
The Power of Saying 'No'

April 22, 2020 Michael Bjorn Huseby

Have you heard about the power of saying "no?" It's an important lesson to learn as many of us are busier than ever. Both at work and in our personal lives, we juggle countless obligations, hoping to please everyone. However, when we agree to take on too many responsibilities, we end up spreading ourselves too thin. Instead of doing a few things well, we only achieve average results. Here, we're going to discuss the power of honing focus on just a few priorities. In order to focus, we have to appreciate the power of saying "no."

The Power of Saying 'No' at Work

The modern workplace is competitive. Especially now that the economy is in flux due to COVID-19, we want to do everything we can to set ourselves apart. One strategy to please your supervisors is to accept as much work as they can give you. While this strategy might work in the short-term, you may start to burn out over time. By staying up late to finish heaps of assignments, you'll lose focus and start producing lower-quality work. Plus, you'll start resenting your job, losing motivation in the process. 

Instead of taking on every assignment under the sun, try to consciously monitor your workload and reject work if you're too busy. Say you'd love to help out, but you have too much on your plate. Your supervisor will value your honesty. Plus, by setting boundaries, you're more likely to enjoy your work and perform better. Everybody wins. 

The Power of Saying 'No' to Friends and Family 

You might find it even more challenging to turn down your friends and family. The fear of missing out and the guilt of letting down people you love may cause you to agree to too much. If you're constantly working hard and going out all the time, you may start to neglect your health. If you don't take the time to relax and recharge, you can't be fully present with your loved ones. 

Like with work, the answer is to politely decline an invitation if you're too busy. Assuming you actually do want to spend time with the person, schedule a get-together in the future when you don't have so much on your plate. Your loved ones would rather spend time with you when you're refreshed and present, not when you're exhausted and checking your phone every five minutes for work emails. 

The Power of Prioritization

Once you learn the power of saying "no," you free up time to focus on what really matters. Examples of top priorities might include artistic hobbies, exercise, and quality time with your closest friends and family. Saying "no" might take some getting used to, but you'll end up forming deeper relationships, excelling at your passions, and taking the time to stay healthy. 

Are you familiar with the power of saying "no?" How has saying "no" more often impacted your life? Share your thoughts below.

APA Reference
Bjorn, M. (2020, April 22). The Power of Saying 'No', HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 2 from

Author: Michael Bjorn Huseby

Find Michael on Facebook, InstagramLinkedInMedium and his blog

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