and hard everything is so bright and overwhelming. Everything is loud and confusing. How can I get out of this over stimulated state without crashing please I am barely hanging on. I am scared to be alone so i can not put down the phone. I hang around awful people so I don't have to be scared of when I fall but i don't.. It's been a week. I can barely sleep. It's like an excitement inside almost as if my body is forcing me into a prolonged excited state so I do not have to process all the horrible things that have happen to me lately. I am already disassociated from major events happening around me and I feel now they will hit me all at once and destroy me. So much stress and heartache has taken over me and my body feels like electricity and static that I cant turn off and if I do what if i never turn back on. Please..someone...i need advice please.

October, 18 2022 at 2:37 pm

Hang in there friend. These emotions and feelings will pass. Find a calm place to relax and breath. You WILL be ok.

October, 17 2022 at 4:54 pm


March, 12 2022 at 11:56 pm

I have been having really bad problems with this for a while and this is the first time I realized what my problem might be thank you !!!!

Logan T.
January, 23 2022 at 6:58 am

Hey everyone, so my girlfriend had a sensory overload today and I wasn’t too sure what to do or think about it cause I’ve never been in the same room when it happens. How can I help her become safe or feel more like herself before it gets worse? She had her phone watching Netflix and I was worried about how she just sat up straight suddenly and froze. After reading this article I definitely understand more about sensory overload, but what else can I do, if anything?

Your Angel Watching
October, 17 2022 at 4:45 pm

If you live in cumberland you could see if she wants to go for a walk in nature or even sit calm in the woods and listen to gentle noises. Make sure it is not a windy loud day though. Make sure she is warm. She needs gentle soft stimuli nothing rough or extreme. ASMR? anything that basically is "muted" sensory I would say. Your girlfriend can't turn off her senses completely but if you find ways to minimize the sensory input as much as possible in any way possible it can keep her from completely disassociating or completely breaking down. If she completely breaks down you may have to let her alone for a week or more before she can gather herself again unfortunately even you trying to help would make matters worse if she gets to this state.

February, 5 2020 at 3:56 pm

Really nice message! It seems even after knowing of my DID for 30 years and having excellent psychiatry help about 27 years ... We are still working on overstimulation. It's a long lifetime path. Your suggestions for handling it all viable! Thanks for writing!

January, 10 2020 at 9:41 pm

Found this so validating and I've often described the feeling of my computer is crashing!
I never heard of this connection between symptoms before. Thanks.

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