
Coronavirus Good News and My Mental Health

May 10, 2020 Natasha Tracy

Luckily, coronavirus good news has finally made its way into the media. I'm finally seeing signs that the COVID-19 pandemic is easing in some places. This, of course, means the lockdowns that have taken place all over the world are now calming as well. Hearing this good news about the coronavirus has had a significant effect on my mental health.

Coronavirus Good News

Last week, I heard that New Zealand has basically eradicated COVID-19. People are talking about how New Zealand has actually eliminated it from their population after weeks of the strictest restraints on the population in modern history.

"On Tuesday, the country eased into a less restrictive lockdown, with 400,000 more New Zealanders heading back to work and 75% of the country's economy operating . . . New Zealanders will be able to hold small funerals and buy takeaways."1

When I heard this good coronavirus news in my daily Google briefing, I actually felt a small amount of anxiety leave my body. It was like finally exhaling after holding my breath for weeks. Of course, I don't live in New Zealand, so their good news isn't about me, per se, but just knowing that a country had been so successful at getting rid of the pandemic made me feel extremely hopeful.

As for where I live, in British Columbia, we have our own good news right now. Because we've been so successful at flattening the curve, we're opening many types of businesses starting in about a week. We're also now going to allow for gatherings of six people.2 This means I'm finally going to get too see my bipolar support system again in person. This good coronavirus news loosened a knot at my solar plexus I think I've been carrying around since March. My coronavirus anxiety lessened in that moment.

Good Coronavirus News Is Good for My Mental Health

I know the vast majority of people have not been enjoying the isolation of the coronavirus lockdown -- myself included. I knew that when things eased, I would be grateful, and, of course, I am. What I didn't realize, though, was that this good news about COVID-19 -- even from New Zealand -- instantly took just a little bit of weight off of my shoulders. And the fascinating thing for me is that it released tension in me I didn't even know was there. I couldn't have pointed out the knot at my solar plexus prior to the news, and yet now, it's so obvious that I can finally breathe better.

So I think there are two lessons here. The first lesson is not to underestimate the mental and physical effects of such a stressful situation. Even if you don't consciously feel the stress, it absolutely is there and is affecting you.

The second lesson is one that I tell people all the time: change is constant. We all know that the lockdown restraints are temporary. We all know we will be able to do what we once did, eventually. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't feel endless. But it's critical to remember that our circumstances will change -- because they always do -- and our mental state will change -- because it always does.

Here's a video on the importance of focusing on the positive coronavirus news:


  1. Hollingsworth, J., "How New Zealand 'Eliminated' COVID-19 After Weeks of Lockdown." CTV News, April 28, 2020.
  2. Weichel, A., Sajan, B., "From haircuts to dinner parties: B.C. unveils plan for easing COVID-19 restrictions." CTV News, May 6, 2020.

APA Reference
Tracy, N. (2020, May 10). Coronavirus Good News and My Mental Health, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 21 from

Author: Natasha Tracy

Natasha Tracy is a renowned speaker, award-winning advocate, and author of Lost Marbles: Insights into My Life with Depression & Bipolar. She also hosted the podcast Snap Out of It! The Mental Illness in the Workplace Podcast.

Natasha will be unveiling a new book, Bipolar Rules! Hacks to Live Successfully with Bipolar Disorder, late 2024.

Find Natasha Tracy here as well as on X, InstagramFacebook, Threads, and YouTube.

