
Coping with Anxiety Caused by Mental Health Stigma

October 23, 2016 Leif Gregersen

Anxiety caused by mental health stigma requires unique coping skills but overcoming it is possible. Mental health stigma can cause us to question ourselves. One of the ways this mental health stigma causes anxiety when we question ourselves is when we become aware of many little issues that really mean nothing. Over time, this overthinking can lead to anxiety. In other cases, people may be prone to anxiety, to begin with, perhaps because of simple genetics or a past history of many things from bullying to abuse. Then, when mental health symptoms occur, anxiety manifests itself. Anxiety caused by mental health stigma can cause people to stutter, or have hand tremors, pace, or even just feel uncomfortable. In extreme cases, panic attacks can come about when we are under this kind of stress. Anxiety comes in many forms, and it is important to understand how it affects you so you can cope with it and arm yourself against the anxiety mental health stigma can cause. To do this, a good first step is to learn how anxiety treatment can help. It also won't hurt to take a short anxiety test. If your quiz results show anxiety (due to mental health stigma or any anxiety cause), your mental health team, which includes any counselors, psychologists, nurses or psychiatrists you see, should be able to help you address it.

Mental Health Stigma Can Create or Worsen Anxiety

Facing mental health stigma without anxiety coping skills is crippling. Read this to find ways cope with anxiety caused by mental health stigma or otherwise.

Anyone with a mental health condition has memories they often wish they could forget. Sometimes even friends and loved ones can remind of us these times and we end up worrying this will happen again. Worrying about things that we have no control over and racing thoughts show a need for anxiety coping skills (11 Activities To Get Rid of Anxiety).

Some of these coping skills can be as simple as:

  • A hot bath
  • A long walk
  • Some relaxing time spent with someone who doesn't judge you
  • Time spent on your own

Advanced Mental Health Stigma Anxiety Coping Skills

Many people with mental health issues that cause anxiety and the stigma we are trying to cope with will need more help. Sometimes these people will need such things as medication, which your psychiatrist will have to help you with putting in place.

Also look for support groups and psychologists or counselors that can help you identify your anxiety triggers and deal with the mental health stigma that is causing you to overthink or worry. You can often go online or contact your nearest mental health clinic to find out about resources (How to Find Mental Health Services in Your Area).

Video on Anxiety Coping Skills for Dealing With Mental Health Stigma


The important thing to remember is that anxiety doesn't have to be something you will deal with forever. There are many coping skills and treatments for anxiety. Most of them can help you grow as a person and get through these difficult times. You don't have to change the world in just one day. Be easy on yourself: set small goals that you can reach each day, push yourself past your anxiety by trying to talk to one new person, or do one new thing. Don't let small setbacks stop you completely. Before you know it, your life will have improved significantly.

Find Leif on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and on his blog.

APA Reference
Gregersen, L. (2016, October 23). Coping with Anxiety Caused by Mental Health Stigma, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 6 from

Author: Leif Gregersen

Zee Malvern
October, 30 2016 at 6:31 am

Thank you for your well thought out article. I do find that stigma creates a wealth of problems, including heightening my anxiety. It is quite unfair and I am hopeful it will change one day. Thank you also for the coping tips. I do think it is critically important that we set goals we can reach every day. Otherwise it will become too overwhelming. I have found that running helps calm my anxiety quite a bit. Anything which is distracting in nature tends to help.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

October, 30 2016 at 7:44 am

running and any form of exercise can be great, they are natural stress reducers. My problem was that when I was younger I ran long distances and actually damaged my knees from it. I still love to exercise, but I swim now. I find that when I can do a few laps, get out my frustrations and have time to think things through I feel so much better. I also greatly enjoy the pool because I can sit in the hot tub or sauna as long as I want.

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