

Why is it important to avoid digital self-harm on the Internet? Is it possible to avoid it when the modern Internet is itself complicit in facilitating self-harm?
What do you think about accepting anxiety, that thing we hate? Acceptance is a powerful concept that can help us reduce anxiety. It isn't a modern trend, this latest craze in our attempt to manage stress, anxiety, depression, and everything else that challenges our mental health and wellbeing. It's actually an age-old practice with roots in Buddhism and other ancient traditions. It's a component of mindfulness, another concept with ancient heritage. In our modern era, acceptance is well-researched and part of legitimate therapeutic approaches like acceptance and commitment therapy. Yet, accepting anxiety is one of the most difficult concepts not just to understand but to put into practice.
Near the end of my last post, I briefly suggested the structure of the modern Internet itself contributes to digital self-harm, and that based on that structure, there can be no separation between the mere act of being online and digital self-harm.
Life after a panic attack or anxiety attack, no matter how intense, doesn't have to be miserable. Here's a look at the lingering effects of these experiences and how you can regain control.
The concept of “digital self-harm” is something that has recently entered the discourse surrounding mental health. It is a new enough concept that I feel that the majority of mental health advocates may not understand what this type of self-harm entails, and even those that do may be getting, what I argue, is a needlessly limited application of what the term could mean. In this post, then, I want to go into exactly what digital self-harm is (as is currently defined), my problems with that current definition, and its applications for those with anxiety.
A panic attack or anxiety attack is an intense but short-lived experience of gripping anxiety. These attacks can be severe, causing a host of miserable symptoms. While the actual attack doesn't last long, typically peaking in about 10 minutes but sometimes lasting a bit longer, the effects can continue and make life after a panic attack or anxiety attack miserable and difficult. Knowing what to expect during and after a panic attack can help you minimize and shorten the recovery time and move forward more easily and positively. 
Wanting to hide from anxiety is a normal reaction. It's hard-wired into us as the fleeing part of the fight-or-flight response. It's a self-protective response that kicks in in the face of anxiety-provoking triggers. The problem is that its use is limited. While it might protect us from danger or even discomfort in a particular situation, if hiding from anxiety is our main way of dealing with it, we severely limit our lives. It's hard to override this impulse, though, especially if you've been doing it for a long time. To help you emerge from hiding and embrace your life, here are four ways to stop hiding from anxiety.
Though the Internet has the potential to become a boon for those suffering from mental illnesses like anxiety (in the form of websites like this, for instance), unfortunately, some in power are using the Internet to financially exploit those who are most vulnerable. Therapy has become a victim to what’s referred to as “the gig economy,” and any right-minded advocate for mental health owes it to themselves to fight against this at any cost.
I have up close and personal as well as professional information about anxiety and chronic health conditions. Over the past year, I've been diagnosed with a whopping nine chronic health conditions, many of them autoimmune and most of them digestive in nature. They're all permanent, but I'm grateful that they're all manageable. I'm also happy that I am happy and well. Healthy anxiety is part of this subjective sense of wellness. I'd like to share with you four tips that I use to keep my anxiety low despite these chronic health conditions.
Ever since my apartment fire at the end of January, I’ve been working with my insurance to get adequate recompense for everything I’ve lost. While I’ve had a mostly good experience, it seems that nobody is spared from at least one insurance horror story, and about a week ago I got mine.