
What I’ve Learned Since My Brother Died by Suicide

September 10, 2014 Guest Author

On World Suicide Prevention Day, let me start with the good news: suicide is preventable.

That exact thought, however, haunts a family that has lost a loved one to suicide. The regrets are undeniable. There is a plethora of what-ifs and should-haves that nag at you from within; the guilt is unbearable. Looking back, we see so much that could’ve been done. In hindsight, you might even be able to pick the exact day, the exact hour, the minute, the second, where if you had looked a little harder, spoken a different word, been a different person, well, you just might have changed it all. Looking back, the signs are so obvious, but in reality, the answers are never that clear. Families, living their ordinary lives, doing their ordinary things are not at all equipped to deal with the extraordinary task of saving a loved one from suicide. Most of the times, they aren’t even aware.

I wasn’t aware.

Before My Brother Died by Suicide

In exactly one week, it will have been 14 years since my brother surrendered to suicide. Not much of that day is clear in my memory. What I do remember vividly is the night several months before, when perhaps I could’ve reached out to my brother. I was fast asleep in my room, and suddenly I awoke to the sound of a sad song playing nearby. My brother was in his room, learning to play his borrowed guitar. What bothered me was the haunting sadness in the song. I had never heard anything like that. I never cry when I hear music, but this tune brought tears to eyes. I thought to myself, I should speak to him in the morning and quickly fell back asleep. The next day I had school, a part-time job, friends to catch up with, and a pile of homework. To be truthful, I'm not certain I would've asked him about the song even if I had the chance. Like most brothers and sisters, we didn’t talk about our emotions. That wasn't the nature of our relationship; and at the time, there was no real reason to dig deeper. He never seemed to need help; and we didn't think to ask.

The Regrets of a Family Member Over Suicide

My brother died by suicide 14 years ago. Now I know that suicide is preventable. Here's what I've learned since my brother died by suicide.Moments like these are the ones that we remember, filled with guilt and regrets. It's difficult to look past it. Someone you love suffered enough to take their own lives and you weren’t even aware. That's difficult to accept no matter how strong you are. The truth is, suicide is a complex issue to deal with, and sometimes the suffering is invisible. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, one-third of people who take their lives do not communicate their suicide intent to anyone. It’s tough to help someone who is suicidal when we don’t know that they need it. Even when we know, the answers are never clear. Looking back, the signs may be there, but as we go through our lives, it’s almost impossible to make the necessary connections. You don’t know how severely someone needs help until it’s too late.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 90% of the time suicide goes hand in hand with a mental illness. For family and caregivers, even after learning the diagnosis, it’s still quite difficult to face the stigma, understand the illness and encourage your loved one to navigate the complicated healthcare system to seek timely help.

When a Loved One is Suicidal

It is undeniable: family and friends must go above and beyond in educating themselves, managing their stress, and finding necessary support for their loved ones. Most families are prepared to do all it takes, but mostly they don’t know how or where to start. Dealing with an invisible illness riddled with stigma, the solutions are never easy nor clear. On World Suicide Prevention Day, families must remember: we lost a loved one and we didn’t have the means to stop that. Today, things are different. We have experience, knowledge and insight. Today, we can do a lot more. We can share our stories so that others can learn. We can speak up so others can do the same. The journey alone, as we know, is difficult; it is only together we can make a difference. It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes the whole village to save one.

This article was written by:

My brother died by suicide 14 years ago. Now I know that suicide is preventable. Here's what I've learned since my brother died by suicide.Nilam Chhetri is an educator, writer and a mental health advocate. She holds a BA in Psychology and is currently a therapist-in-training. She writes about culture, community and mental health. Find Nilam on Twitter, Facebook and her website.

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APA Reference
Author, G. (2014, September 10). What I’ve Learned Since My Brother Died by Suicide, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 2 from

Author: Guest Author

vicky m.
October, 1 2014 at 1:05 pm

Hi I suffered sexual/physical/mental/verbal abuse as a child, as well as other things. I'm 54 now and have SO much anger/resentment/bitterness/problems from being abused, and I've tried so many things to try and find a way of dealing with it. I can't find anything that helps me feel better for long...and I want to end my life/suffering. Please advise.

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