
The ADHD Awareness Book Project Aiming to Make a Difference for People with ADHD

September 15, 2011 Laurie Dupar, PMHNP, RN, PCC

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world.
Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."

- Margaret Mead

I believe we all dream of making a positive difference in the world. I am lucky enough to say that one of my dreams is about to come true. In about two weeks, The ADHD Awareness Book Project: 365 Ways to Succeed with ADHD will be published!

As an ADHD Life Coach, I help people living with ADHD understand their disorder, reduce their challenges, get things done and find hope. For the past nine years, I have individually done my best. However, having worked in the mental health field for over 25 years, I also know that, proportionately, not that much has changed in the overall awareness of ADHD. I meet clients every day from age seven to

365 ways to succeed with ADHD

seventy who are struggling or have struggled alone, not knowing that answers to their challenges were available. An alarming number of people have never even heard the term “ADHD” as an explanation for their symptoms. Working alone is not enough. Too many people in this world are still are unaware of ADHD; the lifelong struggles people with ADHD experience and the resources and answers available.

So, last June, believing in the power of community and the dedication of my colleagues, I announced that I would be coordinating a book of tips and strategies for succeeding with ADHD that features as many ADHD expert suggestions as possible. I invited all of the ADHD specialists I knew and asked them to ask ADHD professionals they knew to participate in this project. As a result, over 80 co-authors from around the world and from a variety of disciplines, experiences and expertise answered the call and submitted their answers to the question, “What is the best tip or strategy you have to help someone with ADHD succeed?” The ADHD Awareness Book Project: 365 Ways to Succeed with ADHD contains their responses. Contributions are from co-authors in the fields of medicine, nursing, coaching, nutrition, therapy, research, education, etc. All are experts in ADHD, either by virtue of their profession or life experience. There is something for every reader…and you will likely find that one tip, strategy, resource or answer you need most in this moment.

Interested in getting your hands on a copy?

365 ways to succeed with ADHD will be available for purchase on October 11th. In the spirit of community and increasing awareness of ADHD worldwide, when you purchase a copy a portion of the proceeds from national bookseller sales will be used to support three international ADHD organizations:

  • Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
  • Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA)
  • ADHD Coaches Organization (ACO)

As a special bonus, when you buy the book on Tuesday, October 11th, you will receive additional online downloadable gifts from the book’s co-authors. You can find this special one day offer at:

Want to share your ADHD Awareness with others?

I encourage readers who find a particular tip or strategy especially useful in The ADHD Awareness Book Project: 365 Ways to Succeed with ADHD to connect with the book’s co-authors via the contact information provided. Also, I ask that you take a moment to simply share what this book has meant to you and/or send me your favorite ADHD success tip. I want to know what techniques work for you! You can email them directly to and I will get back to you.

A special thanks…

Finally, I want to again thank all of my co-authors for their belief in me and the support of this project. Many are pioneers and leaders within the ADHD professional community, and some have published their own books on ADHD, but they all share my commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of people with ADHD. I wish I could list them all here, but instead it will have to suffice to say that each one has mined their own experiences and expertise and contributed their “golden nuggets” for the readers of this book. There is something for everyone within its pages. I am forever grateful and humbled that they trusted me to bring this book to publication.

I look forward to hearing back from you and hearing about your successes!

Most warmly,
~ Laurie Dupar, Editor, The ADHD Awareness Book Project: 365 Ways to Succeed with ADHD

APA Reference
Dupar, L. (2011, September 15). The ADHD Awareness Book Project Aiming to Make a Difference for People with ADHD, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 5 from

Author: Laurie Dupar, PMHNP, RN, PCC

October, 12 2013 at 7:39 pm

adhd cost me my marrige i just took a small test for adht it says 95% possitive isuffer with it what steps do i take now to sort it out

Paul Giroux
August, 6 2013 at 3:27 am

I'm 61 years old and have ADHD. (for sure!)
I just wonder how a person can develop it as an adult. I have no links whatsoever as to how/when I
got it during my childhood. Is this normal?
Thanks in advance

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Elizabeth Prager
August, 6 2013 at 4:05 am

I'm not sure that you can develop it as an adult, but you can definitely see a progression of symptoms and a let down of built up defense mechanisms as you get older. When something goes untreated, it definitely can get worse and way more noticeable. ADHD isn't something you "get" one day and have from them on - it's a set of symptoms whose impact on your life ebbs and flows with changing circumstances.

Donald D. Parker
September, 16 2011 at 7:43 am

I found your site on Twitter where my ID is ddparker. I have lived my life of 65+ years not understanding why I did not fit. In December of last year I was watching Dr. Oz, the topic of the segment was ADHD. As I listened I realized they were talking about my life, the more I learned the closer I came to crying, it was an epiphany of major order. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, my life started to make sence. I went to my GP and asked for a referral to a Psychiatric Specalist. While I was waiting for the appointment to arrive I read and Googled everything I could find about ADHD. The more I learned the more I understood. I was diagnosed in April with ADHD and I am now on 72mgs of Concerta and things are working better. I am not a new person but I am progressively, making changes to my behavior. My new passion is to become a champion of ADHD education and to do everything I can to help some young person from having to live the life I had lived. My life wasn't a total waste but it could have been much better and more productive if I had been able to start these changes much earlier in my life. My best piece of advice to anyone who is having difficulty in their life that they can't explain would be to learn as much as they can about the spectrum of disfunctions that ADHD is a part of and to ask for professional interpretation of their circumstances. I would also love to see successful important people who are living with ADHD, come out and share their story, their successes and failures...
Don Parker

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Laurie Dupar, PMHNP, RN, PCC
September, 20 2011 at 4:53 pm

HI Donald...thank you so much for your response. Your story is becoming so familiar. Being diagnosed later in life is becoming more and more common. I commend you for seeking out answers at this point and understanding how important ADHD awareness many have no idea what has been going on. Please stay in touch and let me know how you are doing. I am inspired by your story!

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