
A Little Hope Can Go A Long Way

January 30, 2013 Heiddi Zalamar, LMHC, MA

A little hope can go a long way. In my parenting journey with Bob, there were many times when I lost hope. On days when all I wanted to do was cry - cry for Bob who was brilliant, but couldn't focus long enough to complete a test; cry because it took him three to four hours a day to complete homework. Or cry simply because I was his mother and felt helpless.

[caption id="attachment_1759" align="alignleft" width="170" caption="A little hope goes a long way"]A little hope goes a long way[/caption]

Hopeful Mom-to-be

Merriam-Webster defines hope as "to cherish a desire with anticipation." I hoped for so much. When I was pregnant, I was so excited. All I hoped for was a healthy baby with ten fingers and toes.

Dark Times

In dark moments of sadness over Bob's diagnosis, I hoped to see the next moment. I'd pray just to get to the next minute; the next morning; the next day. Just a little hope that the next bit of my life would be okay and better than what I was experiencing in the moment.

How a Little Hope Helped Me

That same bit of hope helped me to be strong when I wanted to fall apart and be patient with Bob when I didn't think I had any left to use. Sometimes, the little bit of hope looked like a rope. A small, tattered rope that I desperately held on to. Because the suffering of a parent of a child with mental illness sometimes is desperate. I know that just as I suffered not knowing how to help Bob or worse, knowing how to help him, but being in denial about it - Bob also suffered. Talk about frustration. A little hope brought us a very long way. From those extremely dark times to today when life isn't perfect and neither one of us expects it anymore.

Hope for all Parents

My hope for you readers today is to know that the last rope your cling to; the last shred of strength is the hope that will bring you from this dark moment to the next one. Earvin (Magic) Johnson said it well: "All kids need is a little help, a little hope and someone who believes in them." Though I'd change it to "all kids and parents" - because parents also need a little hope. And to know they are not alone.

Have a great day!

Quote source provided by The Little Giant Encyclopedia of Inspirational Quotes by Wendy Toliver.

Manny Hernandez via photopin

APA Reference
Zalamar, H. (2013, January 30). A Little Hope Can Go A Long Way, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 2 from

Author: Heiddi Zalamar, LMHC, MA

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