
Self-Harm, Medication and Maintaining Happiness

December 8, 2014 Jennifer Aline Graham

Many people who self-harm or struggle with a mental illness take medicine to help ease the symptoms and triggers that come with the battle. When it comes to taking medicine to help with mental illness, some people may not like the idea of depending on medication to maintain happiness. The idea of consuming something that will change your mental state is a frightening thing and some people do not like giving up the ability to feel the way they wish.

Even though medicine can be helpful in self-injury treatment, it is only a small step when moving towards feeling mentally safe, healthy and confident. Therapy along with finding ways to maintain your own personal happiness are just as important as making sure to take your medication. In truth, finding safe ways to self-medicate can be just as helpful in the recovery process as anything else.

Unfortunately, when many people think of self-medication they automatically assume alcohol and drugs. In truth, self-medication can be any safe, helpful way to make you feel better. Anything from exercise to taking a long, hot bath are examples of self-medication as long as what you are doing helps you feel mentally and physically better.

Medicine Doesn’t Define Who You Are

Medicine can be helpful when struggling with self-harm, but there are others ways to maintain happiness too.

I’ve been taking medicine for mental health purposes for 10 years and only within the last year did I start adjusting some of the prescriptions with my doctor. Being that last winter was not an easy season for me mentally and emotionally, my doctor decided to change one of my medications and try something similar at a lower dose.

With my recently moving to another city, I have been unable to meet with one of my doctors on a bi-monthly basis and because of that, she has been unable to refill one of my prescriptions. At first, I didn’t think it would be a problem and slowly I began to wean myself off of it. However, it seems that recently the “winter blues” have returned and, even though I hate to admit it, I wish I could refill that prescription.

I know that my recent moodiness and anxiety probably root from my world being a little hectic lately. However, I do wonder how I would feel if I were still taking the medicine I had to stop.

You Have the Power to Maintain Happiness

The thing is: you have the power to feel however you wish to feel. I cannot recognize my frustrations and fall back on the fact that I recently stopped a certain medication. Many people get stressed and irritated when life gets overwhelming and those are emotions that are absolutely normal.

Instead of turning to self-harm as the answer, find something safe that will make you feel more at ease. If you take medicine, do not rely on just the pills. You must make an effort when trying to maintain your happiness. You have the ability to make change happen and once your embrace that ability, you will find ways to hold onto your happiness.

You can also find Jennifer Aline Graham on Google+, Facebook, Twitter and her website is here. Find out more about Noon through

APA Reference
Aline, J. (2014, December 8). Self-Harm, Medication and Maintaining Happiness, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, September 29 from

Author: Jennifer Aline Graham

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