

Adults with ADHD have a tendency to take on projects like sinking boats take on water. There is something about the sparkly goodness of NEW that leads the ADHD person around by the nose with a smile on his or her face.
Things are going well--I think I'm on my way to a peaceful bipolar life. My psychiatric nurse added an antipsychotic medication at bedtime and I’m doing better. I feel more stable. I have minor shakes, but I can live with that if it means I can handle life. I registered for college this past week and I’m going to start on June 1, 2010. I’m excited and nervous all at the same time. I have to say that I feel better able to handle the stress right now. I meditate twice a day now and it’s been amazing at controlling my stress. The affirmations that I listen to daily remind me that I’m going to make it. I’m keeping a positive outlook on life with bipolar. I feel like I'm about to live a peaceful bipolar life.
Adults with ADHD often have anger issues, and nothing brings them steaming to the surface like lousy traffic. In a follow-up to my blog on anger management and driving, I show Bug Out Bob in action and talk about different techniques to help manage road rage.
I'm a pretty loud critic of old and discredited ideas about eating disorders; and there are many. I have to say, though, lately I have more-and-more optimism about the future.
Do you have a difficult time getting things started? Find yourself highly motivated to find something else to do? Are you even aware when you do it? Today we're going to discuss chronic procrastination—one of the hallmarks of adult ADHD.
I had an extremely shocking and surreal day yesterday. I had a suspicion, and it took a couple of tests to come up with conclusive results. Mr. T is out of town all week, so I had to tell him over the phone. I couldn't keep this to myself for so long. I found out that I am pregnant.
Susan Inman's daughter suffered from severe psychosis and was later diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. Susan discusses the toll Molly's severe mental illness took on her and her family, finding the right treatment for psychosis, and the tools she used to save her daughter's sanity as well as manage her own. Watch the interview with Susan Inman at Schizoaffective Disorder in the Family: Saving My Daughter's Sanity.
I was in London earlier this month for the Eating Disorders International Conference held by b-eat, the largest eating disorders charity in the UK. The event gave me the opportunity to see eating disorder treatment from two perspectives: my own, and the one faced by families in England. I came away feeling the chasm between science and practice is just as deep on both sides of the pond, but the content is different.
We all can get in a rut sometimes. It’s hard to get out of a rut. You have to pull yourself up out of your hole. How can you do that when you feel so defeated? Bipolar Disorder can defeat you like no other disease can. It affects our brain and that affects how we function; which, in turn, affects our relationships and our daily existence. I’ve found myself alone, hopeless, and incapable of doing anything about it. At least until I found the tools in which to combat that feeling of being in a rut.
Gift Giving and Keeping Score Yesterday, I went to work and we had a baby shower for a co-worker. The food was excellent, the decorations beautiful, and a table was full of gifts. No matter if it's a baby shower, a bridal shower, Christmas, or a birthday party, I can't help but feel that your gift gets entered into a silent competition in the minds of everyone watching. It's as if each gift goes through a rating system. A score is given for the level of creativity, thoughtfulness, expense, quantity, and quality for the gift itself as well as how it is wrapped. And somehow the overall score given to your gift correlates to how much you love that person, or even worse, how you rate as a person on a scale of worth.

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Elizabeth Caudy
Hi, Renu. Thank you for your comment. While I can't speak for the author of this article, I know I can do a lot of the things I do with schizoaffective disorder with medication adherence. I've also worked hard in psychotherapy and learned things like Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). My support team, which includes my husband and other family members, my therapist, and my psychiatric nurse practitioner, is key. I hope that helps! Best, Elizabeth
John Mitchel

I've been with the same company now for 18 years. Over the last couple of years, I've also been experiencing dips in depression, with some days/weeks being worse than others. I got a new boss 3 years ago and every year its an uphill battle with him. Meetings are never fruitful; they just ends up being one-way shouting, screaming and lashing out. Being with the company so long, maybe I'm the problem. I've been applying not stop for other positions, but nothing, not even an invite to an interview. I'm 43 years old, and I feel like I've accomplished nothing, and I'm just stealing oxygen at this stage. The anxiety, depression, and demoralized feelings are getting the best of me, but I simply cannot quit as I have a family to support.
How can you do so many things with this disorder, while its difficult for many people to hold one job with suffering from schizophrenia
Auntie Lori
Congratulations on moving on to the next journey I’m so happy for you! 👏👏 💖
Hi Natasha
Thanks for another great article! Although I wonder if there's at least an astronaut living with Bipolar.
I started Latuda (20 mg) in January 2020. I feel better than I have ever felt in my entire life before and after being diagnosed with BP.
I couldn't go back to life before bipolar disorder, because if I didn't always have it, I always suffer from mental illnesses like depression and OCD. But I definitely wouldn't go back to life before Latuda.