

Binge eating disorder can be a formidable challenge during the tumultuous teenage years, but having supportive parents can make a world of difference. Here’s how I managed to overcome binge eating with the unwavering support of my family.
Have you ever been busy doing something when a disturbing thought suddenly occurred to you and left you shocked? Does this happen frequently enough that your thoughts scare you? Don't worry, you are not losing your mind. Instead, you are probably having intrusive thoughts.
Fireworks are very bad for my schizoaffective anxiety. I wanted to write about my struggle because this post will be published on the Fourth of July, a holiday known for its fireworks. So let me tell you about how fireworks trigger my schizoaffective anxiety.
When you experience social anxiety, it can be challenging to make friends. But this can also lead to difficulty in life because, as indicated by research, social connections are important for one’s overall well-being.1
I've loved sharing my life, stories, and insights with HealthyPlace, but my time here is now coming to an end. Although moving on in any aspect of life is difficult, I've found the hardest part of moving on is making the decision to let go, especially if you enjoy what you're doing.
As we celebrate Independence Day, I find myself reflecting on the concept of freedom, particularly the freedom to cultivate self-esteem. Self-esteem, a crucial aspect of our mental well-being, is often overlooked, especially by those of us who have lived experience with mental health issues. Yet, this day serves as a powerful reminder that we have the freedom to make choices that can positively impact our self-esteem and our overall mental health. 
Being vulnerable does not come naturally to me (in fact, it downright scares me), but I am learning to confront this fear and explore the art of vulnerability in eating disorder recovery. As I grow in self-awareness, I have realized that I know how to be authentic, courageous, honest, and outspoken—but my most tender, vulnerable parts remain securely under wraps. While I believe it's incumbent on all of us to protect our hearts when necessary, I am tired of living with a self-imposed fortress built around my heart. Sure, there is an element of risk in dismantling these walls. I could re-expose myself to the rejection I fought so hard to overcome. Hesitations aside, though, I want to embrace the art of vulnerability in eating disorder recovery.
There is an intersection between men's mental health and addiction. June is Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month. Having walked the tough road of gambling addiction recovery, I feel it would be a great injustice not to address one of the most pressing issues—gambling addiction and its profound impact on men's mental health.
"I love when you laugh." It was a simple statement by my oldest daughter as we giggled while I cuddled her before bed. It hit me to the core. I hadn't laughed with her like that in a long time -- especially not at bedtime, the most stressful time of the day. At that moment I realized just how much my chronic anxiety had been impacting my sweet girl. 
It's 2024, yet the very idea that it is good for men to talk about their feelings is frowned upon. Traditional notions of masculinity discourage emotional expression, with anger being the only "acceptable" emotion for men to express. As a daughter, partner, and friend, I have seen how these toxic social expectations cause men to struggle in silence. As a mental health advocate, I believe that changing this narrative is crucial for supporting men's mental health. Men need to talk about their feelings.

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Dawn Gressard
Hey John,

I'm so sorry you're in this type of situation! I have been in very similar shoes -- recently, in fact. Honestly, it sounds like your boss is the problem, not you. I'm not a counselor, but I feel a lot of your depression and anxiety is also because of your boss. I get it; you can't just go up and leave because of adult responsibilities. Then there's looking for a job - that is the worst. I am almost 50 and have been searching for a new job with, like you, not even a nibble. It can be so aggravating and depressing, for sure. some of my darkest days have been precipitated by career and job-hunting frustration. The one thing I can say is to keep going and walk away from the job sites when needed, even if it is for a couple of days. This helps some people get their minds refocused and not as emotional. I wish you all the luck in the world and know you are certainly not alone.
That's not the point. Meds and dosage is never the same. Doctors should start at a base line and record results of modifications until the best results are achieved. Work with your doctor if you're not seeing the results you had hoped for.
Struggling mom
I survived 15 years of just about any abuse u can think of from my husband he almost killed me. Now im free but im suffering from the abuse from my 13 year old son. Ive reached out to everyone. Theres no community mental or behavior health available in my area. The juvenile officer says its my fault and i should control my child. The police say they cant do anything, thr hospitals nolonger will even admit him, the mental health facilities wont even take him no more because thry say its not helping,school isnt any help and they say the medication wont help and i think it actually is just making him worse. Hes tormenting me daily, he has destroyed every home, now we live at my moms who now wants us to leave because he tares everything up, he has the bedroom and i have to sleep in a hot garage, cant take another min of it.
Alcoholism runs in my family. My mother is an alcoholic have me stressed out as a child so what do I do? I follow her footsteps. I seriously need a drinking like I can drink every day wine liquor. I’ve gotten the DUI before I’ve gotten into arguments with people I, just do the most irrational things and I’m tired of apologizing for my behavior that never seems to get better but only get worse and I have to be an adult and realize the drama and trauma. I’m putting myself in loved ones as well. I believe my friend was yesterday. I was at a Fourth of July barbecue, and I was already drinking before I even arrived , we drink tequila and I had a few mixed drinks wasn’t eating much and boom. I’m drunk. I have a best friend my love dearly like like a sister and she’s had to tell me on several occasions how I’ve made her feel uncomfortable by perhaps touching her or doing something out of line and I’m always apologetic lying telling her im Go to watch my drinking monitor my drinking it never happens. I don’t remember much of yesterday I don’t know if I was annoying her, but she had bent over to tie her shoe and I don’t know if I touched her shoulder or her back or maybe I snapped her string on top. I don’t know stop and I did stop, but she probably was just annoyed throughout the whole day Were supposed to watch fireworks and she ended up leaving and not coming back. I haven’t heard from her at all today. She just recently snapped on me for an incident that I did last weekend. I don’t recall grabbing her neck and she’s telling me not to touch her and I’m like, but I don’t wanna Touch her like that opposite of me and I hate for someone to make me feel uncomfortable so why would I do that to someone that I love but I totally oblivious to these things if that makes sense just to point now. I am just sad and sick by my behavior and the way that I make someone that I care about feel like . It’s so wrong I don’t wanna hurt her, but I always end up doing it at least most of the time so based on yesterday I don’t know I’m just gonna quit. I don’t even know if she’s willing to talk to me. She’s probably just tired of saying the same thing and I understand, I don’t want to understand if people keep violating your wishes and she said she felt lightweight and that made me feel bad and I’m just like why can’t I respect peoples wishes and boundaries when I’m drinking like that is just insane to me I had a crush that was at the barbecue with me and we were pretty touchy Philly at the friends house. That’s also embarrassing to me because that’s totally not even my character but That’s what happened and I’m just like this has to stop it stops with me. I don’t even wanna tell anybody that I’m gonna quit. I’m just gonna quit. I just have to because it’s never gonna get better. It’s only gonna get worse and I don’t need any consequences other than the ones that I’m facing based on me and my drinking habit . I feel so terrible for not respecting my best friends boundaries. I don’t even know if we are friends after this. I’m just gonna give it to God and refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages so I can remember and be accountable as an adult.
Sean Gunderson
Wonderful! Thanks for turning to my blog for learning more about cultivating self-esteem