
Using Mindfulness in PTSD Recovery

November 8, 2015 Jami DeLoe

Using mindfulness in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) recovery can be a lifesaver. One of the most difficult things about having PTSD is dealing with the PTSD symptoms -- but mindfulness can help, even when triggered. There are a number of things that I know will trigger me, and I do my best to avoid those triggers. Some things sneak up on me, though, and I have to deal with the anxiety and fear that is caused by the fight or flight response my body has. One of the most effective ways I have found to get through those types of situations is by using mindfulness in my PTSD recovery.

What is Mindfulness as Used in PTSD Recovery?

I first learned about mindfulness while in treatment for alcoholism, and I realized how much it helps with my anxiety (Mindfulness Can Calm Anxiety). The concept focuses on being aware of where you are in the present moment, and being accepting of whatever thoughts and feelings you are having. Mindfulness can be an effective way of dealing with PTSD triggers and anxiety. Read how staying present and accepting emotions can help you. Being aware of the present involves focusing on the thoughts, emotions, and sensations you are having in the current moment. It can be as simple as just paying attention to your breathing, or noticing what you smell or hear. Mindfulness is about staying in the here and now -- not dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future. It is also about being accepting and nonjudgmental of those thoughts when they do come, and realizing that we don't have to get caught up in them, or even believe them.

Using Mindfulness When Triggered In PTSD Recovery

When my PTSD is triggered, my first response is usually to get away from it as fast as I can. Sometimes that means actually, physically, removing myself from the situation, and sometimes it means trying to suppress, or stuff, my thoughts or emotions to get away from them. My flight response is almost always stronger than my fight response. So the thing that works for me is asking myself, "Am I ok, right now, in this moment?" I focus on my breathing and my surroundings and I tell myself the answer, "Yes, I am okay right now." It may sound too simple, or even a little bit silly, but making myself conscious of the fact that there isn't imminent danger, helps me make it through the feeling that there is.

The second part of mindfulness is accepting feelings and emotions without judgement. When I have made it through a triggering moment, I often have leftover feelings of embarrassment and shame. I wonder why I reacted that way, or feel foolish for having such a strong response to something (The Stigmatization Of Your Emotions). Mindfulness tells me to accept how I was feeling and let it go -- without having any opinion (good or bad) about it. It means remembering that they are just feelings, and they may or may not be based in truth. It isn't always easy, but I have found that when I am accepting of my feelings, whether they are true or not, I can let them go faster.

Making Mindfulness Work In PTSD Recovery

Being mindful takes practice. I try to stay present and be aware all the time so that when I am feeling triggered it feels natural to go there. It can feel awkward in the beginning, so practicing being mindful even when I'm not triggered helps me to be mindful when I am. So throughout my day, I remind myself to pay attention to what is going on in the present moment with my thoughts, feelings, and sensations. I try to focus on the things that I normally overlook or take for granted -- the sound of the birds outside, the feeling of my lungs filling, my background thoughts. Besides, there are at least 15 amazing mindfulness benefits besides using mindfulness to cope with PTSD symptoms.

We are often on autopilot in our lives, we go from point A to point B without paying attention to how we got there. Mindfulness is just redirecting the focus to right now, paying attention to what is around us, and what is inside of us. It has helped me make it through some really tough times, and it may help you too.

Find Jami on Facebook, on Twitter, on Google+, and on her blog.

APA Reference
DeLoe, J. (2015, November 8). Using Mindfulness in PTSD Recovery, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 6 from

Author: Jami DeLoe

Jami DeLoe is a freelance writer and addiction blogger. She is an advocate for mental health awareness and addiction recovery and is a recovering alcoholic herself. Find Jami DeLoe on her blog, Sober GraceTwitter, and Facebook.

November, 11 2015 at 2:34 pm

I am so grateful for a very good friend of mine who shared Healthy Places with me. It helps so much,My PTSD has been kicking my butt for the past month ang a half due to a lot of trauma around this time since 2009 non stop.
I had a very bad attack today and am glad that I took the time to calm down and read this.
Thanks for the share. I have also passed this on to others that may enjoy it.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

November, 15 2015 at 9:35 am

Thank you so much, Jackie. I too, have a lot of triggers at this time of the year. I'm glad that you found HealthyPlace, there is so much great information. It helps me so much to know that I am not alone.

November, 15 2015 at 11:25 am

Hi Jami, I have been in stunned mode sine this past Friday after finding out that I'm inches from being homeless.
I'm a person who believes in justice and working towards the better good.
I know that with what I'm dealing with in my current situation I am learning a great deal and as a result of what I'm going through I hope to help others not have to deal with the same nightmare that I have been lving.
Wishing the best for you and others as well as working on the best for myself.
Peace and be as well as you can be.

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