

At various points in my life, boosting self-esteem has been a challenge for me, particularly as someone with lived experience with mental health issues. It is a complex and deeply personal journey that often feels like two steps forward and one step back. However, I have found that trying new activities can be an incredibly effective way to nurture and strengthen self-esteem. Whether it's a hobby, sport, or creative pursuit, stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing new experiences has played a crucial role in building my self-esteem and my overall well-being. 
The other day, as I sat by the window, I noticed a mother and her toddler stomping around in the fresh rain puddles in the apartment complex's parking lot. Before I realized it, a big smile spread across my face. Watching them laugh and run around made my heart happy. I realized it could be the little things that help get me through the day.
As someone who has struggled with guilt in gambling addiction recovery, I understand the overwhelming feelings of remorse and shame that can linger long after we've decided to quit gambling. I have also learned that guilt doesn't have to define our recovery. With the right strategies and support, it's possible to heal from the wounds of the past and move forward. In this article, I'll be sharing with you how to overcome guilt in your gambling recovery journey.
When it comes to setting appointments for the doctor, dentist, etc., anxiety can hold me back from getting it done. It seems like such a simple task but it can be extremely overwhelming. I can't let anxiety keep me from doing what needs to be done, so I have found a few things to help me when it comes to managing anxiety and setting appointments.
Do you often try to turn someone's frown upside down or calm down an angry person? If your answer to both questions is yes, you are probably a kind and caring individual. And that's great because if the world needs more of anything, it's considerate folks. That said, you need to know that you are not responsible for managing other people's feelings. Here's why.  
I've often felt left out of life. In fact, I often say I'm an alien. It's not because I'm green or have bug eyes; it's because my experience of life is so radically different from that of your average person. I'm obviously not the only one. People with serious mental illness (or other chronic illnesses) often feel left out of life. I'm going to take a look at why this is and how we can feel more included.
I've found that relaxation techniques can help my anxiety. During times of intense anxiety, I regularly experience a racing heart, worried thoughts, and quick breathing. It can leave me feeling helpless and out of control. That's why I find easy relaxation techniques to be so beneficial in helping me regain a sense of calm. More importantly, realizing that I can control my anxiety by using specific techniques has empowered me to feel more capable of managing my worries long-term. Learn more about how I help my anxiety with relaxation techniques.
Overcoming codependency is a significant milestone in anyone's journey. Growing up, I felt like my emotions were too complex, strong, or nuanced to share. The community I was raised in didn't encourage open emotional expression, so I kept my feelings to myself. This environment is particularly detrimental for someone with borderline personality disorder (BPD), where the ability to express and validate emotions is crucial for mental stability and self-understanding. But I've found I can overcome codependency.
Binge eating disorder can be a formidable challenge during the tumultuous teenage years, but having supportive parents can make a world of difference. Here's how I managed to overcome binge eating with the unwavering support of my parents.
Do your thoughts scare you? Have you ever been busy doing something when a disturbing thought suddenly occurred to you and left you shocked? Does this happen frequently? Don't worry, you are not losing your mind. Instead, the thoughts that scare you are probably intrusive thoughts.

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Actually Clara, theres no such thing as a videogame addiction. You sound like a bot trying to convince healthy people their hobbies are a symptom of a disease so they become paying customers in a fake disease treatment scam therapists, WHO and chinese gov want to make money on.

Theres quackery out there and treating fake diseases is quite a big part of it.
Hello all, I was in a 19 year marriage with someone who emotionally and verbally abused me. And my daughter. I woke up slowly as to what was happening to me. I got involved with my local church. I spent time with people who I wound up helping and seeing their response to me really helped me realize what my situation was. The reason is the people in my church community reflect Gods love for me. I started to realize I am not who I think I am. Not at all. I am a loved child of the most high God. Who loves me so much He sacrificed His only Son for me. For all of us. I started to sense the Holy Spirit inside my heart. I started to feel what true freedom means. The situation at home was very difficult for my heart and mind to understand. But God. I share this for anyone who struggles with who they are before and after they leave. You are a loved child of the most high God. When I started to be curious about the nature of God and how He is seeking a relationship with me. Over time I noticed my heart which was hardened from the years of being treated so poorly. My heart because like a stone. But when I started to know Gods will for me, my heart started to soften. And expand and rest. Truly rest. For me I had to die to leave my situation. Die in the sense of my identity as to who I thought I was. And be reborn as a loved child of God. I read the Bible with new perceptions and the Spirit drew me out. He told me where to go. What to do and when to rest. Doors opened I did not think possible. My daughter chose to reject me and stay with her father. But even that I know will be restored as she begins to know the things that she struggles with are symptoms of something greater than she is.

It is important to realize that I am not the sum of my parts. I am not what this person did to me. I am not the mistakes I made. Or the self hatred that kept me in a place.

I am loved by God and He knows who I am. I hang out with people who seek similar healing and when a boundary is crossed all I do is pray and let myself be led by Holy Spirit.

There is something much greater than all of this. I learned I can have a life in Christ in complete freedom from any of this mess I was in. He died to set me free. He did that for me. He did that for all of us. And all we have to do is believe.

His is an upside down kingdom. The last will be first and some of the first will be last.

I pray he will restore my daughter. I pray my ex husband will learn to love Jesus in his own way. I pray for him not with my messed up old ways but with the love of God agape. Selfless love. Amen.
It is invariably the case that I see most things differently from other people. Instead of inviting arguments, prying questions or other annoying interactions regarding my views, I just listen to them - not because I particularly care what they think - but more to avoid having to say anything. In today’s shallow, utterly vapid society, engaging with most people is a complete waste of time so I don’t bother trying to socialize.
I'm 15 and yesterday my mom did a few things that angered me and instead of talking to her about it like a civilized human being, I was off the charts out of line. I was very disrespectful, I was very upset with myself, so I started praying to God that he would take me away from my family because they're good people who don't deserve an awful daughter. I often slapped or pinched myself when I was mad and there was a time where I didn't put on body cream after a shower because I knew it would really harm my skin and hurt me because I had sensitive skin and then yesterday, I took a nail clipper and glided the sharp part against my skin so I can feel the pain of the mistakes I made. And since the age of twelve I would pray that God would take me away so that I wouldn't make mistakes anymore. I'm not suicidal and I don't want to be a horrible person. But often times I let my emotions get the best of me, and I tried to go to sleep to calm myself and I'm awake and certainly calmer but I'm feeling this abundance amount of guilt. And I'm now avoiding my mom afraid I'll mess up or again or that I'll never be loved again. I no longer have any idea on what to do.
Norma Greenwood
I have struggled with getting lost all my life . I am left handed but was forced to use my right hand as a chikd and always blamed thus for my poor sense of direction. I hate the insecure feeling that comes with nit being sure of which way to find The restroom. exit i
I’ve always made a joke of it, but i It really runs my life since I’m a person who loves Travel and exploring new places.