
Treating Anxiety

Having a structured and strategic morning routine helps me cope with anxiety and anxious thoughts. Starting the day on a positive, calming note sets the tone for the rest of the day. I incorporate specific practices into my morning routine to feel less stressed and happier. Here's how my morning routine helps my anxiety.
Writing helps calm my anxiety in times of chaos. It allows me to express my thoughts and emotions freely, giving me a sense of clarity and control. There are many forms of writing that relieve my anxiety, including creative writing and journaling. Here's how.
A little over four years ago, I came across an opportunity to write about a topic I have been passionate about for quite some time: "Treating Anxiety." The chance to write for HealthyPlace was exciting and so important to me, but at the same time, it was a bit daunting knowing that I would be sharing a part of myself with an audience of readers that I didn't know. It turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made.
Keeping my home as my clean space helps clear my mind and reduce anxious thoughts. I can't think straight when my surroundings are cluttered, and my mind feels bogged down by the mess. A structured cleaning routine encourages me to keep my space organized, which helps me focus during working hours and leisure time. Here's how having a clean space helps my anxiety.
I've learned throughout the years that some foods can make my anxiety worse. I've learned this through education, research, and simply through trial and error. As a result, I've learned to stay away from or at least moderate my intake of certain anxiety-worsening foods and drinks.
I've found that relaxation techniques can help my anxiety. During times of intense anxiety, I regularly experience a racing heart, worried thoughts, and quick breathing. It can leave me feeling helpless and out of control. That's why I find easy relaxation techniques to be so beneficial in helping me regain a sense of calm. More importantly, realizing that I can control my anxiety by using specific techniques has empowered me to feel more capable of managing my worries long-term. Learn more about how I help my anxiety with relaxation techniques.
When you experience social anxiety, it can be challenging to make friends. This can also lead to difficulty in life because, as indicated by research, social connections are important for one's overall wellbeing. However, you can make friends even with social anxiety.
Have you considered there are benefits to anxiety? Anxiety plays a huge role in my life. My anxiety often surfaces as chronic stress and concerns about my professional life and career. While it has held me back in many instances, I can appreciate some of the ways in which anxiety benefits me.
I've been thinking lately about how I stop my panic attacks. Panic attacks can be frightening to deal with when they are happening. As someone who has dealt with panic attacks for as long as I have been dealing with chronic anxiety, I have found that it is important for me to know how to cope when I experience a panic attack and how to stop panic attacks.
My name is Elizabeth Naraine, and I am excited to join the HealthyPlace community as a new author for "Treating Anxiety." Anxiety has affected me in different ways throughout my life. Beginning in the early years of elementary school, I experienced racing thoughts and a pit in my stomach before the day started. Throughout my teen and adult years, it evolved to constant worrying about my future, career outlook, and relationships. My goal with this blog is to help you feel supported and understood through the challenges of living with anxiety and offer a glimmer of hope that there are effective ways to treat anxiety and overcome it.