
3 Ways to Get Things Done When You Don't Feel Like It

January 13, 2019 Brandy Eaklor

Getting things done when you don't feel like it can be more challenging than it sounds. Learn three ways to get things done when you don't feel like it at HealthyPlace.

Getting things done when you don't feel like it can be more challenging than it sounds. It is so easy to look at our to-do list and become paralyzed with anxiety. This happens to me more often than I would like, but when I catch myself, there are a few things I do that help me. Read this article to learn three ways to get things done when you don't feel like it.

Get Things Done When Your Energy Levels Are Highest

I don't get things done first thing in the morning, but it took me a long time to accept that I was not a morning person. My energy levels are at their highest around late afternoon and evening. Rather than forcing myself to get up early and tackle my to-do list, I spend some time in the morning waking my brain up naturally and then get things done when I'm feeling energized. Pay attention to your energy levels, and schedule a time to get things done during the timeframe that makes sense for you.

Unplug and Remove Distractions to Get Things Done

When we don't feel like doing tasks, we tend to distract ourselves with TV and social media. Once you determine the timeframe you will be getting things done, turn off the TV, shut your phone down, and focus on the tasks at hand ("The Power of Unplugging from Social Media"). If you're like me and need some sort of background noise, I highly suggest listening to a playlist that makes you feel good, a podcast you love, or an entertaining audiobook. This way, you can still stimulate your mind with entertainment while you work through the things you need to get done.

Force Yourself to Get Started When You Must Get Things Done

Motivation doesn't last. It comes and goes. Personally, I don't know if I have ever been particularly motivated to do mundane tasks. The best way to be motivated is to create long-lasting habits. If you want to start a new habit, then sometimes you have to force yourself a bit. Once you get started, you'll want to get the task over with. It becomes somewhat addicting because the more you get done the more gets lifted off of your plate. Remember how good it feels when you get everything done and let that excite you. 

Feeling unmotivated is completely natural, and we all feel this way from time to time. Give yourself some grace if you are a little behind.

Do you have any tips for getting things done when you don't feel like it? Leave them in the comments below.

APA Reference
Eaklor, B. (2019, January 13). 3 Ways to Get Things Done When You Don't Feel Like It, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 2 from

Author: Brandy Eaklor

Find Brandy on InstagramTwitterFacebook, and her blog.

Lizanne Corbit
January, 14 2019 at 5:17 pm

I love that this read addresses the anxiety that comes with to-do lists, they can certainly go together! I think it's a great point to acknowledge that distractions are indeed a factor (and something we need to address). If we're looking to get things done, set small manageable goals and then stick to one thing at a time. We can get too spun out if we try to do too much at once.

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