
Anxiety Management – Anxiety Schmanxiety

If you’ve spent a lot of time online, you’ve probably seen the term “vaguebooking” thrown around; even if you haven’t, you’re probably familiar enough with the concept. Vaguebooking is, honestly, exactly what the word entails: posting vague or cryptic status updates to Facebook. Of course, the concept isn’t exclusive to Facebook and can be done on any social media platform.
Anxiety relief is within your reach whenever you need it. When you're living with worry, fear, panic, dread, racing thoughts, and roiling emotions, it doesn't seem like relief from anxiety symptoms is in sight. That's because it clouds perceptions, makes itself seem real and true, and obscures things that could reduce its strength. Once you know where to look, though, you'll notice that opportunities for anxiety relief are almost everywhere. To get you started on your quest to reduce anxiety, here are nine places you can find anxiety relief. 
I know what it's like to be an anxious young adult. I’ve been anxious my entire life; however, it wasn’t until I was 18, and in my freshman year of college, that my anxiety received an official diagnosis. With everything else going on relating to the transition into adulthood, a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder just served to make an already chaotic time that much more so. Given that I doubt I’m the only one who has gone through (or who is going through) this difficult series of circumstances, I want to address this blog to any young adults who may be struggling with profound anxiety for the first time in their lives.
Overcoming social anxiety can feel impossible. With social anxiety, people often want to form friendships and interact with others. Anxiety, however, boxes people in and keeps them trapped. You don't have to remain isolated, stuck in anxiety's prison, though. There are ways to overcome social anxiety, including finding a mentor and/or becoming a mentor to someone who could use some support. 
Releasing anxiety and stress from your body is as important as letting it go from your mind.  Although we speak of "mind" and "body" separately, we're really one cohesive unit. When we're stressed, we're affected everywhere. When we're anxious, we feel it throughout our being. Therefore, working on the physical aspects of anxiety can have a positive ripple effect in your entire being, reducing physical symptoms as well as improving mood and thinking. Below, you'll find six ways to release anxiety and stress from your body. 
I’ve been a pretty massive introvert with anxiety for my entire life. Compared to the population at large, my threshold for social interaction has always been exceedingly low; even after a simple night out with friends, I generally need at least a day of alone time to recover. Of course, I’ve struggled with severe anxiety for my entire life as well, and because of that, I thank God that I’m an introvert. I sincerely believe the fact that I’m an introvert with anxiety makes it easier to keep my anxiety under control.
No matter how intense anxiety is or how much it interferes in your life, you can shrink it, step over it, and keep going. However, doing so is a process; to have lasting positive effects, anxiety must be reduced gradually. To overcome anxiety permanently requires a gradual approach with a lot of patience, persistence, and perseverance.
Teaching yourself to breathe might seem strange, especially as a way to reduce anxiety. You started practicing breathing even before you were born, and you've been breathing ever since. The respiratory system is hardwired to work with the brain and body to keep us functioning well. What happens, though, is that over time, we develop bad breathing habits (like bad posture habits, bad eating habits, and myriad other behaviors that don't do much for our wellbeing). The breath is essential in managing anxiety, and learning how to breathe correctly will help reduce your anxiety.
When you live with anxiety, the mere thought of joining an anxiety support group can kick the fight-or-flight response into overdrive. To avoid attending an anxiety group with other people, you might be willing to fight tooth and nail to escape into the safety of the space under your bed. However, anxiety support groups offer benefits like the ability to share your experiences and challenges, to be deeply heard, and to offer a listening ear in return. These are only a few of the benefits people can reap by joining a support group for anxiety. Here are six more reasons to join a support group for anxiety.
I’m writing this from a hotel room in Atlanta, Georgia. I’m here for a week to go to a metal festival, and I’m having the time of my life. I don’t often take many out of state vacations, for a number of reasons, but being here reminds me of how much of a benefit going away really is.