August, 16 2020 at 3:22 pm

There’s often truisms in comedy that are both funny and sad... Comedian Bill Mayer recently did a mock eulogy of President Donald Trump (you can look it up yourself on line). I know President Trump read it because he twitted about it
Recently Donald Trump’s brother Robert died Aug 15, 2020 in a New York city hospital. A city in USA with the highest number of recorded COVID19 cases.
There is wide speculation that he died of complications due to COVID19. Whether he did or not I doubt we (the public) will ever be told the truth or know for certain.
What I find more interesting though is that Trump considered his brother to be best friend. By Donald’s own admission he had a good relationship with his brother and will in all likelihood attend his funeral. Hmm... what kind of person do you have to be to have a good relationship with a narcissist? (Not meant to be sarcastic). I wonder what President Trump will learn about himself and reflect on after attending his brother’s funeral?
My hope is that there’s a silver lining in it for all of us

May, 15 2020 at 9:19 am

I realize Trump’s infamous words “Your Fired” from his TV show The Apprentice are probably not sitting very well right now with most American’s. I totally get everybody’s yearning to return to work. But believe me when I say there will definitely be a second and possibly third wave of this COVID19 pandemic coming. All you have to do is look to see what is happening with other countries around the world to know what I am saying is true. Your president needs to heed the warnings of your top Dr Anthony Fauci and, go slow, proceed with the utmost caution for the greater good of us all!!! If he doesn’t, maybe it’s time for your country to finally wake up and say to President Trump , “YOU’RE Fired” in the next election

May, 14 2020 at 8:35 am

Well Bob,
We don’t want Americans, or anybody else for that matter, sick with COVID19 coming into our country and infecting us, period! The USA has had more deaths due to COVID19 than any other country in the world!!! The fact that Trump was wanting to set up USA military at the USA/Canada border to keep Canadian out due to COVID19 is laughable!!! He is always looking to blame others for his mistakes!!! This time the egg is obviously on his face, not ours!!! While money may make the world go round you can’t take it with you when you’re DEAD now can you!!!

May, 13 2020 at 8:43 am

Trump is first and foremost a businessman who treats his own staff poorly, silencing anyone who does not prop up his fragile ego. He takes no responsibility for his own mistakes. He is blatantly misogynistic and racist. The fact that he didn’t understand why he got laughed at while making his speech at the UN shows that he is also lacking self awareness. And in my opinion he will never win an award for humanitarian because he is too much of a narcissistic for that. Throwing out rolls of paper towel to Puerto Rico during their time of crisis was antagonistically shameful.

May, 13 2020 at 12:45 am

nstead of “making USA great again” he is gonna make it a whole lot worse. He’s focusing on all the wrong things!!! Beyond testing, which he keeps boasting about, what else is he actually doing to support his people during this pandemic??? Seems to me he is always criticizing President Obama’s past efforts yet Trump himself failed miserably to pass a better system of healthcare! while in office.

May, 12 2020 at 11:56 pm

While I fully understand your optimism, I live in B.C. too and as you know we have done quite well in keeping our COVID 19 numbers relatively low in relation to the rest of our country. We’ve also done a great job at flattening the curve earlier than most of the other provinces... thank you Dr Bonnie Henry!!!
Australia’s population is roughly 25 M and it’s neighbour New Zealand has approx 5 M = 30 M combined. That number is pretty close close to Canada’s population. They also both have an excellent healthcare system, especially mental healthcare! Fortunately for them they don’t share a 8,891 KM land border with their neighbour like we do here in Canada with USA.
Canada has a population of approx 37 M. For others who may not be aware, Montreal, Quebec, Toronto, Ontario, and Vancouver, British Columbia are the 3 largest cities in Canada. Quebec has had the largest number of COVID 19 cases. Ontario beside it has had the second largest number of cases and also shares a border with New York, USA. New York also the largest number of COVID 19 cases & deaths in the USA. What scares me the most is opening our borders again to the USA which overall has had more deaths due to COVID 19 than anywhere else in the world! They also have a population of 328 M, nearly 9 x that of Canada. And while Canada has an affordable healthcare system, the USA definitely does not!
I strongly believe the USA is making a grave mistake lifting their COVID 19 restrictions far too early, before they have truly flattened their curve. They are putting all of North America at greater risk, potentially dragging Canada down with them!!! .
I wonder how President Trump would feel if either he or a member of his immediate family became gravely ill due to COVID 19. Seems to me he is more concerned about money than he is about taking care of his fellow citizens!!! Shame on you Mr Trump.

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