
I Enjoyed the Holidays Despite Schizoaffective Disorder

January 9, 2020 Elizabeth Caudy

Because of my schizoaffective disorder, I often don’t enjoy the holidays. I get anxious, stressed out, and overwhelmed. But during this past holiday season, things went relatively well, despite my schizoaffective disorder. I enjoyed the festivities instead of just getting through them. I have a few ideas as to why and I’d like to share them.

Despite My Schizoaffective Disorder, the Holidays Went Well

I’m writing this two days before New Year’s Eve. I’m not worried about that holiday since my husband Tom and I traditionally have a very low-key New Year’s Eve. We go out to a local Chinese restaurant, watch a movie, and I don’t even try to stay up until midnight. If Tom is up to ring in the New Year, he sneaks in the bedroom to give me a New Year’s kiss while I’m sleeping.

Our Thanksgiving and Christmas plans, though, were not low-key. My two brothers came in for Thanksgiving, as did my sister, her family, and my one nephew’s wife and another’s girlfriend. However, my Thanksgiving went well, despite the crowd. It was great to see everyone, and my four nephews had picked up some great books for me as an early Christmas present. Also, my sister got me a knitted hat, scarf, and mittens set that I adore. I love the mittens especially, and I wear the scarf as often as possible.

Then came Christmas. My brothers returned to Chicago. My parents had friends over for Christmas Eve. We’ve all known them since childhood. Unfortunately, I got overwhelmed by schizoaffective anxiety and Tom and I had to leave early. But that was the only glitch for me during the holidays because Christmas Day went well.

Changes in My Schizoaffective Disorder that Made the Holidays Go Well

There are a few reasons why I think the holidays went so well for me despite schizoaffective disorder. One is that I stayed aware that I was surrounded by people who love me, people who get me, and who know that sometimes I have to leave early. Paradoxically, knowing that I was around people who know I have to leave early made me do that less because I was more relaxed.

Another reason they went so well is that I’ve been hearing voices so much less with a change of medication. I didn’t hear voices at all on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day. And I’ve been hearing them less since September, so knowing I wasn’t likely to hear them made me much more confident about Thanksgiving and Christmas.

All in all, my schizoaffective disorder and the anxiety that comes with it reared their ugly heads at a minimum this holiday season. I am truly grateful schizoaffective disorder didn't interfere (too much) with my holidays.

APA Reference
Caudy, E. (2020, January 9). I Enjoyed the Holidays Despite Schizoaffective Disorder, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 5 from

Author: Elizabeth Caudy

Elizabeth Caudy was born in 1979 to a writer and a photographer. She has been writing since she was five years old. She has a BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago and an MFA in photography from Columbia College Chicago. She lives outside Chicago with her husband, Tom. Find Elizabeth on Google+ and on her personal blog.

John Caudy
January, 10 2020 at 10:40 am

It was such a joy seeing you and Tommy. We had such a good time and it was fun hanging out with you and Billy the day after Christmas! I love you so much!

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